Afficher/cacher Sommaire
Blog statique de type jekyll
CLONER un thème de blog jekyll dans “basicblog”
Les droits sur le dossier
sudo chown $USER. -R /srv/basicblog
Lancement “bundle” dans le dossier /srv/basicblog
cd /srv/basicblog
bundle install
En cas d’erreur “Following files may not be writable …“
Using concurrent-ruby 1.1.5
Following files may not be writable, so sudo is needed:
En cas d’erreur, il faut modifier les droits
sudo chown root.staff -R /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/
sudo chmod 775 -R /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/
sudo usermod -a -G staff $USER
Créer service basicblog
Le script /srv/ contenu dans le service
#lancement basicblog
cd /srv/basicblog/
# Attente et construction
/usr/local/bin/bundle exec jekyll build --watch
Droits sur le bash
sudo chown $USER. /srv/
chmod +x /srv/
Pour lancer le serveur basicblog au démarrage, utilisation d’un service systemd
ATTENTION! , remplacer User=utilisateur par votre nom d’utilisateur (echo $USER)
Création d’un service basicblog sous systemd
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/basicblog.service
Contenu du fichier
Description=basicblog Service
ExecStart=/bin/sh /srv/
Lancer le service basicblog :
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start basicblog
# Valider le lancement du service basicblog au démarrage
sudo systemctl enable basicblog
sudo systemctl status basicblog
basicblog génére un dossier statique /srv/basicblog/_site
Pour un accès via le lien, il faut modifier le dossier “root” du site pour qu’il pointe sur **/srv/basicblog/site**
Le dossier “root” actuel est /var/www/webapp_yannick/
On le déplace sudo mv /var/www/webapp_yannick/blog.cinay.xyz_/ .
ou efface : sudo rm -r /var/www/webapp_yannick/blog.cinay.xyz_/
Créer le lien avec le dossier /srv/basicblog/_site du site statique
sudo ln -s /srv/basicblog/_site /var/www/webapp_yannick/blog.cinay.xyz_
Accès site statique
Changer de thème
Les différents thèmes jekyll qui seront testés doivent respecter la procédure suivante
- Si un thème présent, il faut le supprimer ou le sauvegarder
sudo rm -r /srv/basicblog
ousudo mv /srv/basicblog .
- Les thèmes seront “clonés” en /srv/basicblog
ex:git clone /srv/basicblog
- Aller au dossier :
cd /srv/basicblog
- Effacer le .lock :
rm Gemfile.lock
- Installer :
bundle install
- Redémarrer le service
sudo systemctl restart basicblog
- Les thèmes seront “clonés” en /srv/basicblog
Tester le nouveau thème
Personalisation thème, style et plugins
Image dans le répertoire “images”
Définir une constante pour le fichier image favicon_ico: ym01.png
dans le fichier _config.yml
Modifier le fichier _includes/default.html
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/images/">
jekyll-toc : Un plugin de filtrage pour Jekyll qui génère une table des matières.
Ajouter le plugin jekyll-toc dans le Gemfile de votre site.
gem install jekyll-toc
Ajouter la ligne suivante au fichier Gemfile:
gem 'jekyll-toc'
Et ajouter le jekyll-toc au fichier _config.yml de votre site.
- jekyll-toc
toc: true` dans vos publications (posts).
layout: article
title: "Welcome to Jekyll!"
toc: true
Ajouter en fin du fichier assets/css/style.css
.section-nav {
background-color: #FFF;
margin: 5px 0;
padding: 10px 30px;
border-radius: 3px;
.toc-entry.toc-h1 { list-style-type: none;}
.toc-entry.toc-h2 { padding-left: 15px; list-style-type: none;}
.toc-entry.toc-h3 { padding-left: 30px; list-style-type: none;}
.toc-entry.toc-h4 { padding-left: 45px; list-style-type: none;}
.toc-entry.toc-h5 { padding-left: 60px; list-style-type: none;}
.toc-entry.toc-h6 { padding-left: 75px; list-style-type: none;}
Actualiser l’installation
bundle update
Il y a trois filtres liquid disponibles aujourd’hui, qui devraient tous être appliqué à un contenu HTML, par exemple le contenu de la variable liquid disponible dans les modèles de Jekyll.
Utilisation de base (PAR DEFAUT)
filtre toc
Remplacer {{ content }} par {{ content | toc }} dans le fichier _includes/post.html
Ce filtre met la table des matières directement au-dessus du contenu.
Modifier la ligne 42 dans le fichier _includes/post.html
<div class="article_body">
<!-- {{ content | toc }} -->
Relancer le service
sudo systemctl restart basicblog
Utilisation avancée
Si vous souhaitez séparer le TOC et son contenu, vous pouvez utiliser les filtres toc_only
et inject_anchors
**filtre **toc_only
Génère le TOC lui-même comme décrit ci-dessous. Surtout utile dans les cas où la table des matières ne doit pas être placée immédiatement au-dessus du contenu, mais à un autre endroit de la page, à savoir un côté.
filtre inject_anchors
Injecte les “ancres” HTML dans le contenu sans réellement créer la table des matières elle-même. Ils sont de la forme:
<a id="heading11" class="anchor" href="#heading1-1" aria-hidden="true">
<span class="octicon octicon-link"></span>
Ceci est seulement utile lorsque le TOC lui-même doit être placé à un autre endroit avec le filtre toc_only
Ajout d’un champ date de modification
Champ date de modification , ajouter la ligne suivante au fichier Gemfile
gem 'jekyll-last-modified-at'
Mise à jour
bundle update
Coder en dur last_modified_at
sur chaque billet
layout: post
title: "An awesome blog post"
create: 2019-12-23
modif: 2019-03-25 8:30:00 +0000
Je veux seulement spécifier last_modified_at
si le post est en cours de mise à jour. Lorsque j’écris un nouveau message, je laisse ce champ vide. Afin de faire ce travail, j’ai ajouté une logique conditionnelle au modèle de publication.
Avec cette disposition en place, j’ai ajouté la logique conditionnelle:
{%- assign date_format = site.minima.date_format | default: '%b %-d, %Y' -%}
{%- if page.last_modified_at -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
Si la publication a une date last_modified_at
elle sera affichée, sinon elle affichera la date de publication d’origine.
Dans mon cas, je veux afficher la date last_modified_at en haut du post et avoir également la date de publication d’origine en bas. De cette façon, les lecteurs savent si le message a été mis à jour récemment et aussi la date de sa publication initiale. Mon fichier de disposition de publication ressemble à ceci:
layout: default
<article class="post h-entry" itemscope itemtype="">
<header class="post-header">
<h1 class="post-title p-name" itemprop="name headline">{{ page.title | escape }}</h1>
<p class="post-meta">
<time class="dt-published" datetime="{{ | date_to_xmlschema }}" itemprop="datePublished">
{%- assign date_format = site.minima.date_format | default: '%b %-d, %Y' -%}
{%- if page.last_modified_at -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if -%}
• <span itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""><span class="p-author h-card" itemprop="name">{{ | escape }}</span></span>
{%- endif -%}
<div class="post-content e-content" itemprop="articleBody">
{{ content }}
<p class="post-meta">
<time class="dt-published" datetime="{{ | date_to_xmlschema }}" itemprop="datePublished">
{%- if site.disqus.shortname -%}
{%- include disqus_comments.html -%}
{%- endif -%}
<a class="u-url" href="{{ page.url | relative_url }}" hidden></a>
Ajoutez Syntax Highlighting à votre site Jekyll avec Rouge
La mise en évidence de la syntaxe est importante (en particulier pour la programmation de blogs) car elle améliore la lisibilité des articles. Il permet aux lecteurs de localiser rapidement les extraits de code (qui sont généralement la raison pour laquelle les gens visitent votre page en premier lieu) dont ils ont besoin.
Rouge est un surligneur de syntaxe pur rubis et a été le surligneur par défaut pour Jekyll depuis Jekyll 3 (en remplacement des pygments). Vous pouvez ajouter la syntaxe highlihting en utilisant rouge à votre site Jekyll en quelques étapes seulement.
1 - Installez les gemmes kramdown et rouge
Assurez-vous que les gemmes kramdown et rouge sont installées.
gem install kramdown rouge
2 - Modifiez vos paramètres _config.yml
Ajoutez les lignes suivantes à votre fichier _config.yml si elles ne s’y trouvent pas déjà.
markdown: kramdown
input: GFM
syntax_highlighter: rouge
Si cela ne fonctionne pas, vous pouvez essayer:
markdown: kramdown
highlighter: rouge
Par expérience, mes temps de génération lors de l’utilisation de la première option sont généralement plus rapides.
3 - Créez un fichier css pour le style de surbrillance que vous souhaitez
Rouge est intégré à rougify , un outil en ligne de commande qui convertit un thème de style en fichier css.
Vous pouvez voir les thèmes disponibles en entrant:
rougify help style
Depuis rouge 1.11.1, les thèmes disponibles sont:
base16, base16.dark, base16.monokai, base16.monokai.light, base16.solarized, base16.solarized.dark, coloré, github, gruvbox, gruvbox.light, molokai, monokai, monokai.sublime, thankful_eyes
Par exemple, si vous souhaitez utiliser le thème monokai, vous devez d’abord créer un fichier css dans votre dossier css à l’aide de rougify:
rougify style monokai > /path/to/css/file.css
Le répertoire habituel pour les fichiers css est assets / css tandis que le nom habituel pour le fichier css est syntax.css donc à partir de votre racine, vous pouvez taper:
rougify style monokai > assets/css/syntax.css
N’oubliez pas ensuite d’inclure la feuille de style dans votre modèle HTML (généralement dans <head> </head>
<link href= "path-to-syntax-highlighter-stylesheet" rel= "stylesheet" >
Si vous avez enregistré la feuille de style du surligneur de syntaxe en tant que assets/css/syntax.css, vous pouvez ajouter les éléments suivants dans votre modèle HTML nommé _include/default.html:
<link href= "/assets/css/syntax.css" rel= "stylesheet" >
<link href="/assets/css/syntax.css" rel="stylesheet">
4 - Ajoutez une coloration syntaxique à vos articles
Si vous utilisez markdown pour créer vos publications, vous pouvez ajouter une coloration syntaxique en joignant l’extrait de code précédé er suivi de trois backticks (
`` `).
De plus, vous pouvez définir la langue de l’extrait de code après les trois backticks d’ouverture.
Par exemple, si vous souhaitez mettre en évidence du code python
def function():
Vous pouvez vérifier les langues prises en charge en entrant:
rougify list
5 - Que faire si je veux afficher (
`` `) dans mes blocs de code?
Disons que vous voulez afficher ` ` dans votre bloc de code
Ce que vous devez faire est de mettre en retrait le `
` dans votre fichier markdown d’au moins 4 espaces.
The line below is indented by at least 4 spaces.
def function():
- Comment puis-je faire fonctionner des blocs de code ou des extraits de code dans les listes GFM (Github Flavored Markdown)?
Les blocs de code peuvent parfois casser des listes ordonnées (c’est-à-dire que la liste revient toujours à 1). Pour éviter cela, vous pouvez procéder comme suit.
si vous ajoutez un saut de ligne après l’élément de campagne, faites en sorte que le bloc de code soit en retrait d’au moins 4 espaces de l’élément de campagne.
1. Number 1
print("Hello World")
2. Number 2
puts 'Hello World'
3. Number 3
printf("Hello World");
ce qui donne:
Numéro 1
print ( "Hello World" )
Numéro 2
puts 'Hello World'
Numéro 3
printf ( "Hello World" );
Position des éléments “barre latéral gauche”
Contenu de la barre latérale alligné vers le haut (1% au lieu de 10%)
Directive .sidebar
, l’attribut padding-top: 10%;
passe à padding-top: 1%;
dans le fichier assets/css/style.css
Largeur des colonnes
Modifier la largeur en respectant la proportionnalité , fichier _includes/default.html dans les lignes suivantes
<div class="col-sm-2 sidebar hidden-xs" style="{% if site.sidebar_background_image %}background: url({{site.sidebar_background_image}}) no-repeat center center !important;{% endif %}">
{% include sidebar.html %}
<div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-2">
Haut de page (sur écran en bas à droite)
Dans le fichier _includes/default.html insérer les lignes suivantes avant <div class="col-sm-2 sidebar hidden-xs"
de la modification précédente
<!-- nav-menu-haut -->
<div id="nav-haut-page">
<a href="#" title="Haut de Page"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-up fa-2x"></i></a>
Modifications autres
Fichier tags.html
Ligne 4 -> title: Etiquettes
Ligne 29 -> Billets étiquettés
Fichier _includes/default.html
Ligne 73 et 87 -> Etiquettes remplace Mots clés
Fichier categories.html
Ligne 3 -> Catégories
Recherche rapide avec fichier json et lunr.js
Actuellement , à chaque recherche, il est généré des données indexées au format json qui représentent le contenu du site.Suivant le volume des données ,la durée de la génération peut être assez longue…
Fichier basicblog.json
Pour rendre la recherche plus rapide , il faut utiliser un fichier json qui sera construit à chaque compilation.
Créez un fichier /basicblog.json à la racine de votre site Jekyll /srv/basicblog/, et remplissez-le avec ce qui suit:
layout: null
{% assign count = 0 %}
{% assign sortedPosts = site.posts | sort: 'date' %}
{% for post in sortedPosts %}
"id": {{count}},
"title": {{ post.title | jsonify }},
"url": {{ post.url | jsonify }},
"tags": "{% for tag in post.tags %}{{ tag }}{% unless forloop.last %}, {% endunless %}{% endfor %}",
"categories": "{% for category in post.categories %}{{ category }}{% unless forloop.last %}, {% endunless %}{% endfor %}",
"content" : {{post.content | strip_html | truncatewords: 20 | jsonify }}
{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
{% assign count = count | plus: 1 %}
{% endfor %}
Chaque fois que vous exécutez le processus de compilation de Jekyll, Jekyll utilisera /basicblog.json pour déterminer où chercher et ce qu’il faut saisir et il génèrera un fichier _site/basicblog.json.
Analyse json via lunr
Chargement et indexation du fichier pour la recherche , fichier javascript searchplus.js dans le dossier js/
$(document).ready(function () {
var idx ;
var nbart = 0;
var fichier_json = 'basicblog.json';
function executerRequete(callback) {
if (nbart === 0) {
/* set no cache */
$.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });
idx = lunr(function () {
this.field('content', { boost: 10 });
var html = [];
// Get the generated search_data.json file so lunr.js can search it locally.
datas = $.getJSON(fichier_json);
// Wait for the data to load and add it to lunr
$.each(loaded_data, function(index, d){
id: index,
title: d.title,
content: d.content,
url: d.url,
modif: d.modif
nbart=nbart + 1;
/* //stockage item du fichier
html.push("Titre : ", d.title, ", ",
"URL : ", d.url, ", ",
"Catégorie : ", d.categories, "<br>");
// fin */
/* // affichage des items
$("#div381").html(html.join('')).css("background-color", "orange");
// on lance la fonction de callback, le json est chargé et indexé pour la recherche
$.error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ /* assign handler */
/* alert(jqXHR.responseText) */
alert("error occurred!");
} else {
// on lance la fonction de callback avec le json déjà récupéré précédemment
// Event when the key
$('input#search').on('keyup', function () {
//var query = $("input#search").val(); // Get the value for the text field
var query = $(this).val();
var results =; // Get lunr to perform a search
display_search_results(results); // Hand the results off to be displayed
/* fonction affichage des résultats */
function display_search_results(results) {
var $search_results = $("#results");
// Wait for data to load
datas.then(function(loaded_data) {
// Are there any results?
if (results.length) {
$search_results.empty(); // Clear any old results
// Itération sur les résultats
results.forEach(function(result) {
var item = loaded_data[result.ref];
// Création d'une chaîne HTML pour ce résultat
if (item.modif == null) {
var datemodif=''; // date de modification identique à la date de création du post , on ajoute rien
} else {
var datemodif='<span class="badge" style="background-color: #FF8C00;"><small>Modifié le '+item.modif+'</small></span>'; // ajout date de modification
//var appendString = '';
var appendString = '<div class="result"><div class="result-body"><a href="'+item.url+'" class="post-title">'+item.title+'</a> <span class="badge" style="background-color: #32CD32;"><small>'' </small></span>'+datemodif+'<p>'+item.content+'</p></div>'
// Add the snippet to the collection of results.
} else {
// Si aucun résultat dans la recherche ,on efface les résultats précédents
function lecture() {
// on initialise la lecture au premier élément
Ajouter le formulaire de recherche
Modifier le fichier _includes/default.html pour y inclure les 2 fichiers javascript lunr.min.js et searchplus.js sous js/
<script src="/js/lunr.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/searchplus.js"></script>
Le formulaire de recherche dans le fichier _includes/page.html
<div class="page-header">
<!-- <span>Blog statique de type jekyll sur site </span> -->
<div class="form-group">
<input placeholder="Rechercher" type="search" id="search" class="form-control input-lg">
<div class="btn-group hidden-xs" id="nav-menu">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
<i class="fa fa-bars"></i>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
<li><a href="/"><i class="fa fa-home"></i>Accueil</a></li>
<li><a href="/"><i class="fa fa-folder"></i>Catégories</a></li>
<li><a href="/"><i class="fa fa-tags"></i>Balises</a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-arrow-up"></i>Haut de la Page</a></li>
<div id="results" class="all-posts results"></div>
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="fr">
<head><meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no"><title>Nginx personnalisation des pages d'erreur - YannStatic</title>
<meta name="description" content="Configurer Nginx pour utiliser des pages d’erreur personnalisées">
<link rel="canonical" href=""><link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="YannStatic" href="/feed.xml">
<!-- - include head/favicon.html - -->
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cb && (loaded ? cb() : (cbs.push(cb)));
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window.throttle = function(func, wait) {
var args, result, thisArg, timeoutId, lastCalled = 0;
function trailingCall() {
lastCalled = new Date;
timeoutId = null;
result = func.apply(thisArg, args);
return function() {
var now = new Date,
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args = arguments;
thisArg = this;
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var Set = (function() {
var add = function(item) {
var i, data = this._data;
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i] === item) {
this.size ++;
return data;
var Set = function(data) {
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var i;
if (data.length > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {, data[i]);
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Set.prototype.has = function(item) {
var i, data = this._data;
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (this.get(i) === item) {
return true;
return false;
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if (tData[i] === mData[j]) {
flag = true;
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return true;
Set.prototype.values = function() {
return this._data;
return Set;
window.Lazyload = (function(doc) {
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qi && (cbs = qi.callbacks);
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for (j = 0; j < cbs.length; j++) {
qi.load = true;
var load = function(type, urls, callback) {
var s, q, qi, node, i, cur,
_urls = typeof urls === 'string' ? new Set([urls]) : new Set(urls), val, url;
if (type === 'js' || type ==='css') {
s = sources[type], q = queue[type];
for (i = 0; i < q.length; i++) {
cur = q[i];
if ( {
qi = cur;
val = _urls.values();
if (qi) {
callback && (qi.load || qi.callbacks.push(callback));
callback && (qi.load && callback());
} else {
urls: _urls,
callbacks: callback ? [callback] : [],
load: false
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return function() {
end(type, url);
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js: function(url, callback) {
load('js', url, callback);
css: function(url, callback) {
load('css', url, callback);
(function() {
version: '2.2.6',
sources: {
font_awesome: '',
jquery: '/assets/js/jquery.min.js',
leancloud_js_sdk: '//',
chart: '',
gitalk: {
js: '',
css: ''
valine: ''
site: {
toc: {
selectors: 'h1,h2,h3,h4'
paths: {
search_js: '/assets/search.js'
<div class="root" data-is-touch="false">
<div class="layout--page js-page-root"><!----><div class="page__main js-page-main page__viewport hide-footer has-aside has-aside cell cell--auto">
<div class="page__main-inner"><div class="page__header d-print-none"><header class="header"><div class="main">
<div class="header__title">
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121.813 C 225.200 122.149,224.885 122.541,224.500 122.683 C 223.606 123.013,223.214 123.593,223.204 124.600 C 223.183 126.555,220.763 132.911,219.410 134.562 C 218.443 135.742,217.876 136.956,217.599 138.440 C 217.041 141.424,215.177 146.434,214.532 146.681 C 214.240 146.794,214.000 147.055,214.000 147.261 C 214.000 147.467,213.550 148.086,213.000 148.636 C 212.450 149.186,212.000 149.893,212.000 150.208 C 212.000 151.386,208.441 154.450,207.597 153.998 C 206.319 153.315,204.913 150.379,204.633 147.811 C 204.365 145.357,202.848 142.147,201.759 141.729 C 200.967 141.425,199.200 137.451,199.200 135.974 C 199.200 134.629,198.435 133.224,196.660 131.311 C 195.363 129.913,194.572 128.123,193.870 125.000 C 193.623 123.900,193.236 122.793,193.010 122.540 C 190.863 120.133,190.147 118.880,188.978 115.481 C 188.100 112.928,187.151 111.003,186.254 109.955 C 185.358 108.908,184.518 107.204,183.847 105.073 C 183.280 103.273,182.497 101.329,182.108 100.753 C 181.719 100.177,180.904 98.997,180.298 98.131 C 179.693 97.265,178.939 95.576,178.624 94.378 C 178.041 92.159,177.125 90.326,175.023 87.168 C 174.375 86.196,173.619 84.539,173.342 83.486 C 172.800 81.429,171.529 79.567,170.131 78.785 C 169.654 78.517,168.697 77.511,168.006 76.549 C 167.316 75.587,166.594 74.800,166.402 74.800 C 166.210 74.800,164.869 73.633,163.421 72.206 C 160.103 68.936,161.107 69.109,146.550 69.301 C 133.437 69.474,128.581 70.162,126.618 72.124 C 126.248 72.495,125.462 72.904,124.872 73.033 C 124.282 73.163,123.088 73.536,122.219 73.863 C 121.349 74.191,119.028 74.638,117.061 74.858 C 113.514 75.254,109.970 76.350,108.782 77.419 C 107.652 78.436,100.146 80.400,97.388 80.400 C 95.775 80.400,93.167 81.360,91.200 82.679 C 90.430 83.195,89.113 83.804,88.274 84.031 C 85.875 84.681,78.799 90.910,74.400 96.243 L 73.400 97.456 73.455 106.028 C 73.526 117.055,74.527 121.238,77.820 124.263 C 78.919 125.273,80.400 127.902,80.400 128.842 C 80.400 129.202,81.075 130.256,81.900 131.186 C 83.563 133.059,85.497 136.346,86.039 138.216 C 86.233 138.886,87.203 140.207,88.196 141.153 C 89.188 142.098,90.000 143.104,90.000 143.388 C 90.000 144.337,92.129 148.594,92.869 149.123 C 93.271 149.410,93.600 149.831,93.600 150.059 C 93.600 150.286,93.932 150.771,94.337 151.136 C 94.743 151.501,95.598 153.004,96.237 154.475 C 96.877 155.947,97.760 157.351,98.200 157.596 C 98.640 157.841,99.900 159.943,101.000 162.267 C 102.207 164.817,103.327 166.644,103.825 166.876 C 104.278 167.087,105.065 168.101,105.573 169.130 C 107.658 173.348,108.097 174.093,110.006 176.647 C 111.103 178.114,112.000 179.725,112.000 180.227 C 112.000 181.048,113.425 183.163,114.678 184.200 C 115.295 184.711,117.396 188.733,117.720 190.022 C 117.855 190.562,118.603 191.633,119.381 192.402 C 120.160 193.171,121.496 195.258,122.351 197.039 C 123.206 198.820,124.167 200.378,124.487 200.501 C 124.807 200.624,125.953 202.496,127.034 204.662 C 128.114 206.828,129.676 209.299,130.505 210.153 C 131.333 211.007,132.124 212.177,132.262 212.753 C 132.618 214.239,134.291 217.048,136.288 219.516 C 137.230 220.679,138.000 221.923,138.000 222.280 C 138.000 223.140,139.924 226.400,140.431 226.400 C 140.650 226.400,141.167 227.190,141.581 228.156 C 141.995 229.122,142.524 230.029,142.756 230.173 C 142.988 230.316,143.381 231.187,143.629 232.107 C 143.901 233.119,144.651 234.320,145.527 235.145 C 146.323 235.896,147.551 237.776,148.256 239.323 C 148.961 240.869,149.822 242.467,150.169 242.872 C 150.516 243.277,150.800 243.747,150.800 243.916 C 150.800 244.084,151.178 244.546,151.640 244.941 C 152.102 245.337,153.117 247.042,153.896 248.730 C 154.674 250.419,155.885 252.393,156.587 253.117 C 157.288 253.842,158.453 255.832,159.175 257.541 C 159.991 259.470,161.083 261.238,162.057 262.207 C 162.921 263.065,163.741 264.225,163.880 264.784 C 164.202 266.074,165.821 269.140,166.738 270.193 C 167.716 271.317,169.600 274.181,169.600 274.543 C 169.600 275.323,171.398 278.721,172.342 279.726 L 173.400 280.852 173.501 347.096 C 173.584 401.667,173.696 413.450,174.136 413.969 C 174.430 414.316,175.270 415.545,176.002 416.700 C 176.735 417.855,177.566 418.800,177.849 418.800 C 178.505 418.800,179.956 420.251,181.626 422.576 C 182.346 423.579,183.220 424.401,183.568 424.402 C 183.916 424.404,184.716 424.674,185.346 425.002 C 186.694 425.706,205.876 425.863,210.404 425.207 C 211.837 425.000,214.626 424.647,216.602 424.422 C 218.578 424.198,221.096 423.671,222.197 423.251 C 225.651 421.936,234.760 420.742,244.200 420.367 C 254.932 419.940,255.342 419.867,256.938 418.105 C 258.873 415.970,262.469 412.173,263.741 410.922 C 268.897 405.853,268.378 414.164,268.506 334.626 C 268.624 260.876,268.527 264.457,270.487 262.095 C 270.963 261.522,272.681 256.931,273.205 254.833 C 273.645 253.071,274.761 250.935,275.900 249.677 C 276.395 249.131,276.800 248.378,276.800 248.006 C 276.800 246.948,279.199 240.273,279.832 239.569 C 280.145 239.221,280.400 238.714,280.400 238.442 C 280.400 238.169,280.826 237.374,281.347 236.673 C 281.868 235.973,282.391 234.759,282.510 233.975 C 282.628 233.191,283.088 231.751,283.530 230.775 C 283.973 229.799,284.463 228.550,284.618 228.000 C 284.773 227.450,285.400 226.253,286.010 225.339 C 286.620 224.426,287.347 222.986,287.625 222.139 C 289.193 217.363,291.339 212.217,292.021 211.600 C 292.431 211.229,293.600 208.484,293.600 207.893 C 293.600 207.570,293.978 206.338,294.441 205.153 C 295.255 203.068,295.626 202.309,297.773 198.331 C 298.328 197.303,298.950 195.773,299.155 194.931 C 299.786 192.337,301.043 189.208,301.943 187.992 C 302.414 187.354,302.800 186.740,302.800 186.628 C 302.800 186.516,303.250 185.440,303.800 184.237 C 304.350 183.035,304.800 181.764,304.800 181.414 C 304.800 180.310,306.817 175.830,307.626 175.136 C 308.052 174.771,308.400 174.224,308.400 173.920 C 308.400 173.617,308.760 172.663,309.200 171.800 C 309.640 170.937,310.000 169.819,310.000 169.316 C 310.000 168.227,312.179 163.482,312.987 162.811 C 313.490 162.394,314.327 160.096,316.017 154.494 C 316.300 153.556,316.772 152.589,317.066 152.345 C 317.360 152.102,317.600 151.654,317.600 151.351 C 317.600 151.048,317.783 150.800,318.006 150.800 C 318.520 150.800,319.275 149.024,320.385 145.200 C 321.312 142.009,321.939 140.531,323.182 138.600 C 324.471 136.600,325.199 135.111,325.219 134.439 C 325.257 133.119,327.075 128.319,327.930 127.280 C 329.603 125.247,330.395 123.800,330.397 122.771 C 330.400 121.619,331.518 118.006,332.053 117.420 C 332.244 117.211,332.400 116.797,332.400 116.501 C 332.400 116.204,332.849 115.546,333.398 115.037 C 334.472 114.042,335.431 111.724,336.008 108.730 C 336.435 106.511,337.850 103.325,338.913 102.188 C 339.725 101.319,341.600 96.369,341.600 95.093 C 341.600 94.285,342.786 91.895,343.300 91.667 C 343.465 91.593,343.600 91.183,343.600 90.754 C 343.600 90.326,343.884 89.866,344.231 89.733 C 346.502 88.861,346.588 65.600,344.320 65.600 C 343.429 65.600,340.000 62.351,340.000 61.507 C 340.000 61.160,339.041 60.335,337.869 59.674 C 336.698 59.013,335.433 58.005,335.060 57.436 L 334.382 56.400 322.691 56.457 C 316.261 56.488,309.830 56.645,308.400 56.805 M376.400 57.549 C 376.400 57.782,376.747 58.157,377.171 58.384 C 378.343 59.012,380.402 62.302,380.384 63.520 L 380.368 64.600 379.753 63.465 C 378.904 61.899,378.656 62.357,379.395 64.126 C 379.728 64.922,380.026 66.165,380.057 66.887 C 380.112 68.165,380.121 68.157,380.400 66.600 C 380.580 65.594,380.686 67.004,380.686 70.400 C 380.686 73.598,380.576 75.147,380.415 74.200 L 380.144 72.600 379.939 74.200 C 379.749 75.684,379.730 75.643,379.667 73.633 C 379.574 70.643,379.356 71.152,378.822 75.600 C 378.571 77.690,378.058 80.660,377.683 82.200 L 377.000 85.000 376.746 83.400 C 376.606 82.520,376.502 86.255,376.514 91.700 C 376.526 97.145,376.695 101.600,376.888 101.600 C 380.700 101.600,381.297 98.218,381.125 77.588 L 381.000 62.576 379.983 60.600 C 379.046 58.781,376.400 56.528,376.400 57.549 M324.808 74.604 C 327.263 75.874,327.008 81.222,324.349 84.211 C 323.581 85.075,321.200 90.546,321.200 91.449 C 321.200 92.087,319.203 96.289,318.260 97.635 C 317.897 98.154,317.600 98.952,317.600 99.409 C 317.600 99.866,317.434 100.411,317.232 100.620 C 317.029 100.829,316.497 102.080,316.049 103.400 C 315.601 104.720,314.507 107.237,313.617 108.992 C 312.728 110.748,312.000 112.415,312.000 112.697 C 312.000 112.978,311.654 113.972,311.231 114.904 C 310.808 115.837,309.889 117.933,309.189 119.562 C 308.489 121.191,307.575 123.132,307.158 123.874 C 306.741 124.617,306.399 125.534,306.399 125.912 C 306.398 126.290,306.038 127.189,305.599 127.910 C 305.159 128.630,304.800 129.514,304.800 129.875 C 304.800 130.236,303.916 132.346,302.835 134.565 C 301.755 136.784,300.478 139.680,299.998 141.000 C 299.518 142.320,298.391 144.930,297.493 146.800 C 295.933 150.048,295.066 152.122,293.981 155.200 C 293.709 155.970,292.873 157.843,292.122 159.361 C 291.371 160.880,290.124 163.850,289.352 165.961 C 287.937 169.831,287.646 170.471,285.551 174.309 C 284.918 175.469,284.400 176.755,284.400 177.167 C 284.400 178.039,282.061 183.699,281.571 184.011 C 281.116 184.301,278.953 189.495,278.605 191.133 C 278.449 191.866,277.633 193.683,276.790 195.170 C 275.015 198.302,273.200 202.606,273.200 203.682 C 273.200 204.479,271.552 207.953,270.394 209.600 C 269.551 210.798,267.600 216.315,267.600 217.502 C 267.600 217.964,267.366 218.581,267.081 218.871 C 266.123 219.847,264.000 223.139,264.000 223.648 C 264.000 224.862,261.733 230.962,260.992 231.741 C 259.946 232.841,258.632 235.681,258.066 238.062 C 257.591 240.061,256.412 242.719,254.244 246.674 C 253.499 248.035,252.804 249.835,252.700 250.674 C 252.596 251.513,252.126 253.624,251.655 255.364 L 250.800 258.528 250.790 326.564 C 250.781 394.972,250.734 397.275,249.322 398.305 C 248.925 398.595,248.240 399.144,247.800 399.525 C 246.609 400.557,243.279 401.197,236.800 401.640 C 233.610 401.858,228.750 402.468,226.000 402.995 C 219.686 404.206,216.314 404.661,202.633 406.153 C 194.013 407.093,190.060 405.271,190.884 400.737 C 191.623 396.672,191.048 272.414,190.280 270.200 C 189.208 267.110,188.079 264.878,187.096 263.904 C 186.086 262.902,185.571 262.105,184.446 259.800 C 184.017 258.920,183.031 257.300,182.257 256.200 C 181.482 255.100,180.264 253.030,179.549 251.600 C 178.834 250.170,177.665 248.276,176.951 247.391 C 176.236 246.505,174.924 244.357,174.034 242.617 C 173.144 240.877,171.862 238.764,171.185 237.922 C 170.508 237.079,169.284 235.087,168.464 233.495 C 167.644 231.903,166.406 229.824,165.713 228.876 C 165.019 227.927,163.801 225.816,163.005 224.184 C 162.209 222.552,161.343 221.078,161.079 220.908 C 160.307 220.411,159.057 218.422,157.408 215.062 C 156.560 213.336,155.627 211.832,155.334 211.719 C 155.040 211.607,154.800 211.335,154.800 211.115 C 154.800 210.895,154.350 210.181,153.800 209.527 C 153.250 208.873,152.800 208.005,152.800 207.598 C 152.800 207.190,152.551 206.608,152.246 206.303 C 151.942 205.999,151.308 204.996,150.838 204.075 C 150.368 203.154,149.807 202.400,149.592 202.400 C 149.376 202.400,149.200 202.143,149.200 201.829 C 149.200 201.514,148.928 200.986,148.597 200.654 C 148.265 200.322,147.660 199.274,147.252 198.325 C 146.844 197.376,145.822 195.700,144.981 194.600 C 144.139 193.500,142.660 191.070,141.693 189.200 C 140.727 187.330,139.518 185.350,139.007 184.800 C 138.496 184.250,137.424 182.540,136.625 181.000 C 134.927 177.729,134.425 176.908,133.574 176.009 C 133.229 175.645,132.292 174.009,131.492 172.374 C 130.691 170.738,129.491 168.807,128.825 168.083 C 128.159 167.358,126.949 165.378,126.138 163.683 C 125.326 161.987,123.883 159.638,122.931 158.463 C 121.979 157.288,121.200 156.096,121.200 155.814 C 121.200 155.061,119.237 151.677,118.465 151.098 C 117.877 150.657,116.870 148.821,115.136 145.028 C 114.841 144.383,114.060 143.277,113.400 142.570 C 112.740 141.863,111.660 140.230,111.000 138.942 C 110.340 137.654,109.023 135.472,108.074 134.092 C 107.125 132.713,105.886 130.574,105.320 129.338 C 104.755 128.103,104.001 126.774,103.646 126.386 C 101.555 124.102,100.800 123.138,100.800 122.750 C 100.800 121.775,98.336 117.300,97.017 115.881 C 96.241 115.045,95.487 113.875,95.341 113.281 C 95.196 112.686,94.969 112.110,94.836 112.000 C 94.704 111.890,94.066 111.080,93.419 110.200 C 92.772 109.320,92.056 108.474,91.829 108.319 C 91.568 108.142,91.751 107.624,92.322 106.919 C 92.821 106.304,93.332 105.491,93.458 105.113 C 93.584 104.736,94.010 104.324,94.406 104.198 C 94.802 104.072,95.216 103.736,95.325 103.450 C 95.831 102.132,101.677 100.204,109.319 98.835 C 110.594 98.607,113.114 97.717,114.919 96.858 C 116.723 95.998,119.370 95.082,120.800 94.822 C 126.541 93.779,129.129 93.065,131.866 91.770 C 133.443 91.025,135.513 90.244,136.466 90.036 C 147.927 87.531,149.748 87.332,151.504 88.400 C 152.688 89.120,154.800 91.559,154.800 92.206 C 154.800 92.388,155.044 92.821,155.342 93.169 C 155.640 93.516,156.479 95.150,157.205 96.800 C 159.339 101.648,160.545 104.186,160.815 104.400 C 161.225 104.725,163.999 110.690,164.009 111.269 C 164.014 111.561,164.370 112.250,164.800 112.800 C 165.230 113.350,165.586 114.037,165.591 114.327 C 165.596 114.616,166.050 115.443,166.600 116.164 C 167.150 116.886,167.600 117.706,167.600 117.989 C 167.600 118.496,169.140 121.915,171.119 125.800 C 173.546 130.567,175.200 134.063,175.200 134.430 C 175.200 134.647,175.906 136.071,176.769 137.594 C 177.633 139.117,178.815 141.497,179.398 142.882 C 179.981 144.267,180.739 145.940,181.083 146.600 C 184.292 152.754,185.631 155.598,185.841 156.700 C 185.978 157.415,186.221 158.000,186.382 158.000 C 186.542 158.000,187.017 158.667,187.437 159.483 C 187.857 160.298,188.605 161.583,189.100 162.338 C 189.595 163.094,190.000 163.965,190.000 164.275 C 190.000 164.585,190.360 165.584,190.800 166.494 C 191.240 167.405,191.600 168.327,191.600 168.544 C 191.600 168.760,191.854 169.221,192.164 169.569 C 193.061 170.572,195.200 174.660,195.200 175.369 C 195.200 176.118,196.944 179.652,198.176 181.400 C 199.143 182.772,200.646 186.122,200.958 187.600 C 201.074 188.150,201.986 189.842,202.985 191.359 C 203.983 192.877,204.800 194.251,204.800 194.414 C 204.800 194.576,205.069 195.224,205.398 195.854 C 205.727 196.484,206.113 197.620,206.257 198.377 C 206.873 201.624,207.803 202.448,210.708 202.317 C 212.806 202.223,213.403 202.047,213.758 201.417 C 214.001 200.986,214.413 200.400,214.674 200.115 C 215.194 199.544,215.299 199.225,216.026 196.000 C 216.715 192.940,217.808 190.527,218.779 189.921 C 219.230 189.638,219.600 189.209,219.600 188.965 C 219.600 188.722,219.886 187.949,220.236 187.247 C 220.586 186.545,221.001 185.033,221.158 183.886 C 221.431 181.894,223.031 178.570,224.175 177.621 C 224.671 177.209,226.514 171.933,226.977 169.600 C 227.086 169.050,227.834 167.610,228.639 166.400 C 230.126 164.167,231.643 160.379,232.397 157.015 C 232.643 155.916,233.461 154.340,234.406 153.145 C 235.283 152.036,236.000 150.813,236.000 150.428 C 236.000 149.072,238.382 142.593,239.099 142.000 C 239.967 141.282,241.395 138.005,241.779 135.850 C 242.048 134.341,243.035 132.111,245.779 126.818 C 246.515 125.398,247.204 123.588,247.310 122.796 C 247.513 121.285,249.390 116.977,250.014 116.591 C 250.214 116.468,250.750 115.525,251.205 114.496 C 251.951 112.810,252.300 111.597,252.966 108.374 C 253.083 107.809,253.543 106.927,253.989 106.413 C 254.435 105.898,254.800 105.254,254.800 104.982 C 254.800 104.709,255.042 104.393,255.337 104.279 C 255.633 104.166,256.453 102.212,257.159 99.937 C 258.408 95.914,260.308 91.600,260.830 91.600 C 260.972 91.600,261.495 90.311,261.992 88.736 C 263.478 84.031,265.484 80.400,266.600 80.400 C 266.847 80.400,267.849 80.013,268.825 79.540 C 270.427 78.763,271.536 78.652,280.200 78.394 C 289.735 78.110,294.288 77.648,305.800 75.798 C 311.107 74.945,317.548 74.261,322.120 74.065 C 322.956 74.029,324.165 74.272,324.808 74.604 M377.200 77.600 C 376.930 78.724,376.787 79.720,376.881 79.814 C 376.975 79.909,377.285 79.078,377.569 77.969 C 377.853 76.860,377.997 75.864,377.888 75.755 C 377.779 75.646,377.470 76.476,377.200 77.600 M379.083 81.295 C 378.987 81.793,378.905 81.480,378.901 80.600 C 378.896 79.720,378.975 79.313,379.075 79.695 C 379.175 80.078,379.179 80.798,379.083 81.295 M379.017 97.475 C 378.756 98.515,377.778 99.561,377.042 99.587 C 376.844 99.594,377.159 99.159,377.742 98.619 C 378.324 98.080,378.800 97.360,378.800 97.019 C 378.800 96.679,378.910 96.400,379.043 96.400 C 379.177 96.400,379.165 96.884,379.017 97.475 M376.000 106.733 C 376.000 106.990,375.798 107.155,375.550 107.100 C 375.303 107.045,375.018 107.225,374.917 107.500 C 374.816 107.775,374.906 108.000,375.118 108.000 C 375.663 108.000,376.565 106.832,376.257 106.524 C 376.116 106.382,376.000 106.477,376.000 106.733 M368.842 118.760 C 368.159 119.399,367.600 119.739,367.600 119.516 C 367.600 119.294,367.285 119.450,366.900 119.864 C 366.515 120.278,366.335 120.442,366.500 120.228 C 366.933 119.668,366.870 119.313,366.300 119.094 C 365.959 118.963,365.784 119.387,365.748 120.429 L 365.696 121.955 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328.523 223.034,328.800 222.734,328.800 219.786 C 328.800 217.070,328.533 216.654,327.674 218.030 M322.571 229.829 C 323.377 230.634,323.391 231.057,322.591 230.392 C 322.086 229.973,322.022 229.992,322.218 230.503 C 322.515 231.275,320.840 232.901,320.057 232.601 C 319.589 232.421,319.577 232.491,319.992 232.991 C 320.657 233.791,320.234 233.777,319.429 232.971 C 318.857 232.400,318.800 232.418,318.800 233.171 C 318.800 234.761,323.026 234.369,323.350 232.750 C 323.844 230.278,323.669 229.200,322.771 229.200 C 322.018 229.200,322.000 229.257,322.571 229.829 M317.902 240.600 C 317.797 241.150,317.866 241.600,318.055 241.600 C 318.245 241.600,318.400 241.150,318.400 240.600 C 318.400 240.050,318.331 239.600,318.247 239.600 C 318.162 239.600,318.007 240.050,317.902 240.600 M317.751 243.016 C 317.891 243.380,317.785 243.600,317.494 243.553 C 316.516 243.396,315.600 244.104,315.600 245.016 C 315.600 245.592,315.144 246.270,314.400 246.800 C 312.963 247.824,312.828 248.800,314.125 248.800 C 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C 304.600 268.629,303.413 269.228,304.066 269.682 C 304.431 269.935,304.315 269.972,303.700 269.799 C 303.075 269.623,302.800 269.717,302.800 270.106 C 302.800 270.679,304.556 270.918,306.260 270.577 C 307.236 270.382,308.000 268.610,308.000 266.540 C 308.000 265.151,307.371 264.789,306.490 265.670 M302.360 279.200 C 302.129 281.000,302.202 281.531,302.625 281.108 C 302.749 280.985,302.792 280.100,302.721 279.142 L 302.592 277.400 302.360 279.200 M301.922 301.700 C 301.988 308.795,302.184 323.870,302.357 335.200 L 302.671 355.800 302.735 322.300 C 302.787 295.732,302.697 288.800,302.300 288.800 C 301.908 288.799,301.826 291.581,301.922 301.700 M301.293 325.200 C 301.293 325.970,301.375 326.285,301.476 325.900 C 301.576 325.515,301.576 324.885,301.476 324.500 C 301.375 324.115,301.293 324.430,301.293 325.200 M301.778 343.200 C 301.778 350.130,301.833 352.965,301.899 349.500 C 301.966 346.035,301.966 340.365,301.899 336.900 C 301.833 333.435,301.778 336.270,301.778 343.200 M301.367 368.400 C 301.367 372.690,301.426 374.445,301.498 372.300 C 301.570 370.155,301.570 366.645,301.498 364.500 C 301.426 362.355,301.367 364.110,301.367 368.400 M302.167 368.400 C 302.167 372.690,302.226 374.445,302.298 372.300 C 302.370 370.155,302.370 366.645,302.298 364.500 C 302.226 362.355,302.167 364.110,302.167 368.400 M301.765 388.600 C 301.766 392.560,301.826 394.126,301.898 392.080 C 301.971 390.034,301.971 386.794,301.898 384.880 C 301.824 382.966,301.765 384.640,301.765 388.600 M302.360 391.800 C 302.228 397.520,302.183 402.275,302.260 402.367 C 302.725 402.920,302.803 401.063,302.707 391.760 L 302.600 381.400 302.360 391.800 M302.166 417.100 C 302.303 418.309,302.266 418.637,302.066 418.000 C 301.758 417.020,301.746 417.027,301.481 418.327 C 301.331 419.059,301.030 419.542,300.809 419.406 C 300.569 419.257,300.514 419.433,300.673 419.845 C 300.865 420.347,300.794 420.444,300.406 420.204 C 300.041 419.978,299.971 420.030,300.182 420.370 C 300.367 420.671,300.154 421.097,299.637 421.459 C 299.169 421.787,298.906 422.249,299.053 422.486 C 299.230 422.772,298.985 422.833,298.326 422.667 C 297.618 422.490,297.333 422.581,297.333 422.986 C 297.333 424.188,301.802 422.782,302.160 421.467 C 302.730 419.370,302.912 415.200,302.433 415.200 C 302.094 415.200,302.015 415.766,302.166 417.100 M301.392 421.066 C 300.997 421.800,300.510 422.400,300.310 422.400 C 300.109 422.400,300.318 421.877,300.773 421.238 C 301.228 420.599,301.614 419.744,301.632 419.338 C 301.654 418.814,301.728 418.764,301.887 419.166 C 302.010 419.477,301.787 420.332,301.392 421.066 M296.700 428.863 C 296.825 429.337,296.763 429.625,296.563 429.502 C 296.363 429.379,296.181 429.795,296.158 430.427 C 296.135 431.064,296.286 431.470,296.498 431.339 C 296.708 431.210,296.681 431.475,296.438 431.929 C 296.195 432.384,295.772 432.890,295.498 433.055 C 295.172 433.250,295.193 433.116,295.557 432.667 C 296.403 431.625,295.788 431.412,294.796 432.404 C 294.274 432.926,293.621 433.194,293.162 433.074 C 292.743 432.964,292.488 433.019,292.597 433.195 C 292.706 433.372,292.526 433.619,292.198 433.746 C 291.869 433.872,291.614 434.206,291.632 434.487 C 291.656 434.889,291.707 434.892,291.865 434.500 C 291.976 434.225,292.592 434.000,293.233 434.000 C 293.875 434.000,294.400 433.808,294.400 433.573 C 294.400 433.325,294.743 433.255,295.219 433.406 C 296.590 433.841,297.118 432.990,297.093 430.386 C 297.081 429.074,296.937 428.000,296.773 428.000 C 296.609 428.000,296.576 428.388,296.700 428.863 M291.344 436.690 C 291.375 437.070,291.130 437.385,290.800 437.390 C 290.470 437.396,290.196 437.670,290.190 438.000 C 290.185 438.330,289.870 438.575,289.490 438.544 C 289.111 438.514,288.800 438.631,288.800 438.804 C 288.800 438.978,289.430 439.120,290.200 439.120 C 290.970 439.120,291.600 438.947,291.600 438.736 C 291.600 438.525,291.375 438.467,291.100 438.606 C 290.825 438.745,290.915 438.601,291.300 438.286 C 292.021 437.694,292.277 436.000,291.644 436.000 C 291.449 436.000,291.314 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452.000,264.841 451.582,265.475 451.037 L 266.595 450.073 264.998 450.164 C 264.119 450.213,262.791 450.574,262.046 450.965 C 260.733 451.655,260.612 451.651,258.137 450.838 C 254.718 449.716,254.008 449.822,257.000 451.008 M264.224 451.013 C 263.796 451.336,263.256 451.603,263.024 451.606 C 262.791 451.609,262.842 451.766,263.138 451.953 C 263.533 452.204,263.388 452.367,262.591 452.567 C 261.994 452.716,261.407 452.740,261.286 452.619 C 261.165 452.499,261.397 452.400,261.800 452.400 C 262.203 452.400,262.414 452.280,262.267 452.134 C 262.121 451.988,262.496 451.551,263.101 451.163 C 264.434 450.309,265.310 450.191,264.224 451.013 M244.600 454.800 C 243.406 455.104,243.407 455.106,244.900 455.153 C 245.725 455.179,246.400 455.020,246.400 454.800 C 246.400 454.359,246.332 454.359,244.600 454.800 M177.117 456.300 C 177.846 460.186,177.950 460.200,205.800 460.200 C 231.503 460.200,232.712 460.104,233.812 457.977 C 234.778 456.110,234.554 455.381,233.413 456.678 C 232.424 457.802,232.052 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275.005 C 164.620 274.247,164.000 273.456,164.000 273.247 C 164.000 273.038,163.865 272.807,163.700 272.733 C 163.535 272.660,163.085 271.925,162.700 271.100 C 160.942 267.334,160.531 266.625,159.500 265.578 C 158.895 264.964,158.400 264.268,158.400 264.031 C 158.400 263.794,158.242 263.600,158.049 263.600 C 157.856 263.600,157.286 262.500,156.783 261.156 C 156.281 259.811,155.457 258.326,154.953 257.856 C 154.448 257.385,153.551 256.100,152.959 255.000 C 152.367 253.900,151.640 252.550,151.344 252.000 C 151.047 251.450,150.802 250.730,150.799 250.400 C 150.796 250.070,149.985 249.086,148.997 248.213 C 148.009 247.340,147.200 246.295,147.200 245.892 C 147.200 245.488,146.750 244.495,146.200 243.686 C 145.650 242.877,145.198 241.941,145.196 241.607 C 145.194 241.273,144.389 240.100,143.407 239.000 C 142.425 237.900,141.617 236.750,141.611 236.444 C 141.595 235.641,139.888 232.256,139.313 231.887 C 138.684 231.484,136.000 227.445,136.000 226.902 C 136.000 225.972,134.480 223.311,133.183 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90.319 152.344,88.465 149.184,87.802 146.888 C 87.657 146.386,86.832 145.322,85.969 144.523 C 85.106 143.725,84.400 142.828,84.400 142.530 C 84.400 142.233,84.243 141.677,84.050 141.295 C 82.425 138.066,81.863 137.183,80.527 135.758 C 79.687 134.862,78.480 132.862,77.845 131.314 C 77.155 129.635,76.216 128.117,75.515 127.550 C 74.258 126.532,73.200 124.828,73.200 123.821 C 73.200 123.134,70.498 119.200,70.026 119.200 C 68.793 119.200,68.124 98.449,69.284 96.221 C 70.012 94.824,73.140 91.335,76.800 87.838 C 77.790 86.892,78.983 85.594,79.452 84.954 C 79.920 84.314,81.148 83.368,82.181 82.853 C 83.213 82.337,84.156 81.659,84.276 81.347 C 84.755 80.098,89.321 78.497,95.000 77.587 C 99.028 76.942,100.937 76.450,101.800 75.834 C 103.816 74.397,106.850 73.284,110.000 72.826 C 115.212 72.068,118.971 71.094,119.600 70.338 C 120.339 69.449,125.510 67.603,127.292 67.591 C 129.350 67.578,135.558 66.092,137.515 65.144 C 142.230 62.862,158.566 63.988,163.340 66.924 C 165.399 68.190,173.200 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58.005,336.698 59.013,337.869 59.674 C 339.041 60.335,340.000 61.160,340.000 61.507 C 340.000 62.351,343.429 65.600,344.320 65.600 C 346.588 65.600,346.502 88.861,344.231 89.733 C 343.884 89.866,343.600 90.326,343.600 90.754 C 343.600 91.183,343.465 91.593,343.300 91.667 C 342.786 91.895,341.600 94.285,341.600 95.093 C 341.600 96.369,339.725 101.319,338.913 102.188 C 337.850 103.325,336.435 106.511,336.008 108.730 C 335.431 111.724,334.472 114.042,333.398 115.037 C 332.849 115.546,332.400 116.204,332.400 116.501 C 332.400 116.797,332.244 117.211,332.053 117.420 C 331.518 118.006,330.400 121.619,330.397 122.771 C 330.395 123.800,329.603 125.247,327.930 127.280 C 327.075 128.319,325.257 133.119,325.219 134.439 C 325.199 135.111,324.471 136.600,323.182 138.600 C 321.939 140.531,321.312 142.009,320.385 145.200 C 319.275 149.024,318.520 150.800,318.006 150.800 C 317.783 150.800,317.600 151.048,317.600 151.351 C 317.600 151.654,317.360 152.102,317.066 152.345 C 316.772 152.589,316.300 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235.973,281.347 236.673 C 280.826 237.374,280.400 238.169,280.400 238.442 C 280.400 238.714,280.145 239.221,279.832 239.569 C 279.199 240.273,276.800 246.948,276.800 248.006 C 276.800 248.378,276.395 249.131,275.900 249.677 C 274.761 250.935,273.645 253.071,273.205 254.833 C 272.681 256.931,270.963 261.522,270.487 262.095 C 268.527 264.457,268.624 260.876,268.506 334.626 C 268.378 414.164,268.897 405.853,263.741 410.922 C 262.469 412.173,258.873 415.970,256.938 418.105 C 255.342 419.867,254.932 419.940,244.200 420.367 C 234.760 420.742,225.651 421.936,222.197 423.251 C 221.096 423.671,218.578 424.198,216.602 424.422 C 214.626 424.647,211.837 425.000,210.404 425.207 C 205.876 425.863,186.694 425.706,185.346 425.002 C 184.716 424.674,183.916 424.404,183.568 424.402 C 183.220 424.401,182.346 423.579,181.626 422.576 C 179.956 420.251,178.505 418.800,177.849 418.800 C 177.566 418.800,176.735 417.855,176.002 416.700 C 175.270 415.545,174.430 414.316,174.136 413.969 C 173.696 413.450,173.584 401.667,173.501 347.096 L 173.400 280.852 172.342 279.726 C 171.398 278.721,169.600 275.323,169.600 274.543 C 169.600 274.181,167.716 271.317,166.738 270.193 C 165.821 269.140,164.202 266.074,163.880 264.784 C 163.741 264.225,162.921 263.065,162.057 262.207 C 161.083 261.238,159.991 259.470,159.175 257.541 C 158.453 255.832,157.288 253.842,156.587 253.117 C 155.885 252.393,154.674 250.419,153.896 248.730 C 153.117 247.042,152.102 245.337,151.640 244.941 C 151.178 244.546,150.800 244.084,150.800 243.916 C 150.800 243.747,150.516 243.277,150.169 242.872 C 149.822 242.467,148.961 240.869,148.256 239.323 C 147.551 237.776,146.323 235.896,145.527 235.145 C 144.651 234.320,143.901 233.119,143.629 232.107 C 143.381 231.187,142.988 230.316,142.756 230.173 C 142.524 230.029,141.995 229.122,141.581 228.156 C 141.167 227.190,140.650 226.400,140.431 226.400 C 139.924 226.400,138.000 223.140,138.000 222.280 C 138.000 221.923,137.230 220.679,136.288 219.516 C 134.291 217.048,132.618 214.239,132.262 212.753 C 132.124 212.177,131.333 211.007,130.505 210.153 C 129.676 209.299,128.114 206.828,127.034 204.662 C 125.953 202.496,124.807 200.624,124.487 200.501 C 124.167 200.378,123.206 198.820,122.351 197.039 C 121.496 195.258,120.160 193.171,119.381 192.402 C 118.603 191.633,117.855 190.562,117.720 190.022 C 117.396 188.733,115.295 184.711,114.678 184.200 C 113.425 183.163,112.000 181.048,112.000 180.227 C 112.000 179.725,111.103 178.114,110.006 176.647 C 108.097 174.093,107.658 173.348,105.573 169.130 C 105.065 168.101,104.278 167.087,103.825 166.876 C 103.327 166.644,102.207 164.817,101.000 162.267 C 99.900 159.943,98.640 157.841,98.200 157.596 C 97.760 157.351,96.877 155.947,96.237 154.475 C 95.598 153.004,94.743 151.501,94.337 151.136 C 93.932 150.771,93.600 150.286,93.600 150.059 C 93.600 149.831,93.271 149.410,92.869 149.123 C 92.129 148.594,90.000 144.337,90.000 143.388 C 90.000 143.104,89.188 142.098,88.196 141.153 C 87.203 140.207,86.233 138.886,86.039 138.216 C 85.497 136.346,83.563 133.059,81.900 131.186 C 81.075 130.256,80.400 129.202,80.400 128.842 C 80.400 127.902,78.919 125.273,77.820 124.263 C 74.527 121.238,73.526 117.055,73.455 106.028 L 73.400 97.456 74.400 96.243 C 78.799 90.910,85.875 84.681,88.274 84.031 C 89.113 83.804,90.430 83.195,91.200 82.679 C 93.167 81.360,95.775 80.400,97.388 80.400 C 100.146 80.400,107.652 78.436,108.782 77.419 C 109.970 76.350,113.514 75.254,117.061 74.858 C 119.028 74.638,121.349 74.191,122.219 73.863 C 123.088 73.536,124.282 73.163,124.872 73.033 C 125.462 72.904,126.248 72.495,126.618 72.124 C 128.581 70.162,133.437 69.474,146.550 69.301 C 161.107 69.109,160.103 68.936,163.421 72.206 C 164.869 73.633,166.210 74.800,166.402 74.800 C 166.594 74.800,167.316 75.587,168.006 76.549 C 168.697 77.511,169.654 78.517,170.131 78.785 C 171.529 79.567,172.800 81.429,173.342 83.486 C 173.619 84.539,174.375 86.196,175.023 87.168 C 177.125 90.326,178.041 92.159,178.624 94.378 C 178.939 95.576,179.693 97.265,180.298 98.131 C 180.904 98.997,181.719 100.177,182.108 100.753 C 182.497 101.329,183.280 103.273,183.847 105.073 C 184.518 107.204,185.358 108.908,186.254 109.955 C 187.151 111.003,188.100 112.928,188.978 115.481 C 190.147 118.880,190.863 120.133,193.010 122.540 C 193.236 122.793,193.623 123.900,193.870 125.000 C 194.572 128.123,195.363 129.913,196.660 131.311 C 198.435 133.224,199.200 134.629,199.200 135.974 C 199.200 137.451,200.967 141.425,201.759 141.729 C 202.848 142.147,204.365 145.357,204.633 147.811 C 204.913 150.379,206.319 153.315,207.597 153.998 C 208.441 154.450,212.000 151.386,212.000 150.208 C 212.000 149.893,212.450 149.186,213.000 148.636 C 213.550 148.086,214.000 147.467,214.000 147.261 C 214.000 147.055,214.240 146.794,214.532 146.681 C 215.177 146.434,217.041 141.424,217.599 138.440 C 217.876 136.956,218.443 135.742,219.410 134.562 C 220.763 132.911,223.183 126.555,223.204 124.600 C 223.214 123.593,223.606 123.013,224.500 122.683 C 224.885 122.541,225.200 122.149,225.200 121.813 C 225.200 121.476,225.373 121.200,225.584 121.200 C 225.795 121.200,226.178 120.435,226.434 119.500 C 228.171 113.162,228.933 110.926,229.535 110.400 C 230.879 109.226,232.158 106.625,232.450 104.472 C 232.737 102.354,234.938 97.200,235.554 97.200 C 236.114 97.200,237.631 93.665,237.991 91.521 C 238.522 88.365,239.176 86.740,240.470 85.364 C 241.785 83.966,243.579 79.293,243.592 77.231 C 243.598 76.137,243.961 75.517,245.400 74.138 C 246.390 73.190,247.201 72.275,247.202 72.107 C 247.206 71.509,251.397 67.600,252.034 67.600 C 252.206 67.600,252.460 67.243,252.598 66.806 C 252.887 65.897,255.070 63.600,255.645 63.600 C 256.198 63.600,258.010 62.428,259.400 61.171 L 260.600 60.085 269.200 59.887 C 278.299 59.676,290.906 58.803,300.200 57.738 C 303.280 57.385,306.970 56.966,308.400 56.805 C 309.830 56.645,316.261 56.488,322.691 56.457 L 334.382 56.400 335.060 57.436 M376.187 61.726 C 376.016 63.307,375.798 65.050,375.704 65.600 C 375.609 66.150,375.451 73.605,375.351 82.167 C 375.150 99.379,375.254 98.760,372.571 98.787 C 370.087 98.813,368.873 103.488,370.450 106.950 C 371.020 108.201,374.162 108.392,375.130 107.234 C 375.549 106.732,375.599 106.725,375.371 107.200 C 375.135 107.690,375.182 107.707,375.627 107.294 C 376.333 106.639,376.377 105.859,376.446 92.800 C 376.478 86.750,376.616 82.520,376.752 83.400 L 377.000 85.000 377.683 82.200 C 378.058 80.660,378.571 77.690,378.822 75.600 C 379.355 71.159,379.578 70.632,379.657 73.633 C 379.712 75.760,379.718 75.771,379.985 74.200 L 380.256 72.600 380.461 74.200 C 380.573 75.080,380.670 73.370,380.676 70.400 C 380.683 67.036,380.578 65.603,380.400 66.600 C 380.121 68.157,380.112 68.165,380.057 66.887 C 380.026 66.165,379.728 64.922,379.395 64.126 C 378.656 62.357,378.904 61.899,379.753 63.465 C 380.352 64.571,380.368 64.576,380.384 63.647 C 380.394 63.022,379.727 62.031,378.449 60.773 L 376.498 58.852 376.187 61.726 M201.200 61.934 C 201.200 62.660,201.453 63.211,201.857 63.367 C 202.761 63.714,202.887 63.481,202.436 62.294 C 201.850 60.753,201.200 60.564,201.200 61.934 M201.067 63.867 C 200.545 64.389,200.810 64.890,201.364 64.430 C 201.754 64.106,202.010 64.092,202.190 64.384 C 202.334 64.617,202.035 64.974,201.526 65.178 C 200.834 65.456,200.777 65.556,201.300 65.575 C 202.074 65.603,202.079 65.614,202.197 67.600 C 202.243 68.370,202.415 70.819,202.579 73.043 L 202.878 77.085 204.539 76.996 C 206.315 76.901,208.818 76.072,207.471 76.025 C 206.809 76.002,206.800 75.943,207.371 75.371 C 208.095 74.648,208.167 72.992,207.606 70.032 C 207.128 67.511,206.466 66.786,204.389 66.508 C 202.972 66.318,202.800 66.175,202.800 65.190 C 202.800 64.552,202.533 63.983,202.167 63.843 C 201.384 63.542,201.391 63.542,201.067 63.867 M377.569 77.969 C 377.285 79.078,376.975 79.909,376.881 79.814 C 376.787 79.720,376.930 78.724,377.200 77.600 C 377.470 76.476,377.779 75.646,377.888 75.755 C 377.997 75.864,377.853 76.860,377.569 77.969 M378.901 80.600 C 378.905 81.480,378.987 81.793,379.083 81.295 C 379.179 80.798,379.175 80.078,379.075 79.695 C 378.975 79.313,378.896 79.720,378.901 80.600 M378.800 97.019 C 378.800 97.360,378.324 98.080,377.742 98.619 C 376.645 99.636,376.889 99.963,378.073 99.063 C 378.734 98.560,379.521 96.400,379.043 96.400 C 378.910 96.400,378.800 96.679,378.800 97.019 M370.400 110.400 C 370.070 110.613,368.855 110.791,367.700 110.794 C 366.186 110.798,365.600 110.954,365.600 111.351 C 365.600 111.654,365.314 112.140,364.964 112.430 C 364.452 112.855,364.383 113.391,364.614 115.179 C 365.137 119.228,364.996 120.586,363.954 121.557 C 363.489 121.991,362.409 122.463,361.554 122.608 C 360.141 122.847,359.997 122.985,359.970 124.135 C 359.954 124.831,359.845 125.850,359.728 126.400 C 359.376 128.053,359.379 131.270,359.735 133.480 L 360.070 135.560 357.593 135.680 L 355.116 135.800 354.515 137.583 C 353.934 139.307,353.953 140.509,354.629 144.690 C 354.939 146.605,354.163 147.200,351.354 147.200 C 349.446 147.200,348.729 148.932,348.655 153.727 C 348.596 157.538,348.290 158.111,346.011 158.683 C 344.374 159.094,343.630 160.360,343.593 162.800 C 343.493 169.278,342.886 171.180,340.914 171.194 C 339.213 171.206,337.973 174.661,338.052 179.165 C 338.118 182.893,337.847 183.367,335.384 183.829 C 333.428 184.196,332.400 186.570,332.400 190.721 C 332.400 194.102,331.808 195.200,329.986 195.200 C 328.514 195.200,327.656 197.316,327.368 201.655 C 327.042 206.583,326.862 207.011,324.937 207.467 C 323.289 207.856,323.006 208.564,321.816 215.281 C 321.223 218.632,321.000 219.200,320.276 219.200 C 318.461 219.202,317.123 222.231,316.643 227.419 C 316.383 230.240,315.677 231.605,314.340 231.872 C 313.025 232.135,312.003 233.534,311.992 235.086 C 311.961 239.513,310.104 244.606,308.812 243.807 C 307.602 243.059,306.322 247.619,306.434 252.278 C 306.528 256.161,306.645 255.930,304.514 256.055 C 302.454 256.177,301.441 258.465,301.008 263.978 C 300.722 267.613,300.031 268.800,298.203 268.800 C 296.092 268.800,295.955 271.358,296.558 299.400 C 297.221 330.214,296.997 411.308,296.238 415.255 C 295.920 416.904,294.973 418.036,293.553 418.461 C 292.321 418.831,291.993 419.147,291.796 420.158 C 291.663 420.841,291.400 421.760,291.212 422.200 C 291.024 422.640,290.676 424.059,290.438 425.354 C 290.009 427.686,289.237 428.762,287.974 428.787 C 287.629 428.794,286.965 429.479,286.499 430.310 C 285.244 432.542,284.293 433.505,283.187 433.661 C 282.436 433.767,281.913 434.374,281.000 436.200 C 280.340 437.520,279.415 438.769,278.945 438.975 C 278.267 439.273,278.107 439.660,278.168 440.851 C 278.210 441.676,278.099 442.261,277.922 442.152 C 277.745 442.042,277.600 442.214,277.600 442.534 C 277.600 443.397,276.729 443.583,273.860 443.331 C 271.920 443.160,270.952 443.265,269.976 443.752 C 269.262 444.108,268.435 444.400,268.139 444.400 C 267.842 444.400,267.600 444.749,267.600 445.176 C 267.600 445.603,267.417 446.066,267.193 446.204 C 266.970 446.342,266.891 446.623,267.017 446.828 C 267.144 447.032,267.069 447.200,266.852 447.200 C 266.635 447.200,266.193 447.464,265.870 447.787 C 264.464 449.193,256.917 449.610,243.730 449.009 C 233.384 448.538,227.551 449.348,227.055 451.325 C 226.500 453.533,224.014 454.100,214.200 454.258 C 188.433 454.671,184.099 454.767,183.000 454.950 C 182.340 455.060,180.874 455.188,179.742 455.235 L 177.684 455.321 178.082 456.463 C 178.586 457.908,180.207 459.200,181.517 459.200 C 182.384 459.200,182.283 459.071,180.790 458.282 C 179.836 457.777,178.969 457.108,178.865 456.794 C 178.760 456.480,179.257 456.713,179.968 457.312 C 180.680 457.911,182.013 458.524,182.931 458.675 C 184.461 458.926,184.517 458.976,183.600 459.269 C 182.986 459.465,183.588 459.514,185.159 459.394 C 186.566 459.287,190.706 459.164,194.359 459.121 C 200.734 459.045,200.824 459.033,196.600 458.821 L 192.200 458.600 196.800 458.302 C 199.330 458.138,206.530 457.962,212.800 457.911 L 224.200 457.818 212.400 457.600 L 200.600 457.382 212.140 457.291 C 223.663 457.200,227.765 456.691,225.959 455.574 C 225.685 455.405,227.200 455.267,229.327 455.267 C 232.965 455.267,233.169 455.310,232.796 456.007 C 232.578 456.414,232.400 456.950,232.400 457.197 C 232.400 457.911,233.213 457.217,233.615 456.161 C 233.970 455.226,234.100 455.200,238.490 455.190 C 240.971 455.185,243.720 455.013,244.600 454.808 C 245.609 454.573,246.249 454.577,246.333 454.818 C 246.568 455.489,248.400 455.258,248.400 454.557 C 248.400 454.173,248.623 454.000,248.956 454.128 C 250.090 454.563,254.602 452.656,254.575 451.753 C 254.551 450.982,254.663 450.952,256.151 451.330 C 257.396 451.645,257.585 451.795,257.000 452.000 C 256.470 452.186,256.890 452.391,258.424 452.696 C 260.890 453.185,261.569 453.042,259.544 452.459 C 258.805 452.246,258.470 452.047,258.800 452.015 C 259.130 451.984,258.320 451.531,257.000 451.008 C 254.008 449.822,254.718 449.716,258.137 450.838 C 260.612 451.651,260.733 451.655,262.046 450.965 C 262.791 450.574,264.119 450.213,264.998 450.164 L 266.595 450.073 265.475 451.037 C 264.859 451.566,264.581 452.000,264.856 452.000 C 265.131 452.000,265.828 451.548,266.406 450.995 C 267.335 450.104,267.828 449.981,270.728 449.920 C 272.527 449.881,274.000 449.684,274.000 449.482 C 274.000 449.280,274.265 449.216,274.588 449.340 C 275.382 449.645,276.427 448.537,276.115 447.723 C 275.947 447.285,276.019 447.165,276.332 447.358 C 276.589 447.517,276.800 447.469,276.800 447.251 C 276.800 447.032,277.170 446.736,277.623 446.593 C 278.076 446.449,278.611 445.897,278.813 445.366 C 279.127 444.541,279.445 444.400,280.990 444.400 C 281.986 444.400,282.800 444.224,282.800 444.010 C 282.800 443.767,283.151 443.753,283.733 443.975 C 284.429 444.239,284.667 444.190,284.667 443.782 C 284.667 443.481,284.489 443.345,284.272 443.479 C 284.049 443.617,284.002 443.520,284.166 443.255 C 284.325 442.998,284.623 442.891,284.828 443.017 C 285.032 443.144,285.200 443.062,285.200 442.836 C 285.200 442.610,285.470 442.529,285.800 442.655 C 286.130 442.782,286.400 442.701,286.400 442.476 C 286.400 442.251,286.196 441.999,285.946 441.915 C 285.643 441.814,285.694 441.563,286.103 441.154 C 286.439 440.818,286.783 440.196,286.867 439.772 C 286.973 439.235,287.291 439.038,287.910 439.125 C 288.399 439.194,288.800 439.053,288.800 438.811 C 288.800 438.506,289.028 438.494,289.547 438.771 C 290.175 439.107,290.286 439.030,290.247 438.288 C 290.218 437.753,290.437 437.400,290.800 437.393 C 291.130 437.386,291.375 437.070,291.344 436.690 C 291.314 436.311,291.468 436.000,291.688 436.000 C 291.915 436.000,291.977 435.564,291.834 434.991 C 291.656 434.285,291.763 433.912,292.188 433.749 C 292.522 433.621,292.706 433.372,292.597 433.195 C 292.488 433.019,292.743 432.964,293.162 433.074 C 293.621 433.194,294.274 432.926,294.796 432.404 C 295.275 431.925,295.787 431.654,295.933 431.801 C 296.080 431.948,295.775 432.413,295.256 432.834 C 294.736 433.255,294.483 433.600,294.694 433.600 C 295.088 433.600,296.032 432.628,296.601 431.638 C 296.800 431.292,296.769 431.172,296.520 431.326 C 296.281 431.474,296.133 431.106,296.158 430.427 C 296.201 429.253,296.800 429.125,296.800 430.290 C 296.800 430.644,296.911 430.823,297.046 430.687 C 297.182 430.552,297.105 429.902,296.875 429.244 C 296.646 428.586,296.615 427.992,296.807 427.924 C 296.999 427.856,297.194 426.589,297.241 425.108 C 297.324 422.454,297.340 422.420,298.322 422.666 C 298.984 422.833,299.230 422.772,299.053 422.486 C 298.906 422.249,299.169 421.787,299.637 421.459 C 300.154 421.097,300.367 420.671,300.182 420.370 C 299.971 420.030,300.041 419.978,300.406 420.204 C 300.794 420.444,300.865 420.347,300.673 419.845 C 300.522 419.452,300.572 419.259,300.789 419.393 C 300.999 419.523,301.354 419.037,301.580 418.314 C 301.986 417.016,301.988 417.020,301.761 418.586 C 301.635 419.459,301.174 420.674,300.738 421.286 C 300.302 421.899,300.099 422.400,300.287 422.400 C 301.159 422.400,302.178 419.726,302.153 417.500 C 302.139 416.235,302.278 415.200,302.464 415.200 C 302.649 415.200,302.800 412.320,302.800 408.800 C 302.800 405.280,302.665 402.400,302.500 402.400 C 302.335 402.400,302.169 377.549,302.131 347.176 C 302.093 316.803,301.942 291.243,301.796 290.376 C 301.579 289.091,301.647 288.800,302.165 288.800 C 302.877 288.800,303.146 281.396,302.444 281.133 C 302.240 281.057,302.229 280.146,302.420 279.000 C 302.603 277.900,302.763 275.323,302.776 273.273 C 302.800 269.604,302.814 269.550,303.700 269.799 C 304.315 269.972,304.431 269.935,304.066 269.682 C 303.413 269.228,304.600 268.629,305.298 269.061 C 305.539 269.210,305.607 269.135,305.455 268.889 C 305.308 268.651,305.382 268.335,305.621 268.187 C 305.859 268.040,305.961 267.676,305.848 267.380 C 305.705 267.008,305.852 266.920,306.320 267.095 C 306.885 267.307,306.917 267.247,306.510 266.745 C 305.981 266.094,306.506 265.200,307.416 265.200 C 307.727 265.200,307.900 263.647,307.963 260.306 C 308.069 254.653,307.881 255.094,310.221 254.992 C 311.226 254.948,312.262 254.681,312.524 254.398 C 312.894 253.997,312.889 253.945,312.500 254.165 C 312.225 254.320,312.000 254.257,312.000 254.024 C 312.000 253.791,312.234 253.600,312.520 253.600 C 312.890 253.600,313.066 252.766,313.130 250.700 C 313.214 248.023,313.312 247.723,314.414 246.800 C 315.070 246.250,315.606 245.438,315.604 244.996 C 315.602 244.554,316.005 243.940,316.500 243.632 C 317.308 243.129,317.347 243.136,316.881 243.700 C 316.480 244.185,316.472 244.397,316.842 244.626 C 317.149 244.815,317.219 244.755,317.036 244.459 C 316.876 244.199,317.024 243.889,317.372 243.755 C 317.715 243.624,317.883 243.335,317.746 243.113 C 317.610 242.892,317.746 242.537,318.049 242.325 C 318.442 242.050,318.467 241.884,318.134 241.748 C 317.806 241.613,317.777 241.179,318.034 240.281 C 318.235 239.579,318.418 237.924,318.440 236.603 C 318.474 234.523,319.049 231.378,319.160 232.657 C 319.182 232.909,319.495 233.228,319.857 233.366 C 320.409 233.579,320.432 233.521,320.000 233.000 C 319.576 232.489,319.586 232.420,320.057 232.601 C 320.840 232.901,322.515 231.275,322.218 230.503 C 322.022 229.992,322.086 229.973,322.591 230.392 C 323.391 231.057,323.377 230.634,322.571 229.829 C 322.000 229.257,322.009 229.200,322.671 229.200 C 323.149 229.200,323.413 228.890,323.438 228.300 C 323.459 227.805,323.527 225.960,323.589 224.200 C 323.651 222.440,323.904 220.740,324.151 220.423 C 324.451 220.038,324.456 219.933,324.167 220.106 C 323.928 220.248,323.733 220.111,323.733 219.800 C 323.733 219.489,323.864 219.316,324.025 219.415 C 324.185 219.514,324.419 219.326,324.546 218.998 C 324.672 218.669,325.006 218.403,325.287 218.406 C 325.646 218.410,325.620 218.529,325.200 218.800 C 324.780 219.071,324.754 219.190,325.113 219.194 C 325.394 219.197,325.730 218.925,325.859 218.590 C 326.024 218.161,326.239 218.100,326.580 218.383 C 326.925 218.670,327.290 218.527,327.833 217.894 C 328.718 216.862,328.662 217.239,328.740 211.787 C 328.800 207.544,329.417 206.035,330.434 207.642 C 330.699 208.060,330.789 207.971,330.794 207.286 C 330.799 206.463,330.890 206.420,331.700 206.851 C 332.526 207.292,332.553 207.274,332.032 206.643 C 331.542 206.049,331.542 205.972,332.032 206.077 C 332.351 206.146,332.546 205.951,332.477 205.632 C 332.372 205.142,332.449 205.142,333.043 205.632 C 333.674 206.153,333.692 206.126,333.251 205.300 C 332.943 204.722,332.920 204.400,333.186 204.400 C 333.414 204.400,333.600 204.070,333.600 203.667 C 333.600 203.263,333.725 202.808,333.878 202.655 C 334.247 202.287,334.346 201.523,334.441 198.320 C 334.496 196.447,334.689 195.575,335.081 195.424 C 335.448 195.283,335.539 195.380,335.344 195.705 C 335.147 196.033,335.275 196.015,335.723 195.651 C 336.357 195.137,336.588 195.307,336.425 196.168 C 336.386 196.370,336.635 196.303,336.977 196.019 C 337.668 195.446,337.825 195.014,337.203 195.398 C 336.974 195.540,336.840 195.223,336.888 194.651 C 336.933 194.105,337.114 193.747,337.291 193.856 C 337.468 193.966,337.509 194.223,337.383 194.428 C 337.256 194.632,337.247 194.800,337.362 194.800 C 337.478 194.800,337.776 194.418,338.026 193.952 C 338.338 193.368,338.344 193.187,338.044 193.373 C 337.773 193.540,337.699 193.408,337.847 193.021 C 337.978 192.679,338.471 192.397,338.943 192.394 C 339.574 192.389,339.658 192.298,339.259 192.045 C 338.850 191.786,338.822 191.506,339.145 190.902 C 339.381 190.462,339.599 188.201,339.629 185.877 C 339.673 182.559,339.812 181.604,340.275 181.427 C 341.109 181.106,341.282 181.143,341.010 181.584 C 340.872 181.807,341.294 181.786,342.018 181.534 C 342.703 181.295,343.359 180.852,343.475 180.550 C 343.591 180.247,343.936 180.000,344.243 180.000 C 344.895 180.000,344.996 179.332,344.375 179.125 C 344.094 179.031,344.074 178.647,344.316 177.992 C 344.517 177.446,344.715 175.830,344.756 174.400 C 344.851 171.076,345.065 170.373,345.886 170.688 C 346.361 170.871,346.446 170.786,346.207 170.368 C 345.945 169.909,345.985 169.895,346.420 170.299 C 347.007 170.843,349.200 169.155,349.200 168.158 C 349.200 167.888,349.425 167.576,349.700 167.465 C 350.100 167.304,350.100 167.257,349.700 167.232 C 349.150 167.197,348.993 165.600,349.539 165.600 C 349.726 165.600,349.926 164.295,349.985 162.700 C 350.043 161.105,350.100 159.575,350.112 159.300 C 350.124 159.025,350.474 158.800,350.890 158.800 C 351.307 158.800,351.537 158.978,351.403 159.195 C 351.261 159.424,351.427 159.488,351.796 159.346 C 352.506 159.074,354.186 156.053,353.828 155.695 C 353.703 155.569,353.600 155.671,353.600 155.921 C 353.600 156.171,353.322 156.268,352.983 156.138 C 352.414 155.920,352.512 155.426,353.133 155.380 C 354.965 155.245,355.068 154.966,355.163 149.900 C 355.213 147.212,355.287 144.981,355.327 144.943 C 355.367 144.905,356.030 144.812,356.800 144.737 C 357.570 144.662,358.470 144.322,358.800 143.981 C 359.130 143.641,359.256 143.580,359.081 143.846 C 358.900 144.119,358.970 144.458,359.242 144.626 C 359.529 144.803,359.619 144.755,359.466 144.507 C 359.325 144.278,359.450 143.891,359.745 143.646 C 360.116 143.338,360.292 142.066,360.318 139.501 C 360.338 137.465,360.365 135.294,360.378 134.676 C 360.390 134.034,360.571 133.659,360.800 133.800 C 361.020 133.936,361.200 133.664,361.200 133.195 C 361.200 132.420,361.257 132.400,361.829 132.971 C 362.667 133.810,363.040 133.776,362.349 132.923 C 361.916 132.390,361.912 132.314,362.331 132.566 C 362.664 132.767,363.147 132.579,363.631 132.059 C 364.486 131.141,364.649 130.599,363.938 131.038 C 363.645 131.219,363.585 131.147,363.774 130.842 C 364.002 130.474,364.203 130.471,364.636 130.830 C 365.402 131.465,365.353 131.010,364.571 130.229 C 364.000 129.657,364.013 129.600,364.715 129.600 C 365.409 129.600,365.495 129.267,365.566 126.300 C 365.637 123.331,365.753 122.882,366.722 121.823 L 367.800 120.646 366.748 121.301 L 365.696 121.955 365.748 120.429 C 365.784 119.387,365.959 118.963,366.300 119.094 C 366.870 119.313,366.933 119.668,366.500 120.228 C 366.335 120.442,366.515 120.278,366.900 119.864 C 367.285 119.450,367.600 119.303,367.600 119.538 C 367.600 119.772,368.052 119.512,368.603 118.960 C 369.157 118.407,369.812 118.084,370.065 118.240 C 370.348 118.415,370.414 118.347,370.238 118.062 C 370.073 117.795,370.194 117.600,370.526 117.600 C 370.977 117.600,371.113 116.798,371.169 113.800 C 371.208 111.710,371.186 110.003,371.120 110.006 C 371.054 110.009,370.730 110.187,370.400 110.400 M368.255 118.678 C 367.823 119.111,366.800 119.171,366.800 118.765 C 366.800 118.564,367.190 118.400,367.667 118.400 C 368.143 118.400,368.408 118.525,368.255 118.678 M353.200 156.800 C 353.200 157.020,352.990 157.200,352.733 157.200 C 352.477 157.200,352.385 157.318,352.530 157.463 C 352.938 157.872,352.006 158.777,351.412 158.549 C 351.016 158.397,351.099 158.112,351.742 157.415 C 352.680 156.398,353.200 156.178,353.200 156.800 M56.000 161.200 C 56.000 161.420,56.191 161.600,56.424 161.600 C 56.657 161.600,56.736 161.780,56.600 162.000 C 56.464 162.220,56.554 162.400,56.800 162.400 C 57.046 162.400,57.136 162.580,57.000 162.800 C 56.864 163.020,56.943 163.200,57.176 163.200 C 57.409 163.200,57.600 163.391,57.600 163.624 C 57.600 163.857,57.375 163.912,57.100 163.747 C 56.760 163.543,56.776 163.663,57.149 164.123 C 57.853 164.991,57.891 164.979,57.827 163.900 C 57.728 162.236,56.000 159.683,56.000 161.200 M66.273 175.481 C 66.128 175.717,66.261 176.118,66.569 176.374 C 67.143 176.851,67.959 176.226,67.440 175.707 C 67.308 175.575,67.187 175.722,67.172 176.033 C 67.155 176.369,67.020 176.284,66.841 175.827 C 66.658 175.358,66.434 175.222,66.273 175.481 M66.400 178.000 C 66.400 178.220,66.591 178.400,66.824 178.400 C 67.057 178.400,67.136 178.580,67.000 178.800 C 66.864 179.020,67.078 179.203,67.476 179.206 C 68.025 179.211,68.071 179.294,67.666 179.550 C 67.109 179.904,68.163 180.629,68.963 180.442 C 69.163 180.396,69.475 180.592,69.657 180.879 C 69.839 181.165,69.991 181.209,69.994 180.975 C 69.997 180.742,69.460 180.151,68.800 179.663 C 68.140 179.175,67.600 178.511,67.600 178.188 C 67.600 177.865,67.330 177.600,67.000 177.600 C 66.670 177.600,66.400 177.780,66.400 178.000 M72.800 186.696 C 72.800 186.947,72.989 187.269,73.219 187.412 C 73.511 187.592,73.508 187.829,73.209 188.189 C 72.892 188.571,72.946 188.770,73.415 188.950 C 73.765 189.085,73.946 189.363,73.819 189.570 C 73.691 189.776,73.754 190.048,73.958 190.174 C 74.377 190.433,74.308 189.375,73.878 188.945 C 73.165 188.232,73.704 187.964,74.500 188.635 C 75.305 189.314,75.295 189.267,74.406 188.197 C 73.859 187.539,73.274 186.829,73.106 186.620 C 72.921 186.391,72.800 186.421,72.800 186.696 M74.985 190.378 C 75.032 190.696,75.284 190.998,75.545 191.048 C 75.904 191.118,75.905 191.086,75.549 190.916 C 75.259 190.778,75.443 190.498,76.032 190.183 L 76.984 189.673 75.942 189.737 C 75.284 189.777,74.932 190.013,74.985 190.378 M76.800 194.400 C 76.800 194.620,77.070 194.800,77.400 194.800 C 77.730 194.800,78.000 194.991,78.000 195.224 C 78.000 195.457,77.775 195.516,77.500 195.355 C 77.225 195.194,77.343 195.453,77.762 195.931 C 78.551 196.831,79.033 197.100,78.600 196.400 C 78.464 196.180,78.528 196.000,78.743 196.000 C 78.958 196.000,79.214 196.225,79.312 196.500 C 79.410 196.775,79.613 196.887,79.763 196.749 C 79.913 196.611,79.474 195.936,78.787 195.249 C 77.520 193.982,76.800 193.674,76.800 194.400 M83.841 203.036 C 83.552 203.791,83.859 204.402,84.524 204.394 C 84.863 204.390,84.852 204.294,84.486 204.062 C 84.203 203.882,84.088 203.436,84.229 203.068 C 84.370 202.701,84.396 202.400,84.286 202.400 C 84.176 202.400,83.976 202.686,83.841 203.036 M85.549 204.919 C 86.070 205.565,85.645 205.911,85.055 205.322 C 84.625 204.892,83.567 204.823,83.826 205.242 C 83.952 205.446,84.212 205.516,84.403 205.398 C 84.594 205.280,84.917 205.480,85.120 205.843 C 85.384 206.314,85.572 206.368,85.780 206.032 C 86.003 205.672,86.204 205.672,86.636 206.030 C 86.946 206.287,87.194 206.341,87.187 206.149 C 87.181 205.957,86.686 205.448,86.087 205.019 C 85.231 204.403,85.117 204.382,85.549 204.919 M93.043 219.033 C 92.715 219.886,92.734 220.000,93.200 220.000 C 93.420 220.000,93.614 219.685,93.632 219.300 C 93.650 218.882,93.744 218.801,93.865 219.100 C 93.976 219.375,94.254 219.600,94.482 219.600 C 94.733 219.600,94.701 219.362,94.400 219.000 C 93.761 218.230,93.347 218.240,93.043 219.033 M93.481 220.652 C 93.339 220.795,93.349 221.111,93.505 221.356 C 93.660 221.600,93.791 221.965,93.794 222.167 C 93.797 222.369,94.205 222.564,94.700 222.600 C 95.195 222.636,95.600 222.548,95.600 222.403 C 95.600 221.921,93.745 220.388,93.481 220.652 M99.801 229.150 C 100.023 229.890,99.966 230.027,99.543 229.767 C 99.163 229.534,99.194 229.728,99.647 230.415 C 100.003 230.954,100.633 231.397,101.047 231.398 C 101.461 231.399,101.761 231.608,101.713 231.862 C 101.665 232.116,101.856 232.413,102.138 232.521 C 103.072 232.879,102.688 230.476,101.700 229.785 C 101.205 229.438,100.794 229.300,100.787 229.477 C 100.780 229.655,100.492 229.440,100.146 229.000 C 99.532 228.219,99.524 228.222,99.801 229.150 M102.000 230.600 C 102.590 231.311,101.974 231.414,101.280 230.720 C 100.907 230.347,100.800 230.352,100.800 230.744 C 100.800 231.021,100.620 231.136,100.400 231.000 C 99.740 230.592,99.948 230.000,100.751 230.000 C 101.164 230.000,101.726 230.270,102.000 230.600 M103.687 237.623 C 104.065 237.844,104.556 238.335,104.777 238.713 C 105.117 239.293,105.169 239.241,105.109 238.381 C 105.055 237.594,104.806 237.345,104.019 237.291 C 103.159 237.231,103.107 237.283,103.687 237.623 M315.200 244.869 C 315.200 245.427,314.018 246.800,313.538 246.800 C 312.866 246.800,313.197 244.859,313.900 244.676 C 315.082 244.367,315.200 244.384,315.200 244.869 M108.400 246.000 C 108.400 246.220,108.670 246.400,109.000 246.400 C 109.330 246.400,109.600 246.220,109.600 246.000 C 109.600 245.780,109.330 245.600,109.000 245.600 C 108.670 245.600,108.400 245.780,108.400 246.000 M108.962 247.262 C 108.772 247.569,108.854 247.614,109.206 247.396 C 109.590 247.159,109.666 247.251,109.483 247.728 C 109.212 248.434,110.247 249.219,111.061 248.925 C 111.344 248.824,111.142 248.379,110.543 247.780 C 109.422 246.658,109.349 246.635,108.962 247.262 M114.400 253.200 C 114.933 253.545,114.933 253.589,114.400 253.600 C 113.880 253.611,113.878 253.661,114.381 253.980 C 114.700 254.182,115.114 254.253,115.300 254.138 C 115.720 253.879,114.868 252.798,114.251 252.806 C 114.003 252.809,114.070 252.987,114.400 253.200 M119.762 261.662 C 119.585 261.948,119.652 262.015,119.938 261.838 C 120.192 261.681,120.400 261.733,120.400 261.953 C 120.400 262.173,120.220 262.464,120.000 262.600 C 119.780 262.736,119.603 263.062,119.606 263.324 C 119.610 263.610,119.767 263.561,120.000 263.200 C 120.337 262.678,120.389 262.685,120.394 263.251 C 120.402 264.117,121.438 264.985,121.788 264.419 C 121.931 264.189,122.239 264.000,122.473 264.000 C 122.724 264.000,122.673 264.273,122.349 264.665 C 121.878 265.235,121.886 265.302,122.400 265.132 C 122.730 265.023,123.000 264.678,123.000 264.367 C 123.000 264.055,122.730 263.800,122.400 263.800 C 122.070 263.800,121.481 263.215,121.090 262.500 C 120.308 261.067,120.180 260.986,119.762 261.662 M135.450 290.319 C 135.300 290.562,135.532 290.949,135.965 291.181 C 136.544 291.491,136.828 291.470,137.040 291.101 C 137.198 290.825,137.182 290.732,137.004 290.894 C 136.825 291.055,136.464 290.893,136.201 290.533 C 135.879 290.093,135.633 290.023,135.450 290.319 M140.000 304.800 C 140.000 305.020,140.270 305.200,140.600 305.200 C 140.930 305.200,141.200 305.020,141.200 304.800 C 141.200 304.580,140.930 304.400,140.600 304.400 C 140.270 304.400,140.000 304.580,140.000 304.800 M301.476 325.900 C 301.375 326.285,301.293 325.970,301.293 325.200 C 301.293 324.430,301.375 324.115,301.476 324.500 C 301.576 324.885,301.576 325.515,301.476 325.900 M301.899 349.500 C 301.833 352.965,301.778 350.130,301.778 343.200 C 301.778 336.270,301.833 333.435,301.899 336.900 C 301.966 340.365,301.966 346.035,301.899 349.500 M301.498 372.300 C 301.426 374.445,301.367 372.690,301.367 368.400 C 301.367 364.110,301.426 362.355,301.498 364.500 C 301.570 366.645,301.570 370.155,301.498 372.300 M301.898 392.080 C 301.826 394.126,301.766 392.560,301.765 388.600 C 301.765 384.640,301.824 382.966,301.898 384.880 C 301.971 386.794,301.971 390.034,301.898 392.080 M277.289 445.400 C 276.460 446.509,276.216 446.387,276.556 445.033 C 276.724 444.365,277.005 444.104,277.394 444.253 C 277.893 444.445,277.878 444.613,277.289 445.400 M159.897 448.067 C 160.170 448.401,160.260 448.821,160.097 449.001 C 159.933 449.181,160.010 449.208,160.266 449.062 C 160.522 448.915,160.804 449.012,160.893 449.278 C 161.005 449.615,161.135 449.629,161.323 449.324 C 161.472 449.084,161.100 448.566,160.497 448.174 C 159.699 447.655,159.536 447.626,159.897 448.067 M263.101 451.163 C 262.496 451.551,262.121 451.988,262.267 452.134 C 262.414 452.280,262.203 452.400,261.800 452.400 C 261.397 452.400,261.165 452.499,261.286 452.619 C 261.407 452.740,261.994 452.716,262.591 452.567 C 263.388 452.367,263.533 452.204,263.138 451.953 C 262.842 451.766,262.791 451.609,263.024 451.606 C 263.256 451.603,263.796 451.336,264.224 451.013 C 265.310 450.191,264.434 450.309,263.101 451.163 M224.912 456.048 C 224.396 456.564,218.664 456.691,208.600 456.409 C 202.015 456.225,202.160 456.212,213.200 456.000 C 219.470 455.880,224.771 455.740,224.980 455.691 C 225.189 455.641,225.158 455.802,224.912 456.048 M226.400 456.619 C 225.410 457.146,224.849 457.583,225.153 457.589 C 225.703 457.600,228.400 456.087,228.400 455.767 C 228.400 455.547,228.468 455.518,226.400 456.619 M188.100 459.891 C 188.925 459.978,190.275 459.978,191.100 459.891 C 191.925 459.805,191.250 459.734,189.600 459.734 C 187.950 459.734,187.275 459.805,188.100 459.891 " stroke="none" fill="#848484" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g></svg><a title="Expérimentations et tests
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* Simple-Jekyll-Search
* Copyright 2015-2020, Christian Fei
* Licensed under the MIT License.
'use strict'
var _$Templater_7 = {
compile: compile,
setOptions: setOptions
const options = {}
options.pattern = /\{(.*?)\}/g
options.template = ''
options.middleware = function () {}
function setOptions (_options) {
options.pattern = _options.pattern || options.pattern
options.template = _options.template || options.template
if (typeof _options.middleware === 'function') {
options.middleware = _options.middleware
function compile (data) {
return options.template.replace(options.pattern, function (match, prop) {
const value = options.middleware(prop, data[prop], options.template)
if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
return value
return data[prop] || match
'use strict';
function fuzzysearch (needle, haystack) {
var tlen = haystack.length;
var qlen = needle.length;
if (qlen > tlen) {
return false;
if (qlen === tlen) {
return needle === haystack;
outer: for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < qlen; i++) {
var nch = needle.charCodeAt(i);
while (j < tlen) {
if (haystack.charCodeAt(j++) === nch) {
continue outer;
return false;
return true;
var _$fuzzysearch_1 = fuzzysearch;
'use strict'
/* removed: const _$fuzzysearch_1 = require('fuzzysearch') */;
var _$FuzzySearchStrategy_5 = new FuzzySearchStrategy()
function FuzzySearchStrategy () {
this.matches = function (string, crit) {
return _$fuzzysearch_1(crit.toLowerCase(), string.toLowerCase())
'use strict'
var _$LiteralSearchStrategy_6 = new LiteralSearchStrategy()
function LiteralSearchStrategy () {
this.matches = function (str, crit) {
if (!str) return false
str = str.trim().toLowerCase()
crit = crit.trim().toLowerCase()
return crit.split(' ').filter(function (word) {
return str.indexOf(word) >= 0
}).length === crit.split(' ').length
'use strict'
var _$Repository_4 = {
put: put,
clear: clear,
search: search,
setOptions: __setOptions_4
/* removed: const _$FuzzySearchStrategy_5 = require('./SearchStrategies/FuzzySearchStrategy') */;
/* removed: const _$LiteralSearchStrategy_6 = require('./SearchStrategies/LiteralSearchStrategy') */;
function NoSort () {
return 0
const data = []
let opt = {}
opt.fuzzy = false
opt.limit = 10
opt.searchStrategy = opt.fuzzy ? _$FuzzySearchStrategy_5 : _$LiteralSearchStrategy_6
opt.sort = NoSort
opt.exclude = []
function put (data) {
if (isObject(data)) {
return addObject(data)
if (isArray(data)) {
return addArray(data)
return undefined
function clear () {
data.length = 0
return data
function isObject (obj) {
return Boolean(obj) && === '[object Object]'
function isArray (obj) {
return Boolean(obj) && === '[object Array]'
function addObject (_data) {
return data
function addArray (_data) {
const added = []
for (let i = 0, len = _data.length; i < len; i++) {
if (isObject(_data[i])) {
return added
function search (crit) {
if (!crit) {
return []
return findMatches(data, crit, opt.searchStrategy, opt).sort(opt.sort)
function __setOptions_4 (_opt) {
opt = _opt || {}
opt.fuzzy = _opt.fuzzy || false
opt.limit = _opt.limit || 10
opt.searchStrategy = _opt.fuzzy ? _$FuzzySearchStrategy_5 : _$LiteralSearchStrategy_6
opt.sort = _opt.sort || NoSort
opt.exclude = _opt.exclude || []
function findMatches (data, crit, strategy, opt) {
const matches = []
for (let i = 0; i < data.length && matches.length < opt.limit; i++) {
const match = findMatchesInObject(data[i], crit, strategy, opt)
if (match) {
return matches
function findMatchesInObject (obj, crit, strategy, opt) {
for (const key in obj) {
if (!isExcluded(obj[key], opt.exclude) && strategy.matches(obj[key], crit)) {
return obj
function isExcluded (term, excludedTerms) {
for (let i = 0, len = excludedTerms.length; i < len; i++) {
const excludedTerm = excludedTerms[i]
if (new RegExp(excludedTerm).test(term)) {
return true
return false
/* globals ActiveXObject:false */
'use strict'
var _$JSONLoader_2 = {
load: load
function load (location, callback) {
const xhr = getXHR()'GET', location, true)
xhr.onreadystatechange = createStateChangeListener(xhr, callback)
function createStateChangeListener (xhr, callback) {
return function () {
if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {
try {
callback(null, JSON.parse(xhr.responseText))
} catch (err) {
callback(err, null)
function getXHR () {
return window.XMLHttpRequest ? new window.XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')
'use strict'
var _$OptionsValidator_3 = function OptionsValidator (params) {
if (!validateParams(params)) {
throw new Error('-- OptionsValidator: required options missing')
if (!(this instanceof OptionsValidator)) {
return new OptionsValidator(params)
const requiredOptions = params.required
this.getRequiredOptions = function () {
return requiredOptions
this.validate = function (parameters) {
const errors = []
requiredOptions.forEach(function (requiredOptionName) {
if (typeof parameters[requiredOptionName] === 'undefined') {
return errors
function validateParams (params) {
if (!params) {
return false
return typeof params.required !== 'undefined' && params.required instanceof Array
'use strict'
var _$utils_9 = {
merge: merge,
function merge (defaultParams, mergeParams) {
const mergedOptions = {}
for (const option in defaultParams) {
mergedOptions[option] = defaultParams[option]
if (typeof mergeParams[option] !== 'undefined') {
mergedOptions[option] = mergeParams[option]
return mergedOptions
function isJSON (json) {
try {
if (json instanceof Object && JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json))) {
return true
return false
} catch (err) {
return false
var _$src_8 = {};
(function (window) {
'use strict'
let options = {
searchInput: null,
resultsContainer: null,
json: [],
success: Function.prototype,
searchResultTemplate: '<li><a href="{url}" title="{desc}">{title}</a></li>',
templateMiddleware: Function.prototype,
sortMiddleware: function () {
return 0
noResultsText: 'No results found',
limit: 10,
fuzzy: false,
debounceTime: null,
exclude: []
let debounceTimerHandle
const debounce = function (func, delayMillis) {
if (delayMillis) {
debounceTimerHandle = setTimeout(func, delayMillis)
} else {
const requiredOptions = ['searchInput', 'resultsContainer', 'json']
/* removed: const _$Templater_7 = require('./Templater') */;
/* removed: const _$Repository_4 = require('./Repository') */;
/* removed: const _$JSONLoader_2 = require('./JSONLoader') */;
const optionsValidator = _$OptionsValidator_3({
required: requiredOptions
/* removed: const _$utils_9 = require('./utils') */;
window.SimpleJekyllSearch = function (_options) {
const errors = optionsValidator.validate(_options)
if (errors.length > 0) {
throwError('You must specify the following required options: ' + requiredOptions)
options = _$utils_9.merge(options, _options)
template: options.searchResultTemplate,
middleware: options.templateMiddleware
fuzzy: options.fuzzy,
limit: options.limit,
sort: options.sortMiddleware,
exclude: options.exclude
if (_$utils_9.isJSON(options.json)) {
} else {
const rv = {
search: search
typeof options.success === 'function' &&
return rv
function initWithJSON (json) {
function initWithURL (url) {
_$JSONLoader_2.load(url, function (err, json) {
if (err) {
throwError('failed to get JSON (' + url + ')')
function emptyResultsContainer () {
options.resultsContainer.innerHTML = ''
function appendToResultsContainer (text) {
options.resultsContainer.innerHTML += text
function registerInput () {
options.searchInput.addEventListener('input', function (e) {
if (isWhitelistedKey(e.which)) {
debounce(function () { search( }, options.debounceTime)
function search (query) {
if (isValidQuery(query)) {
render(_$, query)
function render (results, query) {
const len = results.length
if (len === 0) {
return appendToResultsContainer(options.noResultsText)
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
results[i].query = query
function isValidQuery (query) {
return query && query.length > 0
function isWhitelistedKey (key) {
return [13, 16, 20, 37, 38, 39, 40, 91].indexOf(key) === -1
function throwError (message) {
throw new Error('SimpleJekyllSearch --- ' + message)
<!-- Configuration -->
searchInput: document.getElementById('search-input'),
resultsContainer: document.getElementById('results-container'),
json: '/search.json',
//searchResultTemplate: '<li><a href="{url}">{date} {title}</a></li>'
searchResultTemplate: '<li><a href="{url}">{date} {title}</a></li>'
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<article itemscope itemtype=""><div class="article__header"><header><h1 style="color:Tomato;">Nginx personnalisation des pages d'erreur</h1></header></div><meta itemprop="headline" content="Nginx personnalisation des pages d'erreur"><div class="article__info clearfix"><ul class="left-col menu"><li>
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<i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i> <span title="Création" style="color:#FF00FF">21 déc. 2019</span></li></ul></div><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2019-12-21T00:00:00+01:00">
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<div class="article__content" itemprop="articleBody"><details>
<summary><b>Afficher/cacher Sommaire</b></summary>
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<div class="toc-aside js-toc-root"></div>
</details><h2 id="configurer-nginx-pour-utiliser-des-pages-derreur-personnalisées">Configurer Nginx pour utiliser des pages d’erreur personnalisées</h2>
<p><img src="/images/nginx-logo.png" alt="" /></p>
<h3 id="introduction">Introduction</h3>
<p>Nginx est un serveur Web haute performance capable de servir du contenu avec flexibilité et puissance. Lors de la conception de vos pages Web, il est souvent utile de personnaliser chaque élément de contenu que vos utilisateurs verront. Cela inclut les pages d’erreur pour quand ils demandent du contenu qui n’est pas disponible.</p>
<h3 id="création-de-vos-pages-derreur-personnalisées">Création de vos pages d’erreur personnalisées</h3>
<p>Nous mettrons nos pages d’erreur personnalisées dans le <strong>/usr/share/nginx/html</strong> où Nginx définit sa racine de document par défaut. Nous créerons une page pour les erreurs 404 appelée <strong>custom_404.html</strong> et une autre pour les erreurs générales de niveau 500 appelée <strong>custom_50x.html</strong><br />
Vous pouvez utiliser les lignes suivantes si vous ne faites que tester. Sinon, mettez votre propre contenu dans ces emplacements:</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>echo "<h1 style='color:red'>Error 404: Not found :-(</h1>" | sudo tee /usr/share/nginx/html/custom_404.html
echo "<p>I have no idea where that file is, sorry. Are you sure you typed in the correct URL?</p>" | sudo tee -a /usr/share/nginx/html/custom_404.html
echo "<h1>Oops! Something went wrong...</h1>" | sudo tee /usr/share/nginx/html/custom_50x.html
echo "<p>We seem to be having some technical difficulties. Hang tight.</p>" | sudo tee -a /usr/share/nginx/html/custom_50x.html
<p>Nous avons maintenant deux pages d’erreur personnalisées que nous pouvons diffuser lorsque les demandes des clients entraînent des erreurs différentes.</p>
<h3 id="configuration-de-nginx-pour-utiliser-vos-pages-derreur">Configuration de Nginx pour utiliser vos pages d’erreur</h3>
<p>Maintenant, nous devons simplement dire à Nginx qu’il devrait utiliser ces pages chaque fois que les conditions d’erreur correctes se produisent. Ouvrez le fichier de blocage du serveur dans le répertoire /etc/nginx/sites-enabled que vous souhaitez configurer. Nous utiliserons le fichier de blocage de serveur par default appelé default , mais vous devez ajuster vos propres blocs de serveur si vous utilisez un fichier non par défaut:</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
<p>Nous pouvons maintenant pointer Nginx vers nos pages d’erreur personnalisées.</p>
<h3 id="diriger-les-erreurs-404-vers-la-page-404-personnalisée">Diriger les erreurs 404 vers la page 404 personnalisée</h3>
<p>Utilisez la directive error_page pour que lorsqu’une erreur 404 se produit (lorsqu’un fichier demandé n’est pas trouvé), la page personnalisée que vous avez créée soit servie. Nous allons créer un bloc d’emplacement pour le fichier, où nous pouvons nous assurer que la racine correspond à l’emplacement de notre système de fichiers et que le fichier est uniquement accessible via les redirections Nginx internes (non directement demandables par les clients):</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;
. . .
error_page 404 /custom_404.html;
location = /custom_404.html {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
<p>Habituellement, nous n’aurions pas à définir la root dans le nouveau bloc d’emplacement car elle correspond à la racine dans le bloc serveur. Cependant, nous sommes explicites ici afin que nos pages d’erreur soient servies même si nous déplaçons notre contenu Web normal et la racine du document associé vers un emplacement différent.</p>
<h3 id="diriger-les-erreurs-de-niveau-500-vers-la-page-50x-personnalisée">Diriger les erreurs de niveau 500 vers la page 50x personnalisée</h3>
<p>Ensuite, nous pouvons ajouter les directives pour nous assurer que lorsque Nginx rencontre des erreurs de niveau 500 (problèmes liés au serveur), il servira l’autre page personnalisée que nous avons créée. Cela suivra exactement la même formule que nous avons utilisée dans la dernière section. Cette fois, nous avons défini plusieurs erreurs de niveau 500 pour utiliser toutes la page custom_50x.html :</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;
. . .
error_page 404 /custom_404.html;
location = /custom_404.html {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
error_page 500 502 503 504 /custom_50x.html;
location = /custom_50x.html {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
location /testing {
fastcgi_pass unix:/does/not/exist;
<p>En bas, nous avons également ajouté une passe fictive FastCGI afin que nous puissions tester notre page d’erreur de niveau 500 . Cela ne fonctionnera pas correctement car le backend n’existe pas. Demander une page ici nous permettra de tester que les erreurs de niveau 500 servent notre page personnalisée.</p>
<p>Enregistrez et fermez le fichier lorsque vous avez terminé.</p>
<h3 id="redémarrer-nginx-et-tester-vos-pages">Redémarrer Nginx et tester vos pages</h3>
<p>Testez la syntaxe de votre fichier de configuration en tapant:</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> sudo nginx -t
<p>Si des erreurs ont été signalées, corrigez-les avant de continuer. Lorsqu’aucune erreur de syntaxe n’est renvoyée, redémarrez Nginx en tapant:</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> sudo service nginx restart
<p>Maintenant, lorsque vous allez sur le domaine ou l’adresse IP de votre serveur et demandez un fichier inexistant, vous devriez voir la page 404 que nous avons configurée:</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>http://server_domain_or_IP/thiswillerror
<p><img src="/images/custom_404.png" alt="nginx custom 404" /></p>
<p>Lorsque vous vous rendrez à l’emplacement que nous avons configuré pour le pass FastCGI, nous recevrons une erreur 502 Bad Gateway avec notre page personnalisée de niveau 500:</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>http://server_domain_or_IP/testing
<p><img src="/images/custom_50x.png" alt="nginx custom 50x" /></p>
<p>Vous pouvez maintenant revenir en arrière et supprimer le faux emplacement de passe FastCGI de votre configuration Nginx.</p>
<h3 id="conclusion">Conclusion</h3>
<p>Vous devez maintenant diffuser des pages d’erreur personnalisées pour votre site. Il s’agit d’un moyen simple de personnaliser l’expérience de vos utilisateurs même lorsqu’ils rencontrent des problèmes. Une suggestion pour ces pages est d’inclure des liens vers des endroits où ils peuvent aller pour obtenir de l’aide ou plus d’informations. Si vous procédez ainsi, assurez-vous que les destinations des liens sont accessibles même lorsque les erreurs associées se produisent.</p>
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var searchModal = $searchModal.modal({ onChange: handleModalChange, hideWhenWindowScroll: true });
var modalVisible = false;
search.searchModal = searchModal;
var $searchBox = null;
var $searchInput = null;
var $searchClear = null;
function getModalVisible() {
return modalVisible;
search.getModalVisible = getModalVisible;
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modalVisible = visible;
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search.onShow && search.onShow();
useDefaultSearchBox && $searchInput[0] && $searchInput[0].focus();
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search.onShow && search.onHide();
useDefaultSearchBox && $searchInput[0] && $searchInput[0].blur();
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useDefaultSearchBox && ($searchInput.val(''), $searchBox.removeClass('not-empty'));
search.clear && search.clear();
window.pageAsideAffix && window.pageAsideAffix.refresh();
}, 400);
$searchToggle.on('click', function() {
modalVisible ? searchModal.hide() :;
// Char Code: 83 S, 191 /
$(window).on('keyup', function(e) {
if (!modalVisible && !window.isFormElement( || e.srcElement) && (e.which === 83 || e.which === 191)) {
modalVisible ||;
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$searchBox = $('.js-search-box');
$searchInput = $searchBox.children('input');
$searchClear = $searchBox.children('.js-icon-clear');
search.getSearchInput = function() {
return $searchInput.get(0);
search.getVal = function() {
return $searchInput.val();
search.setVal = function(val) {
$searchInput.on('focus', function() {
$searchInput.on('blur', function() {
$searchInput.on('input', window.throttle(function() {
var val = $(this).val();
if (val === '' || typeof val !== 'string') {
search.clear && search.clear();
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search.onInputNotEmpty && search.onInputNotEmpty(val);
}, 400));
$searchClear.on('click', function() {
$searchInput.val(''); $searchBox.removeClass('not-empty');
search.clear && search.clear();
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<div class="main">
<div class="search__header">Recherche</div>
<div class="search-bar">
<div class="search-box js-search-box">
<div class="search-box__icon-search"><i class="fas fa-search"></i></div>
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<a><i class="fas fa-times"></i></a>
<button class="button button--theme-dark button--pill search__cancel js-search-toggle">
<div id="results-container" class="search-result js-search-result"></div>
<!-- Script pointing to search-script.js -->
* Simple-Jekyll-Search
* Copyright 2015-2020, Christian Fei
* Licensed under the MIT License.
'use strict'
var _$Templater_7 = {
compile: compile,
setOptions: setOptions
const options = {}
options.pattern = /\{(.*?)\}/g
options.template = ''
options.middleware = function () {}
function setOptions (_options) {
options.pattern = _options.pattern || options.pattern
options.template = _options.template || options.template
if (typeof _options.middleware === 'function') {
options.middleware = _options.middleware
function compile (data) {
return options.template.replace(options.pattern, function (match, prop) {
const value = options.middleware(prop, data[prop], options.template)
if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
return value
return data[prop] || match
'use strict';
function fuzzysearch (needle, haystack) {
var tlen = haystack.length;
var qlen = needle.length;
if (qlen > tlen) {
return false;
if (qlen === tlen) {
return needle === haystack;
outer: for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < qlen; i++) {
var nch = needle.charCodeAt(i);
while (j < tlen) {
if (haystack.charCodeAt(j++) === nch) {
continue outer;
return false;
return true;
var _$fuzzysearch_1 = fuzzysearch;
'use strict'
/* removed: const _$fuzzysearch_1 = require('fuzzysearch') */;
var _$FuzzySearchStrategy_5 = new FuzzySearchStrategy()
function FuzzySearchStrategy () {
this.matches = function (string, crit) {
return _$fuzzysearch_1(crit.toLowerCase(), string.toLowerCase())
'use strict'
var _$LiteralSearchStrategy_6 = new LiteralSearchStrategy()
function LiteralSearchStrategy () {
this.matches = function (str, crit) {
if (!str) return false
str = str.trim().toLowerCase()
crit = crit.trim().toLowerCase()
return crit.split(' ').filter(function (word) {
return str.indexOf(word) >= 0
}).length === crit.split(' ').length
'use strict'
var _$Repository_4 = {
put: put,
clear: clear,
search: search,
setOptions: __setOptions_4
/* removed: const _$FuzzySearchStrategy_5 = require('./SearchStrategies/FuzzySearchStrategy') */;
/* removed: const _$LiteralSearchStrategy_6 = require('./SearchStrategies/LiteralSearchStrategy') */;
function NoSort () {
return 0
const data = []
let opt = {}
opt.fuzzy = false
opt.limit = 10
opt.searchStrategy = opt.fuzzy ? _$FuzzySearchStrategy_5 : _$LiteralSearchStrategy_6
opt.sort = NoSort
opt.exclude = []
function put (data) {
if (isObject(data)) {
return addObject(data)
if (isArray(data)) {
return addArray(data)
return undefined
function clear () {
data.length = 0
return data
function isObject (obj) {
return Boolean(obj) && === '[object Object]'
function isArray (obj) {
return Boolean(obj) && === '[object Array]'
function addObject (_data) {
return data
function addArray (_data) {
const added = []
for (let i = 0, len = _data.length; i < len; i++) {
if (isObject(_data[i])) {
return added
function search (crit) {
if (!crit) {
return []
return findMatches(data, crit, opt.searchStrategy, opt).sort(opt.sort)
function __setOptions_4 (_opt) {
opt = _opt || {}
opt.fuzzy = _opt.fuzzy || false
opt.limit = _opt.limit || 10
opt.searchStrategy = _opt.fuzzy ? _$FuzzySearchStrategy_5 : _$LiteralSearchStrategy_6
opt.sort = _opt.sort || NoSort
opt.exclude = _opt.exclude || []
function findMatches (data, crit, strategy, opt) {
const matches = []
for (let i = 0; i < data.length && matches.length < opt.limit; i++) {
const match = findMatchesInObject(data[i], crit, strategy, opt)
if (match) {
return matches
function findMatchesInObject (obj, crit, strategy, opt) {
for (const key in obj) {
if (!isExcluded(obj[key], opt.exclude) && strategy.matches(obj[key], crit)) {
return obj
function isExcluded (term, excludedTerms) {
for (let i = 0, len = excludedTerms.length; i < len; i++) {
const excludedTerm = excludedTerms[i]
if (new RegExp(excludedTerm).test(term)) {
return true
return false
/* globals ActiveXObject:false */
'use strict'
var _$JSONLoader_2 = {
load: load
function load (location, callback) {
const xhr = getXHR()'GET', location, true)
xhr.onreadystatechange = createStateChangeListener(xhr, callback)
function createStateChangeListener (xhr, callback) {
return function () {
if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {
try {
callback(null, JSON.parse(xhr.responseText))
} catch (err) {
callback(err, null)
function getXHR () {
return window.XMLHttpRequest ? new window.XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')
'use strict'
var _$OptionsValidator_3 = function OptionsValidator (params) {
if (!validateParams(params)) {
throw new Error('-- OptionsValidator: required options missing')
if (!(this instanceof OptionsValidator)) {
return new OptionsValidator(params)
const requiredOptions = params.required
this.getRequiredOptions = function () {
return requiredOptions
this.validate = function (parameters) {
const errors = []
requiredOptions.forEach(function (requiredOptionName) {
if (typeof parameters[requiredOptionName] === 'undefined') {
return errors
function validateParams (params) {
if (!params) {
return false
return typeof params.required !== 'undefined' && params.required instanceof Array
'use strict'
var _$utils_9 = {
merge: merge,
function merge (defaultParams, mergeParams) {
const mergedOptions = {}
for (const option in defaultParams) {
mergedOptions[option] = defaultParams[option]
if (typeof mergeParams[option] !== 'undefined') {
mergedOptions[option] = mergeParams[option]
return mergedOptions
function isJSON (json) {
try {
if (json instanceof Object && JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json))) {
return true
return false
} catch (err) {
return false
var _$src_8 = {};
(function (window) {
'use strict'
let options = {
searchInput: null,
resultsContainer: null,
json: [],
success: Function.prototype,
searchResultTemplate: '<li><a href="{url}" title="{desc}">{title}</a></li>',
templateMiddleware: Function.prototype,
sortMiddleware: function () {
return 0
noResultsText: 'No results found',
limit: 10,
fuzzy: false,
debounceTime: null,
exclude: []
let debounceTimerHandle
const debounce = function (func, delayMillis) {
if (delayMillis) {
debounceTimerHandle = setTimeout(func, delayMillis)
} else {
const requiredOptions = ['searchInput', 'resultsContainer', 'json']
/* removed: const _$Templater_7 = require('./Templater') */;
/* removed: const _$Repository_4 = require('./Repository') */;
/* removed: const _$JSONLoader_2 = require('./JSONLoader') */;
const optionsValidator = _$OptionsValidator_3({
required: requiredOptions
/* removed: const _$utils_9 = require('./utils') */;
window.SimpleJekyllSearch = function (_options) {
const errors = optionsValidator.validate(_options)
if (errors.length > 0) {
throwError('You must specify the following required options: ' + requiredOptions)
options = _$utils_9.merge(options, _options)
template: options.searchResultTemplate,
middleware: options.templateMiddleware
fuzzy: options.fuzzy,
limit: options.limit,
sort: options.sortMiddleware,
exclude: options.exclude
if (_$utils_9.isJSON(options.json)) {
} else {
const rv = {
search: search
typeof options.success === 'function' &&
return rv
function initWithJSON (json) {
function initWithURL (url) {
_$JSONLoader_2.load(url, function (err, json) {
if (err) {
throwError('failed to get JSON (' + url + ')')
function emptyResultsContainer () {
options.resultsContainer.innerHTML = ''
function appendToResultsContainer (text) {
options.resultsContainer.innerHTML += text
function registerInput () {
options.searchInput.addEventListener('input', function (e) {
if (isWhitelistedKey(e.which)) {
debounce(function () { search( }, options.debounceTime)
function search (query) {
if (isValidQuery(query)) {
render(_$, query)
function render (results, query) {
const len = results.length
if (len === 0) {
return appendToResultsContainer(options.noResultsText)
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
results[i].query = query
function isValidQuery (query) {
return query && query.length > 0
function isWhitelistedKey (key) {
return [13, 16, 20, 37, 38, 39, 40, 91].indexOf(key) === -1
function throwError (message) {
throw new Error('SimpleJekyllSearch --- ' + message)
<!-- Configuration -->
searchInput: document.getElementById('search-input'),
resultsContainer: document.getElementById('results-container'),
noResultsText: '<p>Aucun résultat!</p>',
json: '/search.json',
searchResultTemplate: '<li><a href="{url}">{date} {title}</a> (Création {create})</li>'
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setOptions: setOptions
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search.html situé sous la racine /srv/basicblog/ du site statique dans le dossier _layouts
layout: default
<div class="search">
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var Set = (function() {
var add = function(item) {
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121.813 C 225.200 122.149,224.885 122.541,224.500 122.683 C 223.606 123.013,223.214 123.593,223.204 124.600 C 223.183 126.555,220.763 132.911,219.410 134.562 C 218.443 135.742,217.876 136.956,217.599 138.440 C 217.041 141.424,215.177 146.434,214.532 146.681 C 214.240 146.794,214.000 147.055,214.000 147.261 C 214.000 147.467,213.550 148.086,213.000 148.636 C 212.450 149.186,212.000 149.893,212.000 150.208 C 212.000 151.386,208.441 154.450,207.597 153.998 C 206.319 153.315,204.913 150.379,204.633 147.811 C 204.365 145.357,202.848 142.147,201.759 141.729 C 200.967 141.425,199.200 137.451,199.200 135.974 C 199.200 134.629,198.435 133.224,196.660 131.311 C 195.363 129.913,194.572 128.123,193.870 125.000 C 193.623 123.900,193.236 122.793,193.010 122.540 C 190.863 120.133,190.147 118.880,188.978 115.481 C 188.100 112.928,187.151 111.003,186.254 109.955 C 185.358 108.908,184.518 107.204,183.847 105.073 C 183.280 103.273,182.497 101.329,182.108 100.753 C 181.719 100.177,180.904 98.997,180.298 98.131 C 179.693 97.265,178.939 95.576,178.624 94.378 C 178.041 92.159,177.125 90.326,175.023 87.168 C 174.375 86.196,173.619 84.539,173.342 83.486 C 172.800 81.429,171.529 79.567,170.131 78.785 C 169.654 78.517,168.697 77.511,168.006 76.549 C 167.316 75.587,166.594 74.800,166.402 74.800 C 166.210 74.800,164.869 73.633,163.421 72.206 C 160.103 68.936,161.107 69.109,146.550 69.301 C 133.437 69.474,128.581 70.162,126.618 72.124 C 126.248 72.495,125.462 72.904,124.872 73.033 C 124.282 73.163,123.088 73.536,122.219 73.863 C 121.349 74.191,119.028 74.638,117.061 74.858 C 113.514 75.254,109.970 76.350,108.782 77.419 C 107.652 78.436,100.146 80.400,97.388 80.400 C 95.775 80.400,93.167 81.360,91.200 82.679 C 90.430 83.195,89.113 83.804,88.274 84.031 C 85.875 84.681,78.799 90.910,74.400 96.243 L 73.400 97.456 73.455 106.028 C 73.526 117.055,74.527 121.238,77.820 124.263 C 78.919 125.273,80.400 127.902,80.400 128.842 C 80.400 129.202,81.075 130.256,81.900 131.186 C 83.563 133.059,85.497 136.346,86.039 138.216 C 86.233 138.886,87.203 140.207,88.196 141.153 C 89.188 142.098,90.000 143.104,90.000 143.388 C 90.000 144.337,92.129 148.594,92.869 149.123 C 93.271 149.410,93.600 149.831,93.600 150.059 C 93.600 150.286,93.932 150.771,94.337 151.136 C 94.743 151.501,95.598 153.004,96.237 154.475 C 96.877 155.947,97.760 157.351,98.200 157.596 C 98.640 157.841,99.900 159.943,101.000 162.267 C 102.207 164.817,103.327 166.644,103.825 166.876 C 104.278 167.087,105.065 168.101,105.573 169.130 C 107.658 173.348,108.097 174.093,110.006 176.647 C 111.103 178.114,112.000 179.725,112.000 180.227 C 112.000 181.048,113.425 183.163,114.678 184.200 C 115.295 184.711,117.396 188.733,117.720 190.022 C 117.855 190.562,118.603 191.633,119.381 192.402 C 120.160 193.171,121.496 195.258,122.351 197.039 C 123.206 198.820,124.167 200.378,124.487 200.501 C 124.807 200.624,125.953 202.496,127.034 204.662 C 128.114 206.828,129.676 209.299,130.505 210.153 C 131.333 211.007,132.124 212.177,132.262 212.753 C 132.618 214.239,134.291 217.048,136.288 219.516 C 137.230 220.679,138.000 221.923,138.000 222.280 C 138.000 223.140,139.924 226.400,140.431 226.400 C 140.650 226.400,141.167 227.190,141.581 228.156 C 141.995 229.122,142.524 230.029,142.756 230.173 C 142.988 230.316,143.381 231.187,143.629 232.107 C 143.901 233.119,144.651 234.320,145.527 235.145 C 146.323 235.896,147.551 237.776,148.256 239.323 C 148.961 240.869,149.822 242.467,150.169 242.872 C 150.516 243.277,150.800 243.747,150.800 243.916 C 150.800 244.084,151.178 244.546,151.640 244.941 C 152.102 245.337,153.117 247.042,153.896 248.730 C 154.674 250.419,155.885 252.393,156.587 253.117 C 157.288 253.842,158.453 255.832,159.175 257.541 C 159.991 259.470,161.083 261.238,162.057 262.207 C 162.921 263.065,163.741 264.225,163.880 264.784 C 164.202 266.074,165.821 269.140,166.738 270.193 C 167.716 271.317,169.600 274.181,169.600 274.543 C 169.600 275.323,171.398 278.721,172.342 279.726 L 173.400 280.852 173.501 347.096 C 173.584 401.667,173.696 413.450,174.136 413.969 C 174.430 414.316,175.270 415.545,176.002 416.700 C 176.735 417.855,177.566 418.800,177.849 418.800 C 178.505 418.800,179.956 420.251,181.626 422.576 C 182.346 423.579,183.220 424.401,183.568 424.402 C 183.916 424.404,184.716 424.674,185.346 425.002 C 186.694 425.706,205.876 425.863,210.404 425.207 C 211.837 425.000,214.626 424.647,216.602 424.422 C 218.578 424.198,221.096 423.671,222.197 423.251 C 225.651 421.936,234.760 420.742,244.200 420.367 C 254.932 419.940,255.342 419.867,256.938 418.105 C 258.873 415.970,262.469 412.173,263.741 410.922 C 268.897 405.853,268.378 414.164,268.506 334.626 C 268.624 260.876,268.527 264.457,270.487 262.095 C 270.963 261.522,272.681 256.931,273.205 254.833 C 273.645 253.071,274.761 250.935,275.900 249.677 C 276.395 249.131,276.800 248.378,276.800 248.006 C 276.800 246.948,279.199 240.273,279.832 239.569 C 280.145 239.221,280.400 238.714,280.400 238.442 C 280.400 238.169,280.826 237.374,281.347 236.673 C 281.868 235.973,282.391 234.759,282.510 233.975 C 282.628 233.191,283.088 231.751,283.530 230.775 C 283.973 229.799,284.463 228.550,284.618 228.000 C 284.773 227.450,285.400 226.253,286.010 225.339 C 286.620 224.426,287.347 222.986,287.625 222.139 C 289.193 217.363,291.339 212.217,292.021 211.600 C 292.431 211.229,293.600 208.484,293.600 207.893 C 293.600 207.570,293.978 206.338,294.441 205.153 C 295.255 203.068,295.626 202.309,297.773 198.331 C 298.328 197.303,298.950 195.773,299.155 194.931 C 299.786 192.337,301.043 189.208,301.943 187.992 C 302.414 187.354,302.800 186.740,302.800 186.628 C 302.800 186.516,303.250 185.440,303.800 184.237 C 304.350 183.035,304.800 181.764,304.800 181.414 C 304.800 180.310,306.817 175.830,307.626 175.136 C 308.052 174.771,308.400 174.224,308.400 173.920 C 308.400 173.617,308.760 172.663,309.200 171.800 C 309.640 170.937,310.000 169.819,310.000 169.316 C 310.000 168.227,312.179 163.482,312.987 162.811 C 313.490 162.394,314.327 160.096,316.017 154.494 C 316.300 153.556,316.772 152.589,317.066 152.345 C 317.360 152.102,317.600 151.654,317.600 151.351 C 317.600 151.048,317.783 150.800,318.006 150.800 C 318.520 150.800,319.275 149.024,320.385 145.200 C 321.312 142.009,321.939 140.531,323.182 138.600 C 324.471 136.600,325.199 135.111,325.219 134.439 C 325.257 133.119,327.075 128.319,327.930 127.280 C 329.603 125.247,330.395 123.800,330.397 122.771 C 330.400 121.619,331.518 118.006,332.053 117.420 C 332.244 117.211,332.400 116.797,332.400 116.501 C 332.400 116.204,332.849 115.546,333.398 115.037 C 334.472 114.042,335.431 111.724,336.008 108.730 C 336.435 106.511,337.850 103.325,338.913 102.188 C 339.725 101.319,341.600 96.369,341.600 95.093 C 341.600 94.285,342.786 91.895,343.300 91.667 C 343.465 91.593,343.600 91.183,343.600 90.754 C 343.600 90.326,343.884 89.866,344.231 89.733 C 346.502 88.861,346.588 65.600,344.320 65.600 C 343.429 65.600,340.000 62.351,340.000 61.507 C 340.000 61.160,339.041 60.335,337.869 59.674 C 336.698 59.013,335.433 58.005,335.060 57.436 L 334.382 56.400 322.691 56.457 C 316.261 56.488,309.830 56.645,308.400 56.805 M376.400 57.549 C 376.400 57.782,376.747 58.157,377.171 58.384 C 378.343 59.012,380.402 62.302,380.384 63.520 L 380.368 64.600 379.753 63.465 C 378.904 61.899,378.656 62.357,379.395 64.126 C 379.728 64.922,380.026 66.165,380.057 66.887 C 380.112 68.165,380.121 68.157,380.400 66.600 C 380.580 65.594,380.686 67.004,380.686 70.400 C 380.686 73.598,380.576 75.147,380.415 74.200 L 380.144 72.600 379.939 74.200 C 379.749 75.684,379.730 75.643,379.667 73.633 C 379.574 70.643,379.356 71.152,378.822 75.600 C 378.571 77.690,378.058 80.660,377.683 82.200 L 377.000 85.000 376.746 83.400 C 376.606 82.520,376.502 86.255,376.514 91.700 C 376.526 97.145,376.695 101.600,376.888 101.600 C 380.700 101.600,381.297 98.218,381.125 77.588 L 381.000 62.576 379.983 60.600 C 379.046 58.781,376.400 56.528,376.400 57.549 M324.808 74.604 C 327.263 75.874,327.008 81.222,324.349 84.211 C 323.581 85.075,321.200 90.546,321.200 91.449 C 321.200 92.087,319.203 96.289,318.260 97.635 C 317.897 98.154,317.600 98.952,317.600 99.409 C 317.600 99.866,317.434 100.411,317.232 100.620 C 317.029 100.829,316.497 102.080,316.049 103.400 C 315.601 104.720,314.507 107.237,313.617 108.992 C 312.728 110.748,312.000 112.415,312.000 112.697 C 312.000 112.978,311.654 113.972,311.231 114.904 C 310.808 115.837,309.889 117.933,309.189 119.562 C 308.489 121.191,307.575 123.132,307.158 123.874 C 306.741 124.617,306.399 125.534,306.399 125.912 C 306.398 126.290,306.038 127.189,305.599 127.910 C 305.159 128.630,304.800 129.514,304.800 129.875 C 304.800 130.236,303.916 132.346,302.835 134.565 C 301.755 136.784,300.478 139.680,299.998 141.000 C 299.518 142.320,298.391 144.930,297.493 146.800 C 295.933 150.048,295.066 152.122,293.981 155.200 C 293.709 155.970,292.873 157.843,292.122 159.361 C 291.371 160.880,290.124 163.850,289.352 165.961 C 287.937 169.831,287.646 170.471,285.551 174.309 C 284.918 175.469,284.400 176.755,284.400 177.167 C 284.400 178.039,282.061 183.699,281.571 184.011 C 281.116 184.301,278.953 189.495,278.605 191.133 C 278.449 191.866,277.633 193.683,276.790 195.170 C 275.015 198.302,273.200 202.606,273.200 203.682 C 273.200 204.479,271.552 207.953,270.394 209.600 C 269.551 210.798,267.600 216.315,267.600 217.502 C 267.600 217.964,267.366 218.581,267.081 218.871 C 266.123 219.847,264.000 223.139,264.000 223.648 C 264.000 224.862,261.733 230.962,260.992 231.741 C 259.946 232.841,258.632 235.681,258.066 238.062 C 257.591 240.061,256.412 242.719,254.244 246.674 C 253.499 248.035,252.804 249.835,252.700 250.674 C 252.596 251.513,252.126 253.624,251.655 255.364 L 250.800 258.528 250.790 326.564 C 250.781 394.972,250.734 397.275,249.322 398.305 C 248.925 398.595,248.240 399.144,247.800 399.525 C 246.609 400.557,243.279 401.197,236.800 401.640 C 233.610 401.858,228.750 402.468,226.000 402.995 C 219.686 404.206,216.314 404.661,202.633 406.153 C 194.013 407.093,190.060 405.271,190.884 400.737 C 191.623 396.672,191.048 272.414,190.280 270.200 C 189.208 267.110,188.079 264.878,187.096 263.904 C 186.086 262.902,185.571 262.105,184.446 259.800 C 184.017 258.920,183.031 257.300,182.257 256.200 C 181.482 255.100,180.264 253.030,179.549 251.600 C 178.834 250.170,177.665 248.276,176.951 247.391 C 176.236 246.505,174.924 244.357,174.034 242.617 C 173.144 240.877,171.862 238.764,171.185 237.922 C 170.508 237.079,169.284 235.087,168.464 233.495 C 167.644 231.903,166.406 229.824,165.713 228.876 C 165.019 227.927,163.801 225.816,163.005 224.184 C 162.209 222.552,161.343 221.078,161.079 220.908 C 160.307 220.411,159.057 218.422,157.408 215.062 C 156.560 213.336,155.627 211.832,155.334 211.719 C 155.040 211.607,154.800 211.335,154.800 211.115 C 154.800 210.895,154.350 210.181,153.800 209.527 C 153.250 208.873,152.800 208.005,152.800 207.598 C 152.800 207.190,152.551 206.608,152.246 206.303 C 151.942 205.999,151.308 204.996,150.838 204.075 C 150.368 203.154,149.807 202.400,149.592 202.400 C 149.376 202.400,149.200 202.143,149.200 201.829 C 149.200 201.514,148.928 200.986,148.597 200.654 C 148.265 200.322,147.660 199.274,147.252 198.325 C 146.844 197.376,145.822 195.700,144.981 194.600 C 144.139 193.500,142.660 191.070,141.693 189.200 C 140.727 187.330,139.518 185.350,139.007 184.800 C 138.496 184.250,137.424 182.540,136.625 181.000 C 134.927 177.729,134.425 176.908,133.574 176.009 C 133.229 175.645,132.292 174.009,131.492 172.374 C 130.691 170.738,129.491 168.807,128.825 168.083 C 128.159 167.358,126.949 165.378,126.138 163.683 C 125.326 161.987,123.883 159.638,122.931 158.463 C 121.979 157.288,121.200 156.096,121.200 155.814 C 121.200 155.061,119.237 151.677,118.465 151.098 C 117.877 150.657,116.870 148.821,115.136 145.028 C 114.841 144.383,114.060 143.277,113.400 142.570 C 112.740 141.863,111.660 140.230,111.000 138.942 C 110.340 137.654,109.023 135.472,108.074 134.092 C 107.125 132.713,105.886 130.574,105.320 129.338 C 104.755 128.103,104.001 126.774,103.646 126.386 C 101.555 124.102,100.800 123.138,100.800 122.750 C 100.800 121.775,98.336 117.300,97.017 115.881 C 96.241 115.045,95.487 113.875,95.341 113.281 C 95.196 112.686,94.969 112.110,94.836 112.000 C 94.704 111.890,94.066 111.080,93.419 110.200 C 92.772 109.320,92.056 108.474,91.829 108.319 C 91.568 108.142,91.751 107.624,92.322 106.919 C 92.821 106.304,93.332 105.491,93.458 105.113 C 93.584 104.736,94.010 104.324,94.406 104.198 C 94.802 104.072,95.216 103.736,95.325 103.450 C 95.831 102.132,101.677 100.204,109.319 98.835 C 110.594 98.607,113.114 97.717,114.919 96.858 C 116.723 95.998,119.370 95.082,120.800 94.822 C 126.541 93.779,129.129 93.065,131.866 91.770 C 133.443 91.025,135.513 90.244,136.466 90.036 C 147.927 87.531,149.748 87.332,151.504 88.400 C 152.688 89.120,154.800 91.559,154.800 92.206 C 154.800 92.388,155.044 92.821,155.342 93.169 C 155.640 93.516,156.479 95.150,157.205 96.800 C 159.339 101.648,160.545 104.186,160.815 104.400 C 161.225 104.725,163.999 110.690,164.009 111.269 C 164.014 111.561,164.370 112.250,164.800 112.800 C 165.230 113.350,165.586 114.037,165.591 114.327 C 165.596 114.616,166.050 115.443,166.600 116.164 C 167.150 116.886,167.600 117.706,167.600 117.989 C 167.600 118.496,169.140 121.915,171.119 125.800 C 173.546 130.567,175.200 134.063,175.200 134.430 C 175.200 134.647,175.906 136.071,176.769 137.594 C 177.633 139.117,178.815 141.497,179.398 142.882 C 179.981 144.267,180.739 145.940,181.083 146.600 C 184.292 152.754,185.631 155.598,185.841 156.700 C 185.978 157.415,186.221 158.000,186.382 158.000 C 186.542 158.000,187.017 158.667,187.437 159.483 C 187.857 160.298,188.605 161.583,189.100 162.338 C 189.595 163.094,190.000 163.965,190.000 164.275 C 190.000 164.585,190.360 165.584,190.800 166.494 C 191.240 167.405,191.600 168.327,191.600 168.544 C 191.600 168.760,191.854 169.221,192.164 169.569 C 193.061 170.572,195.200 174.660,195.200 175.369 C 195.200 176.118,196.944 179.652,198.176 181.400 C 199.143 182.772,200.646 186.122,200.958 187.600 C 201.074 188.150,201.986 189.842,202.985 191.359 C 203.983 192.877,204.800 194.251,204.800 194.414 C 204.800 194.576,205.069 195.224,205.398 195.854 C 205.727 196.484,206.113 197.620,206.257 198.377 C 206.873 201.624,207.803 202.448,210.708 202.317 C 212.806 202.223,213.403 202.047,213.758 201.417 C 214.001 200.986,214.413 200.400,214.674 200.115 C 215.194 199.544,215.299 199.225,216.026 196.000 C 216.715 192.940,217.808 190.527,218.779 189.921 C 219.230 189.638,219.600 189.209,219.600 188.965 C 219.600 188.722,219.886 187.949,220.236 187.247 C 220.586 186.545,221.001 185.033,221.158 183.886 C 221.431 181.894,223.031 178.570,224.175 177.621 C 224.671 177.209,226.514 171.933,226.977 169.600 C 227.086 169.050,227.834 167.610,228.639 166.400 C 230.126 164.167,231.643 160.379,232.397 157.015 C 232.643 155.916,233.461 154.340,234.406 153.145 C 235.283 152.036,236.000 150.813,236.000 150.428 C 236.000 149.072,238.382 142.593,239.099 142.000 C 239.967 141.282,241.395 138.005,241.779 135.850 C 242.048 134.341,243.035 132.111,245.779 126.818 C 246.515 125.398,247.204 123.588,247.310 122.796 C 247.513 121.285,249.390 116.977,250.014 116.591 C 250.214 116.468,250.750 115.525,251.205 114.496 C 251.951 112.810,252.300 111.597,252.966 108.374 C 253.083 107.809,253.543 106.927,253.989 106.413 C 254.435 105.898,254.800 105.254,254.800 104.982 C 254.800 104.709,255.042 104.393,255.337 104.279 C 255.633 104.166,256.453 102.212,257.159 99.937 C 258.408 95.914,260.308 91.600,260.830 91.600 C 260.972 91.600,261.495 90.311,261.992 88.736 C 263.478 84.031,265.484 80.400,266.600 80.400 C 266.847 80.400,267.849 80.013,268.825 79.540 C 270.427 78.763,271.536 78.652,280.200 78.394 C 289.735 78.110,294.288 77.648,305.800 75.798 C 311.107 74.945,317.548 74.261,322.120 74.065 C 322.956 74.029,324.165 74.272,324.808 74.604 M377.200 77.600 C 376.930 78.724,376.787 79.720,376.881 79.814 C 376.975 79.909,377.285 79.078,377.569 77.969 C 377.853 76.860,377.997 75.864,377.888 75.755 C 377.779 75.646,377.470 76.476,377.200 77.600 M379.083 81.295 C 378.987 81.793,378.905 81.480,378.901 80.600 C 378.896 79.720,378.975 79.313,379.075 79.695 C 379.175 80.078,379.179 80.798,379.083 81.295 M379.017 97.475 C 378.756 98.515,377.778 99.561,377.042 99.587 C 376.844 99.594,377.159 99.159,377.742 98.619 C 378.324 98.080,378.800 97.360,378.800 97.019 C 378.800 96.679,378.910 96.400,379.043 96.400 C 379.177 96.400,379.165 96.884,379.017 97.475 M376.000 106.733 C 376.000 106.990,375.798 107.155,375.550 107.100 C 375.303 107.045,375.018 107.225,374.917 107.500 C 374.816 107.775,374.906 108.000,375.118 108.000 C 375.663 108.000,376.565 106.832,376.257 106.524 C 376.116 106.382,376.000 106.477,376.000 106.733 M368.842 118.760 C 368.159 119.399,367.600 119.739,367.600 119.516 C 367.600 119.294,367.285 119.450,366.900 119.864 C 366.515 120.278,366.335 120.442,366.500 120.228 C 366.933 119.668,366.870 119.313,366.300 119.094 C 365.959 118.963,365.784 119.387,365.748 120.429 L 365.696 121.955 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328.523 223.034,328.800 222.734,328.800 219.786 C 328.800 217.070,328.533 216.654,327.674 218.030 M322.571 229.829 C 323.377 230.634,323.391 231.057,322.591 230.392 C 322.086 229.973,322.022 229.992,322.218 230.503 C 322.515 231.275,320.840 232.901,320.057 232.601 C 319.589 232.421,319.577 232.491,319.992 232.991 C 320.657 233.791,320.234 233.777,319.429 232.971 C 318.857 232.400,318.800 232.418,318.800 233.171 C 318.800 234.761,323.026 234.369,323.350 232.750 C 323.844 230.278,323.669 229.200,322.771 229.200 C 322.018 229.200,322.000 229.257,322.571 229.829 M317.902 240.600 C 317.797 241.150,317.866 241.600,318.055 241.600 C 318.245 241.600,318.400 241.150,318.400 240.600 C 318.400 240.050,318.331 239.600,318.247 239.600 C 318.162 239.600,318.007 240.050,317.902 240.600 M317.751 243.016 C 317.891 243.380,317.785 243.600,317.494 243.553 C 316.516 243.396,315.600 244.104,315.600 245.016 C 315.600 245.592,315.144 246.270,314.400 246.800 C 312.963 247.824,312.828 248.800,314.125 248.800 C 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C 304.600 268.629,303.413 269.228,304.066 269.682 C 304.431 269.935,304.315 269.972,303.700 269.799 C 303.075 269.623,302.800 269.717,302.800 270.106 C 302.800 270.679,304.556 270.918,306.260 270.577 C 307.236 270.382,308.000 268.610,308.000 266.540 C 308.000 265.151,307.371 264.789,306.490 265.670 M302.360 279.200 C 302.129 281.000,302.202 281.531,302.625 281.108 C 302.749 280.985,302.792 280.100,302.721 279.142 L 302.592 277.400 302.360 279.200 M301.922 301.700 C 301.988 308.795,302.184 323.870,302.357 335.200 L 302.671 355.800 302.735 322.300 C 302.787 295.732,302.697 288.800,302.300 288.800 C 301.908 288.799,301.826 291.581,301.922 301.700 M301.293 325.200 C 301.293 325.970,301.375 326.285,301.476 325.900 C 301.576 325.515,301.576 324.885,301.476 324.500 C 301.375 324.115,301.293 324.430,301.293 325.200 M301.778 343.200 C 301.778 350.130,301.833 352.965,301.899 349.500 C 301.966 346.035,301.966 340.365,301.899 336.900 C 301.833 333.435,301.778 336.270,301.778 343.200 M301.367 368.400 C 301.367 372.690,301.426 374.445,301.498 372.300 C 301.570 370.155,301.570 366.645,301.498 364.500 C 301.426 362.355,301.367 364.110,301.367 368.400 M302.167 368.400 C 302.167 372.690,302.226 374.445,302.298 372.300 C 302.370 370.155,302.370 366.645,302.298 364.500 C 302.226 362.355,302.167 364.110,302.167 368.400 M301.765 388.600 C 301.766 392.560,301.826 394.126,301.898 392.080 C 301.971 390.034,301.971 386.794,301.898 384.880 C 301.824 382.966,301.765 384.640,301.765 388.600 M302.360 391.800 C 302.228 397.520,302.183 402.275,302.260 402.367 C 302.725 402.920,302.803 401.063,302.707 391.760 L 302.600 381.400 302.360 391.800 M302.166 417.100 C 302.303 418.309,302.266 418.637,302.066 418.000 C 301.758 417.020,301.746 417.027,301.481 418.327 C 301.331 419.059,301.030 419.542,300.809 419.406 C 300.569 419.257,300.514 419.433,300.673 419.845 C 300.865 420.347,300.794 420.444,300.406 420.204 C 300.041 419.978,299.971 420.030,300.182 420.370 C 300.367 420.671,300.154 421.097,299.637 421.459 C 299.169 421.787,298.906 422.249,299.053 422.486 C 299.230 422.772,298.985 422.833,298.326 422.667 C 297.618 422.490,297.333 422.581,297.333 422.986 C 297.333 424.188,301.802 422.782,302.160 421.467 C 302.730 419.370,302.912 415.200,302.433 415.200 C 302.094 415.200,302.015 415.766,302.166 417.100 M301.392 421.066 C 300.997 421.800,300.510 422.400,300.310 422.400 C 300.109 422.400,300.318 421.877,300.773 421.238 C 301.228 420.599,301.614 419.744,301.632 419.338 C 301.654 418.814,301.728 418.764,301.887 419.166 C 302.010 419.477,301.787 420.332,301.392 421.066 M296.700 428.863 C 296.825 429.337,296.763 429.625,296.563 429.502 C 296.363 429.379,296.181 429.795,296.158 430.427 C 296.135 431.064,296.286 431.470,296.498 431.339 C 296.708 431.210,296.681 431.475,296.438 431.929 C 296.195 432.384,295.772 432.890,295.498 433.055 C 295.172 433.250,295.193 433.116,295.557 432.667 C 296.403 431.625,295.788 431.412,294.796 432.404 C 294.274 432.926,293.621 433.194,293.162 433.074 C 292.743 432.964,292.488 433.019,292.597 433.195 C 292.706 433.372,292.526 433.619,292.198 433.746 C 291.869 433.872,291.614 434.206,291.632 434.487 C 291.656 434.889,291.707 434.892,291.865 434.500 C 291.976 434.225,292.592 434.000,293.233 434.000 C 293.875 434.000,294.400 433.808,294.400 433.573 C 294.400 433.325,294.743 433.255,295.219 433.406 C 296.590 433.841,297.118 432.990,297.093 430.386 C 297.081 429.074,296.937 428.000,296.773 428.000 C 296.609 428.000,296.576 428.388,296.700 428.863 M291.344 436.690 C 291.375 437.070,291.130 437.385,290.800 437.390 C 290.470 437.396,290.196 437.670,290.190 438.000 C 290.185 438.330,289.870 438.575,289.490 438.544 C 289.111 438.514,288.800 438.631,288.800 438.804 C 288.800 438.978,289.430 439.120,290.200 439.120 C 290.970 439.120,291.600 438.947,291.600 438.736 C 291.600 438.525,291.375 438.467,291.100 438.606 C 290.825 438.745,290.915 438.601,291.300 438.286 C 292.021 437.694,292.277 436.000,291.644 436.000 C 291.449 436.000,291.314 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452.000,264.841 451.582,265.475 451.037 L 266.595 450.073 264.998 450.164 C 264.119 450.213,262.791 450.574,262.046 450.965 C 260.733 451.655,260.612 451.651,258.137 450.838 C 254.718 449.716,254.008 449.822,257.000 451.008 M264.224 451.013 C 263.796 451.336,263.256 451.603,263.024 451.606 C 262.791 451.609,262.842 451.766,263.138 451.953 C 263.533 452.204,263.388 452.367,262.591 452.567 C 261.994 452.716,261.407 452.740,261.286 452.619 C 261.165 452.499,261.397 452.400,261.800 452.400 C 262.203 452.400,262.414 452.280,262.267 452.134 C 262.121 451.988,262.496 451.551,263.101 451.163 C 264.434 450.309,265.310 450.191,264.224 451.013 M244.600 454.800 C 243.406 455.104,243.407 455.106,244.900 455.153 C 245.725 455.179,246.400 455.020,246.400 454.800 C 246.400 454.359,246.332 454.359,244.600 454.800 M177.117 456.300 C 177.846 460.186,177.950 460.200,205.800 460.200 C 231.503 460.200,232.712 460.104,233.812 457.977 C 234.778 456.110,234.554 455.381,233.413 456.678 C 232.424 457.802,232.052 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275.005 C 164.620 274.247,164.000 273.456,164.000 273.247 C 164.000 273.038,163.865 272.807,163.700 272.733 C 163.535 272.660,163.085 271.925,162.700 271.100 C 160.942 267.334,160.531 266.625,159.500 265.578 C 158.895 264.964,158.400 264.268,158.400 264.031 C 158.400 263.794,158.242 263.600,158.049 263.600 C 157.856 263.600,157.286 262.500,156.783 261.156 C 156.281 259.811,155.457 258.326,154.953 257.856 C 154.448 257.385,153.551 256.100,152.959 255.000 C 152.367 253.900,151.640 252.550,151.344 252.000 C 151.047 251.450,150.802 250.730,150.799 250.400 C 150.796 250.070,149.985 249.086,148.997 248.213 C 148.009 247.340,147.200 246.295,147.200 245.892 C 147.200 245.488,146.750 244.495,146.200 243.686 C 145.650 242.877,145.198 241.941,145.196 241.607 C 145.194 241.273,144.389 240.100,143.407 239.000 C 142.425 237.900,141.617 236.750,141.611 236.444 C 141.595 235.641,139.888 232.256,139.313 231.887 C 138.684 231.484,136.000 227.445,136.000 226.902 C 136.000 225.972,134.480 223.311,133.183 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90.319 152.344,88.465 149.184,87.802 146.888 C 87.657 146.386,86.832 145.322,85.969 144.523 C 85.106 143.725,84.400 142.828,84.400 142.530 C 84.400 142.233,84.243 141.677,84.050 141.295 C 82.425 138.066,81.863 137.183,80.527 135.758 C 79.687 134.862,78.480 132.862,77.845 131.314 C 77.155 129.635,76.216 128.117,75.515 127.550 C 74.258 126.532,73.200 124.828,73.200 123.821 C 73.200 123.134,70.498 119.200,70.026 119.200 C 68.793 119.200,68.124 98.449,69.284 96.221 C 70.012 94.824,73.140 91.335,76.800 87.838 C 77.790 86.892,78.983 85.594,79.452 84.954 C 79.920 84.314,81.148 83.368,82.181 82.853 C 83.213 82.337,84.156 81.659,84.276 81.347 C 84.755 80.098,89.321 78.497,95.000 77.587 C 99.028 76.942,100.937 76.450,101.800 75.834 C 103.816 74.397,106.850 73.284,110.000 72.826 C 115.212 72.068,118.971 71.094,119.600 70.338 C 120.339 69.449,125.510 67.603,127.292 67.591 C 129.350 67.578,135.558 66.092,137.515 65.144 C 142.230 62.862,158.566 63.988,163.340 66.924 C 165.399 68.190,173.200 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58.005,336.698 59.013,337.869 59.674 C 339.041 60.335,340.000 61.160,340.000 61.507 C 340.000 62.351,343.429 65.600,344.320 65.600 C 346.588 65.600,346.502 88.861,344.231 89.733 C 343.884 89.866,343.600 90.326,343.600 90.754 C 343.600 91.183,343.465 91.593,343.300 91.667 C 342.786 91.895,341.600 94.285,341.600 95.093 C 341.600 96.369,339.725 101.319,338.913 102.188 C 337.850 103.325,336.435 106.511,336.008 108.730 C 335.431 111.724,334.472 114.042,333.398 115.037 C 332.849 115.546,332.400 116.204,332.400 116.501 C 332.400 116.797,332.244 117.211,332.053 117.420 C 331.518 118.006,330.400 121.619,330.397 122.771 C 330.395 123.800,329.603 125.247,327.930 127.280 C 327.075 128.319,325.257 133.119,325.219 134.439 C 325.199 135.111,324.471 136.600,323.182 138.600 C 321.939 140.531,321.312 142.009,320.385 145.200 C 319.275 149.024,318.520 150.800,318.006 150.800 C 317.783 150.800,317.600 151.048,317.600 151.351 C 317.600 151.654,317.360 152.102,317.066 152.345 C 316.772 152.589,316.300 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235.973,281.347 236.673 C 280.826 237.374,280.400 238.169,280.400 238.442 C 280.400 238.714,280.145 239.221,279.832 239.569 C 279.199 240.273,276.800 246.948,276.800 248.006 C 276.800 248.378,276.395 249.131,275.900 249.677 C 274.761 250.935,273.645 253.071,273.205 254.833 C 272.681 256.931,270.963 261.522,270.487 262.095 C 268.527 264.457,268.624 260.876,268.506 334.626 C 268.378 414.164,268.897 405.853,263.741 410.922 C 262.469 412.173,258.873 415.970,256.938 418.105 C 255.342 419.867,254.932 419.940,244.200 420.367 C 234.760 420.742,225.651 421.936,222.197 423.251 C 221.096 423.671,218.578 424.198,216.602 424.422 C 214.626 424.647,211.837 425.000,210.404 425.207 C 205.876 425.863,186.694 425.706,185.346 425.002 C 184.716 424.674,183.916 424.404,183.568 424.402 C 183.220 424.401,182.346 423.579,181.626 422.576 C 179.956 420.251,178.505 418.800,177.849 418.800 C 177.566 418.800,176.735 417.855,176.002 416.700 C 175.270 415.545,174.430 414.316,174.136 413.969 C 173.696 413.450,173.584 401.667,173.501 347.096 L 173.400 280.852 172.342 279.726 C 171.398 278.721,169.600 275.323,169.600 274.543 C 169.600 274.181,167.716 271.317,166.738 270.193 C 165.821 269.140,164.202 266.074,163.880 264.784 C 163.741 264.225,162.921 263.065,162.057 262.207 C 161.083 261.238,159.991 259.470,159.175 257.541 C 158.453 255.832,157.288 253.842,156.587 253.117 C 155.885 252.393,154.674 250.419,153.896 248.730 C 153.117 247.042,152.102 245.337,151.640 244.941 C 151.178 244.546,150.800 244.084,150.800 243.916 C 150.800 243.747,150.516 243.277,150.169 242.872 C 149.822 242.467,148.961 240.869,148.256 239.323 C 147.551 237.776,146.323 235.896,145.527 235.145 C 144.651 234.320,143.901 233.119,143.629 232.107 C 143.381 231.187,142.988 230.316,142.756 230.173 C 142.524 230.029,141.995 229.122,141.581 228.156 C 141.167 227.190,140.650 226.400,140.431 226.400 C 139.924 226.400,138.000 223.140,138.000 222.280 C 138.000 221.923,137.230 220.679,136.288 219.516 C 134.291 217.048,132.618 214.239,132.262 212.753 C 132.124 212.177,131.333 211.007,130.505 210.153 C 129.676 209.299,128.114 206.828,127.034 204.662 C 125.953 202.496,124.807 200.624,124.487 200.501 C 124.167 200.378,123.206 198.820,122.351 197.039 C 121.496 195.258,120.160 193.171,119.381 192.402 C 118.603 191.633,117.855 190.562,117.720 190.022 C 117.396 188.733,115.295 184.711,114.678 184.200 C 113.425 183.163,112.000 181.048,112.000 180.227 C 112.000 179.725,111.103 178.114,110.006 176.647 C 108.097 174.093,107.658 173.348,105.573 169.130 C 105.065 168.101,104.278 167.087,103.825 166.876 C 103.327 166.644,102.207 164.817,101.000 162.267 C 99.900 159.943,98.640 157.841,98.200 157.596 C 97.760 157.351,96.877 155.947,96.237 154.475 C 95.598 153.004,94.743 151.501,94.337 151.136 C 93.932 150.771,93.600 150.286,93.600 150.059 C 93.600 149.831,93.271 149.410,92.869 149.123 C 92.129 148.594,90.000 144.337,90.000 143.388 C 90.000 143.104,89.188 142.098,88.196 141.153 C 87.203 140.207,86.233 138.886,86.039 138.216 C 85.497 136.346,83.563 133.059,81.900 131.186 C 81.075 130.256,80.400 129.202,80.400 128.842 C 80.400 127.902,78.919 125.273,77.820 124.263 C 74.527 121.238,73.526 117.055,73.455 106.028 L 73.400 97.456 74.400 96.243 C 78.799 90.910,85.875 84.681,88.274 84.031 C 89.113 83.804,90.430 83.195,91.200 82.679 C 93.167 81.360,95.775 80.400,97.388 80.400 C 100.146 80.400,107.652 78.436,108.782 77.419 C 109.970 76.350,113.514 75.254,117.061 74.858 C 119.028 74.638,121.349 74.191,122.219 73.863 C 123.088 73.536,124.282 73.163,124.872 73.033 C 125.462 72.904,126.248 72.495,126.618 72.124 C 128.581 70.162,133.437 69.474,146.550 69.301 C 161.107 69.109,160.103 68.936,163.421 72.206 C 164.869 73.633,166.210 74.800,166.402 74.800 C 166.594 74.800,167.316 75.587,168.006 76.549 C 168.697 77.511,169.654 78.517,170.131 78.785 C 171.529 79.567,172.800 81.429,173.342 83.486 C 173.619 84.539,174.375 86.196,175.023 87.168 C 177.125 90.326,178.041 92.159,178.624 94.378 C 178.939 95.576,179.693 97.265,180.298 98.131 C 180.904 98.997,181.719 100.177,182.108 100.753 C 182.497 101.329,183.280 103.273,183.847 105.073 C 184.518 107.204,185.358 108.908,186.254 109.955 C 187.151 111.003,188.100 112.928,188.978 115.481 C 190.147 118.880,190.863 120.133,193.010 122.540 C 193.236 122.793,193.623 123.900,193.870 125.000 C 194.572 128.123,195.363 129.913,196.660 131.311 C 198.435 133.224,199.200 134.629,199.200 135.974 C 199.200 137.451,200.967 141.425,201.759 141.729 C 202.848 142.147,204.365 145.357,204.633 147.811 C 204.913 150.379,206.319 153.315,207.597 153.998 C 208.441 154.450,212.000 151.386,212.000 150.208 C 212.000 149.893,212.450 149.186,213.000 148.636 C 213.550 148.086,214.000 147.467,214.000 147.261 C 214.000 147.055,214.240 146.794,214.532 146.681 C 215.177 146.434,217.041 141.424,217.599 138.440 C 217.876 136.956,218.443 135.742,219.410 134.562 C 220.763 132.911,223.183 126.555,223.204 124.600 C 223.214 123.593,223.606 123.013,224.500 122.683 C 224.885 122.541,225.200 122.149,225.200 121.813 C 225.200 121.476,225.373 121.200,225.584 121.200 C 225.795 121.200,226.178 120.435,226.434 119.500 C 228.171 113.162,228.933 110.926,229.535 110.400 C 230.879 109.226,232.158 106.625,232.450 104.472 C 232.737 102.354,234.938 97.200,235.554 97.200 C 236.114 97.200,237.631 93.665,237.991 91.521 C 238.522 88.365,239.176 86.740,240.470 85.364 C 241.785 83.966,243.579 79.293,243.592 77.231 C 243.598 76.137,243.961 75.517,245.400 74.138 C 246.390 73.190,247.201 72.275,247.202 72.107 C 247.206 71.509,251.397 67.600,252.034 67.600 C 252.206 67.600,252.460 67.243,252.598 66.806 C 252.887 65.897,255.070 63.600,255.645 63.600 C 256.198 63.600,258.010 62.428,259.400 61.171 L 260.600 60.085 269.200 59.887 C 278.299 59.676,290.906 58.803,300.200 57.738 C 303.280 57.385,306.970 56.966,308.400 56.805 C 309.830 56.645,316.261 56.488,322.691 56.457 L 334.382 56.400 335.060 57.436 M376.187 61.726 C 376.016 63.307,375.798 65.050,375.704 65.600 C 375.609 66.150,375.451 73.605,375.351 82.167 C 375.150 99.379,375.254 98.760,372.571 98.787 C 370.087 98.813,368.873 103.488,370.450 106.950 C 371.020 108.201,374.162 108.392,375.130 107.234 C 375.549 106.732,375.599 106.725,375.371 107.200 C 375.135 107.690,375.182 107.707,375.627 107.294 C 376.333 106.639,376.377 105.859,376.446 92.800 C 376.478 86.750,376.616 82.520,376.752 83.400 L 377.000 85.000 377.683 82.200 C 378.058 80.660,378.571 77.690,378.822 75.600 C 379.355 71.159,379.578 70.632,379.657 73.633 C 379.712 75.760,379.718 75.771,379.985 74.200 L 380.256 72.600 380.461 74.200 C 380.573 75.080,380.670 73.370,380.676 70.400 C 380.683 67.036,380.578 65.603,380.400 66.600 C 380.121 68.157,380.112 68.165,380.057 66.887 C 380.026 66.165,379.728 64.922,379.395 64.126 C 378.656 62.357,378.904 61.899,379.753 63.465 C 380.352 64.571,380.368 64.576,380.384 63.647 C 380.394 63.022,379.727 62.031,378.449 60.773 L 376.498 58.852 376.187 61.726 M201.200 61.934 C 201.200 62.660,201.453 63.211,201.857 63.367 C 202.761 63.714,202.887 63.481,202.436 62.294 C 201.850 60.753,201.200 60.564,201.200 61.934 M201.067 63.867 C 200.545 64.389,200.810 64.890,201.364 64.430 C 201.754 64.106,202.010 64.092,202.190 64.384 C 202.334 64.617,202.035 64.974,201.526 65.178 C 200.834 65.456,200.777 65.556,201.300 65.575 C 202.074 65.603,202.079 65.614,202.197 67.600 C 202.243 68.370,202.415 70.819,202.579 73.043 L 202.878 77.085 204.539 76.996 C 206.315 76.901,208.818 76.072,207.471 76.025 C 206.809 76.002,206.800 75.943,207.371 75.371 C 208.095 74.648,208.167 72.992,207.606 70.032 C 207.128 67.511,206.466 66.786,204.389 66.508 C 202.972 66.318,202.800 66.175,202.800 65.190 C 202.800 64.552,202.533 63.983,202.167 63.843 C 201.384 63.542,201.391 63.542,201.067 63.867 M377.569 77.969 C 377.285 79.078,376.975 79.909,376.881 79.814 C 376.787 79.720,376.930 78.724,377.200 77.600 C 377.470 76.476,377.779 75.646,377.888 75.755 C 377.997 75.864,377.853 76.860,377.569 77.969 M378.901 80.600 C 378.905 81.480,378.987 81.793,379.083 81.295 C 379.179 80.798,379.175 80.078,379.075 79.695 C 378.975 79.313,378.896 79.720,378.901 80.600 M378.800 97.019 C 378.800 97.360,378.324 98.080,377.742 98.619 C 376.645 99.636,376.889 99.963,378.073 99.063 C 378.734 98.560,379.521 96.400,379.043 96.400 C 378.910 96.400,378.800 96.679,378.800 97.019 M370.400 110.400 C 370.070 110.613,368.855 110.791,367.700 110.794 C 366.186 110.798,365.600 110.954,365.600 111.351 C 365.600 111.654,365.314 112.140,364.964 112.430 C 364.452 112.855,364.383 113.391,364.614 115.179 C 365.137 119.228,364.996 120.586,363.954 121.557 C 363.489 121.991,362.409 122.463,361.554 122.608 C 360.141 122.847,359.997 122.985,359.970 124.135 C 359.954 124.831,359.845 125.850,359.728 126.400 C 359.376 128.053,359.379 131.270,359.735 133.480 L 360.070 135.560 357.593 135.680 L 355.116 135.800 354.515 137.583 C 353.934 139.307,353.953 140.509,354.629 144.690 C 354.939 146.605,354.163 147.200,351.354 147.200 C 349.446 147.200,348.729 148.932,348.655 153.727 C 348.596 157.538,348.290 158.111,346.011 158.683 C 344.374 159.094,343.630 160.360,343.593 162.800 C 343.493 169.278,342.886 171.180,340.914 171.194 C 339.213 171.206,337.973 174.661,338.052 179.165 C 338.118 182.893,337.847 183.367,335.384 183.829 C 333.428 184.196,332.400 186.570,332.400 190.721 C 332.400 194.102,331.808 195.200,329.986 195.200 C 328.514 195.200,327.656 197.316,327.368 201.655 C 327.042 206.583,326.862 207.011,324.937 207.467 C 323.289 207.856,323.006 208.564,321.816 215.281 C 321.223 218.632,321.000 219.200,320.276 219.200 C 318.461 219.202,317.123 222.231,316.643 227.419 C 316.383 230.240,315.677 231.605,314.340 231.872 C 313.025 232.135,312.003 233.534,311.992 235.086 C 311.961 239.513,310.104 244.606,308.812 243.807 C 307.602 243.059,306.322 247.619,306.434 252.278 C 306.528 256.161,306.645 255.930,304.514 256.055 C 302.454 256.177,301.441 258.465,301.008 263.978 C 300.722 267.613,300.031 268.800,298.203 268.800 C 296.092 268.800,295.955 271.358,296.558 299.400 C 297.221 330.214,296.997 411.308,296.238 415.255 C 295.920 416.904,294.973 418.036,293.553 418.461 C 292.321 418.831,291.993 419.147,291.796 420.158 C 291.663 420.841,291.400 421.760,291.212 422.200 C 291.024 422.640,290.676 424.059,290.438 425.354 C 290.009 427.686,289.237 428.762,287.974 428.787 C 287.629 428.794,286.965 429.479,286.499 430.310 C 285.244 432.542,284.293 433.505,283.187 433.661 C 282.436 433.767,281.913 434.374,281.000 436.200 C 280.340 437.520,279.415 438.769,278.945 438.975 C 278.267 439.273,278.107 439.660,278.168 440.851 C 278.210 441.676,278.099 442.261,277.922 442.152 C 277.745 442.042,277.600 442.214,277.600 442.534 C 277.600 443.397,276.729 443.583,273.860 443.331 C 271.920 443.160,270.952 443.265,269.976 443.752 C 269.262 444.108,268.435 444.400,268.139 444.400 C 267.842 444.400,267.600 444.749,267.600 445.176 C 267.600 445.603,267.417 446.066,267.193 446.204 C 266.970 446.342,266.891 446.623,267.017 446.828 C 267.144 447.032,267.069 447.200,266.852 447.200 C 266.635 447.200,266.193 447.464,265.870 447.787 C 264.464 449.193,256.917 449.610,243.730 449.009 C 233.384 448.538,227.551 449.348,227.055 451.325 C 226.500 453.533,224.014 454.100,214.200 454.258 C 188.433 454.671,184.099 454.767,183.000 454.950 C 182.340 455.060,180.874 455.188,179.742 455.235 L 177.684 455.321 178.082 456.463 C 178.586 457.908,180.207 459.200,181.517 459.200 C 182.384 459.200,182.283 459.071,180.790 458.282 C 179.836 457.777,178.969 457.108,178.865 456.794 C 178.760 456.480,179.257 456.713,179.968 457.312 C 180.680 457.911,182.013 458.524,182.931 458.675 C 184.461 458.926,184.517 458.976,183.600 459.269 C 182.986 459.465,183.588 459.514,185.159 459.394 C 186.566 459.287,190.706 459.164,194.359 459.121 C 200.734 459.045,200.824 459.033,196.600 458.821 L 192.200 458.600 196.800 458.302 C 199.330 458.138,206.530 457.962,212.800 457.911 L 224.200 457.818 212.400 457.600 L 200.600 457.382 212.140 457.291 C 223.663 457.200,227.765 456.691,225.959 455.574 C 225.685 455.405,227.200 455.267,229.327 455.267 C 232.965 455.267,233.169 455.310,232.796 456.007 C 232.578 456.414,232.400 456.950,232.400 457.197 C 232.400 457.911,233.213 457.217,233.615 456.161 C 233.970 455.226,234.100 455.200,238.490 455.190 C 240.971 455.185,243.720 455.013,244.600 454.808 C 245.609 454.573,246.249 454.577,246.333 454.818 C 246.568 455.489,248.400 455.258,248.400 454.557 C 248.400 454.173,248.623 454.000,248.956 454.128 C 250.090 454.563,254.602 452.656,254.575 451.753 C 254.551 450.982,254.663 450.952,256.151 451.330 C 257.396 451.645,257.585 451.795,257.000 452.000 C 256.470 452.186,256.890 452.391,258.424 452.696 C 260.890 453.185,261.569 453.042,259.544 452.459 C 258.805 452.246,258.470 452.047,258.800 452.015 C 259.130 451.984,258.320 451.531,257.000 451.008 C 254.008 449.822,254.718 449.716,258.137 450.838 C 260.612 451.651,260.733 451.655,262.046 450.965 C 262.791 450.574,264.119 450.213,264.998 450.164 L 266.595 450.073 265.475 451.037 C 264.859 451.566,264.581 452.000,264.856 452.000 C 265.131 452.000,265.828 451.548,266.406 450.995 C 267.335 450.104,267.828 449.981,270.728 449.920 C 272.527 449.881,274.000 449.684,274.000 449.482 C 274.000 449.280,274.265 449.216,274.588 449.340 C 275.382 449.645,276.427 448.537,276.115 447.723 C 275.947 447.285,276.019 447.165,276.332 447.358 C 276.589 447.517,276.800 447.469,276.800 447.251 C 276.800 447.032,277.170 446.736,277.623 446.593 C 278.076 446.449,278.611 445.897,278.813 445.366 C 279.127 444.541,279.445 444.400,280.990 444.400 C 281.986 444.400,282.800 444.224,282.800 444.010 C 282.800 443.767,283.151 443.753,283.733 443.975 C 284.429 444.239,284.667 444.190,284.667 443.782 C 284.667 443.481,284.489 443.345,284.272 443.479 C 284.049 443.617,284.002 443.520,284.166 443.255 C 284.325 442.998,284.623 442.891,284.828 443.017 C 285.032 443.144,285.200 443.062,285.200 442.836 C 285.200 442.610,285.470 442.529,285.800 442.655 C 286.130 442.782,286.400 442.701,286.400 442.476 C 286.400 442.251,286.196 441.999,285.946 441.915 C 285.643 441.814,285.694 441.563,286.103 441.154 C 286.439 440.818,286.783 440.196,286.867 439.772 C 286.973 439.235,287.291 439.038,287.910 439.125 C 288.399 439.194,288.800 439.053,288.800 438.811 C 288.800 438.506,289.028 438.494,289.547 438.771 C 290.175 439.107,290.286 439.030,290.247 438.288 C 290.218 437.753,290.437 437.400,290.800 437.393 C 291.130 437.386,291.375 437.070,291.344 436.690 C 291.314 436.311,291.468 436.000,291.688 436.000 C 291.915 436.000,291.977 435.564,291.834 434.991 C 291.656 434.285,291.763 433.912,292.188 433.749 C 292.522 433.621,292.706 433.372,292.597 433.195 C 292.488 433.019,292.743 432.964,293.162 433.074 C 293.621 433.194,294.274 432.926,294.796 432.404 C 295.275 431.925,295.787 431.654,295.933 431.801 C 296.080 431.948,295.775 432.413,295.256 432.834 C 294.736 433.255,294.483 433.600,294.694 433.600 C 295.088 433.600,296.032 432.628,296.601 431.638 C 296.800 431.292,296.769 431.172,296.520 431.326 C 296.281 431.474,296.133 431.106,296.158 430.427 C 296.201 429.253,296.800 429.125,296.800 430.290 C 296.800 430.644,296.911 430.823,297.046 430.687 C 297.182 430.552,297.105 429.902,296.875 429.244 C 296.646 428.586,296.615 427.992,296.807 427.924 C 296.999 427.856,297.194 426.589,297.241 425.108 C 297.324 422.454,297.340 422.420,298.322 422.666 C 298.984 422.833,299.230 422.772,299.053 422.486 C 298.906 422.249,299.169 421.787,299.637 421.459 C 300.154 421.097,300.367 420.671,300.182 420.370 C 299.971 420.030,300.041 419.978,300.406 420.204 C 300.794 420.444,300.865 420.347,300.673 419.845 C 300.522 419.452,300.572 419.259,300.789 419.393 C 300.999 419.523,301.354 419.037,301.580 418.314 C 301.986 417.016,301.988 417.020,301.761 418.586 C 301.635 419.459,301.174 420.674,300.738 421.286 C 300.302 421.899,300.099 422.400,300.287 422.400 C 301.159 422.400,302.178 419.726,302.153 417.500 C 302.139 416.235,302.278 415.200,302.464 415.200 C 302.649 415.200,302.800 412.320,302.800 408.800 C 302.800 405.280,302.665 402.400,302.500 402.400 C 302.335 402.400,302.169 377.549,302.131 347.176 C 302.093 316.803,301.942 291.243,301.796 290.376 C 301.579 289.091,301.647 288.800,302.165 288.800 C 302.877 288.800,303.146 281.396,302.444 281.133 C 302.240 281.057,302.229 280.146,302.420 279.000 C 302.603 277.900,302.763 275.323,302.776 273.273 C 302.800 269.604,302.814 269.550,303.700 269.799 C 304.315 269.972,304.431 269.935,304.066 269.682 C 303.413 269.228,304.600 268.629,305.298 269.061 C 305.539 269.210,305.607 269.135,305.455 268.889 C 305.308 268.651,305.382 268.335,305.621 268.187 C 305.859 268.040,305.961 267.676,305.848 267.380 C 305.705 267.008,305.852 266.920,306.320 267.095 C 306.885 267.307,306.917 267.247,306.510 266.745 C 305.981 266.094,306.506 265.200,307.416 265.200 C 307.727 265.200,307.900 263.647,307.963 260.306 C 308.069 254.653,307.881 255.094,310.221 254.992 C 311.226 254.948,312.262 254.681,312.524 254.398 C 312.894 253.997,312.889 253.945,312.500 254.165 C 312.225 254.320,312.000 254.257,312.000 254.024 C 312.000 253.791,312.234 253.600,312.520 253.600 C 312.890 253.600,313.066 252.766,313.130 250.700 C 313.214 248.023,313.312 247.723,314.414 246.800 C 315.070 246.250,315.606 245.438,315.604 244.996 C 315.602 244.554,316.005 243.940,316.500 243.632 C 317.308 243.129,317.347 243.136,316.881 243.700 C 316.480 244.185,316.472 244.397,316.842 244.626 C 317.149 244.815,317.219 244.755,317.036 244.459 C 316.876 244.199,317.024 243.889,317.372 243.755 C 317.715 243.624,317.883 243.335,317.746 243.113 C 317.610 242.892,317.746 242.537,318.049 242.325 C 318.442 242.050,318.467 241.884,318.134 241.748 C 317.806 241.613,317.777 241.179,318.034 240.281 C 318.235 239.579,318.418 237.924,318.440 236.603 C 318.474 234.523,319.049 231.378,319.160 232.657 C 319.182 232.909,319.495 233.228,319.857 233.366 C 320.409 233.579,320.432 233.521,320.000 233.000 C 319.576 232.489,319.586 232.420,320.057 232.601 C 320.840 232.901,322.515 231.275,322.218 230.503 C 322.022 229.992,322.086 229.973,322.591 230.392 C 323.391 231.057,323.377 230.634,322.571 229.829 C 322.000 229.257,322.009 229.200,322.671 229.200 C 323.149 229.200,323.413 228.890,323.438 228.300 C 323.459 227.805,323.527 225.960,323.589 224.200 C 323.651 222.440,323.904 220.740,324.151 220.423 C 324.451 220.038,324.456 219.933,324.167 220.106 C 323.928 220.248,323.733 220.111,323.733 219.800 C 323.733 219.489,323.864 219.316,324.025 219.415 C 324.185 219.514,324.419 219.326,324.546 218.998 C 324.672 218.669,325.006 218.403,325.287 218.406 C 325.646 218.410,325.620 218.529,325.200 218.800 C 324.780 219.071,324.754 219.190,325.113 219.194 C 325.394 219.197,325.730 218.925,325.859 218.590 C 326.024 218.161,326.239 218.100,326.580 218.383 C 326.925 218.670,327.290 218.527,327.833 217.894 C 328.718 216.862,328.662 217.239,328.740 211.787 C 328.800 207.544,329.417 206.035,330.434 207.642 C 330.699 208.060,330.789 207.971,330.794 207.286 C 330.799 206.463,330.890 206.420,331.700 206.851 C 332.526 207.292,332.553 207.274,332.032 206.643 C 331.542 206.049,331.542 205.972,332.032 206.077 C 332.351 206.146,332.546 205.951,332.477 205.632 C 332.372 205.142,332.449 205.142,333.043 205.632 C 333.674 206.153,333.692 206.126,333.251 205.300 C 332.943 204.722,332.920 204.400,333.186 204.400 C 333.414 204.400,333.600 204.070,333.600 203.667 C 333.600 203.263,333.725 202.808,333.878 202.655 C 334.247 202.287,334.346 201.523,334.441 198.320 C 334.496 196.447,334.689 195.575,335.081 195.424 C 335.448 195.283,335.539 195.380,335.344 195.705 C 335.147 196.033,335.275 196.015,335.723 195.651 C 336.357 195.137,336.588 195.307,336.425 196.168 C 336.386 196.370,336.635 196.303,336.977 196.019 C 337.668 195.446,337.825 195.014,337.203 195.398 C 336.974 195.540,336.840 195.223,336.888 194.651 C 336.933 194.105,337.114 193.747,337.291 193.856 C 337.468 193.966,337.509 194.223,337.383 194.428 C 337.256 194.632,337.247 194.800,337.362 194.800 C 337.478 194.800,337.776 194.418,338.026 193.952 C 338.338 193.368,338.344 193.187,338.044 193.373 C 337.773 193.540,337.699 193.408,337.847 193.021 C 337.978 192.679,338.471 192.397,338.943 192.394 C 339.574 192.389,339.658 192.298,339.259 192.045 C 338.850 191.786,338.822 191.506,339.145 190.902 C 339.381 190.462,339.599 188.201,339.629 185.877 C 339.673 182.559,339.812 181.604,340.275 181.427 C 341.109 181.106,341.282 181.143,341.010 181.584 C 340.872 181.807,341.294 181.786,342.018 181.534 C 342.703 181.295,343.359 180.852,343.475 180.550 C 343.591 180.247,343.936 180.000,344.243 180.000 C 344.895 180.000,344.996 179.332,344.375 179.125 C 344.094 179.031,344.074 178.647,344.316 177.992 C 344.517 177.446,344.715 175.830,344.756 174.400 C 344.851 171.076,345.065 170.373,345.886 170.688 C 346.361 170.871,346.446 170.786,346.207 170.368 C 345.945 169.909,345.985 169.895,346.420 170.299 C 347.007 170.843,349.200 169.155,349.200 168.158 C 349.200 167.888,349.425 167.576,349.700 167.465 C 350.100 167.304,350.100 167.257,349.700 167.232 C 349.150 167.197,348.993 165.600,349.539 165.600 C 349.726 165.600,349.926 164.295,349.985 162.700 C 350.043 161.105,350.100 159.575,350.112 159.300 C 350.124 159.025,350.474 158.800,350.890 158.800 C 351.307 158.800,351.537 158.978,351.403 159.195 C 351.261 159.424,351.427 159.488,351.796 159.346 C 352.506 159.074,354.186 156.053,353.828 155.695 C 353.703 155.569,353.600 155.671,353.600 155.921 C 353.600 156.171,353.322 156.268,352.983 156.138 C 352.414 155.920,352.512 155.426,353.133 155.380 C 354.965 155.245,355.068 154.966,355.163 149.900 C 355.213 147.212,355.287 144.981,355.327 144.943 C 355.367 144.905,356.030 144.812,356.800 144.737 C 357.570 144.662,358.470 144.322,358.800 143.981 C 359.130 143.641,359.256 143.580,359.081 143.846 C 358.900 144.119,358.970 144.458,359.242 144.626 C 359.529 144.803,359.619 144.755,359.466 144.507 C 359.325 144.278,359.450 143.891,359.745 143.646 C 360.116 143.338,360.292 142.066,360.318 139.501 C 360.338 137.465,360.365 135.294,360.378 134.676 C 360.390 134.034,360.571 133.659,360.800 133.800 C 361.020 133.936,361.200 133.664,361.200 133.195 C 361.200 132.420,361.257 132.400,361.829 132.971 C 362.667 133.810,363.040 133.776,362.349 132.923 C 361.916 132.390,361.912 132.314,362.331 132.566 C 362.664 132.767,363.147 132.579,363.631 132.059 C 364.486 131.141,364.649 130.599,363.938 131.038 C 363.645 131.219,363.585 131.147,363.774 130.842 C 364.002 130.474,364.203 130.471,364.636 130.830 C 365.402 131.465,365.353 131.010,364.571 130.229 C 364.000 129.657,364.013 129.600,364.715 129.600 C 365.409 129.600,365.495 129.267,365.566 126.300 C 365.637 123.331,365.753 122.882,366.722 121.823 L 367.800 120.646 366.748 121.301 L 365.696 121.955 365.748 120.429 C 365.784 119.387,365.959 118.963,366.300 119.094 C 366.870 119.313,366.933 119.668,366.500 120.228 C 366.335 120.442,366.515 120.278,366.900 119.864 C 367.285 119.450,367.600 119.303,367.600 119.538 C 367.600 119.772,368.052 119.512,368.603 118.960 C 369.157 118.407,369.812 118.084,370.065 118.240 C 370.348 118.415,370.414 118.347,370.238 118.062 C 370.073 117.795,370.194 117.600,370.526 117.600 C 370.977 117.600,371.113 116.798,371.169 113.800 C 371.208 111.710,371.186 110.003,371.120 110.006 C 371.054 110.009,370.730 110.187,370.400 110.400 M368.255 118.678 C 367.823 119.111,366.800 119.171,366.800 118.765 C 366.800 118.564,367.190 118.400,367.667 118.400 C 368.143 118.400,368.408 118.525,368.255 118.678 M353.200 156.800 C 353.200 157.020,352.990 157.200,352.733 157.200 C 352.477 157.200,352.385 157.318,352.530 157.463 C 352.938 157.872,352.006 158.777,351.412 158.549 C 351.016 158.397,351.099 158.112,351.742 157.415 C 352.680 156.398,353.200 156.178,353.200 156.800 M56.000 161.200 C 56.000 161.420,56.191 161.600,56.424 161.600 C 56.657 161.600,56.736 161.780,56.600 162.000 C 56.464 162.220,56.554 162.400,56.800 162.400 C 57.046 162.400,57.136 162.580,57.000 162.800 C 56.864 163.020,56.943 163.200,57.176 163.200 C 57.409 163.200,57.600 163.391,57.600 163.624 C 57.600 163.857,57.375 163.912,57.100 163.747 C 56.760 163.543,56.776 163.663,57.149 164.123 C 57.853 164.991,57.891 164.979,57.827 163.900 C 57.728 162.236,56.000 159.683,56.000 161.200 M66.273 175.481 C 66.128 175.717,66.261 176.118,66.569 176.374 C 67.143 176.851,67.959 176.226,67.440 175.707 C 67.308 175.575,67.187 175.722,67.172 176.033 C 67.155 176.369,67.020 176.284,66.841 175.827 C 66.658 175.358,66.434 175.222,66.273 175.481 M66.400 178.000 C 66.400 178.220,66.591 178.400,66.824 178.400 C 67.057 178.400,67.136 178.580,67.000 178.800 C 66.864 179.020,67.078 179.203,67.476 179.206 C 68.025 179.211,68.071 179.294,67.666 179.550 C 67.109 179.904,68.163 180.629,68.963 180.442 C 69.163 180.396,69.475 180.592,69.657 180.879 C 69.839 181.165,69.991 181.209,69.994 180.975 C 69.997 180.742,69.460 180.151,68.800 179.663 C 68.140 179.175,67.600 178.511,67.600 178.188 C 67.600 177.865,67.330 177.600,67.000 177.600 C 66.670 177.600,66.400 177.780,66.400 178.000 M72.800 186.696 C 72.800 186.947,72.989 187.269,73.219 187.412 C 73.511 187.592,73.508 187.829,73.209 188.189 C 72.892 188.571,72.946 188.770,73.415 188.950 C 73.765 189.085,73.946 189.363,73.819 189.570 C 73.691 189.776,73.754 190.048,73.958 190.174 C 74.377 190.433,74.308 189.375,73.878 188.945 C 73.165 188.232,73.704 187.964,74.500 188.635 C 75.305 189.314,75.295 189.267,74.406 188.197 C 73.859 187.539,73.274 186.829,73.106 186.620 C 72.921 186.391,72.800 186.421,72.800 186.696 M74.985 190.378 C 75.032 190.696,75.284 190.998,75.545 191.048 C 75.904 191.118,75.905 191.086,75.549 190.916 C 75.259 190.778,75.443 190.498,76.032 190.183 L 76.984 189.673 75.942 189.737 C 75.284 189.777,74.932 190.013,74.985 190.378 M76.800 194.400 C 76.800 194.620,77.070 194.800,77.400 194.800 C 77.730 194.800,78.000 194.991,78.000 195.224 C 78.000 195.457,77.775 195.516,77.500 195.355 C 77.225 195.194,77.343 195.453,77.762 195.931 C 78.551 196.831,79.033 197.100,78.600 196.400 C 78.464 196.180,78.528 196.000,78.743 196.000 C 78.958 196.000,79.214 196.225,79.312 196.500 C 79.410 196.775,79.613 196.887,79.763 196.749 C 79.913 196.611,79.474 195.936,78.787 195.249 C 77.520 193.982,76.800 193.674,76.800 194.400 M83.841 203.036 C 83.552 203.791,83.859 204.402,84.524 204.394 C 84.863 204.390,84.852 204.294,84.486 204.062 C 84.203 203.882,84.088 203.436,84.229 203.068 C 84.370 202.701,84.396 202.400,84.286 202.400 C 84.176 202.400,83.976 202.686,83.841 203.036 M85.549 204.919 C 86.070 205.565,85.645 205.911,85.055 205.322 C 84.625 204.892,83.567 204.823,83.826 205.242 C 83.952 205.446,84.212 205.516,84.403 205.398 C 84.594 205.280,84.917 205.480,85.120 205.843 C 85.384 206.314,85.572 206.368,85.780 206.032 C 86.003 205.672,86.204 205.672,86.636 206.030 C 86.946 206.287,87.194 206.341,87.187 206.149 C 87.181 205.957,86.686 205.448,86.087 205.019 C 85.231 204.403,85.117 204.382,85.549 204.919 M93.043 219.033 C 92.715 219.886,92.734 220.000,93.200 220.000 C 93.420 220.000,93.614 219.685,93.632 219.300 C 93.650 218.882,93.744 218.801,93.865 219.100 C 93.976 219.375,94.254 219.600,94.482 219.600 C 94.733 219.600,94.701 219.362,94.400 219.000 C 93.761 218.230,93.347 218.240,93.043 219.033 M93.481 220.652 C 93.339 220.795,93.349 221.111,93.505 221.356 C 93.660 221.600,93.791 221.965,93.794 222.167 C 93.797 222.369,94.205 222.564,94.700 222.600 C 95.195 222.636,95.600 222.548,95.600 222.403 C 95.600 221.921,93.745 220.388,93.481 220.652 M99.801 229.150 C 100.023 229.890,99.966 230.027,99.543 229.767 C 99.163 229.534,99.194 229.728,99.647 230.415 C 100.003 230.954,100.633 231.397,101.047 231.398 C 101.461 231.399,101.761 231.608,101.713 231.862 C 101.665 232.116,101.856 232.413,102.138 232.521 C 103.072 232.879,102.688 230.476,101.700 229.785 C 101.205 229.438,100.794 229.300,100.787 229.477 C 100.780 229.655,100.492 229.440,100.146 229.000 C 99.532 228.219,99.524 228.222,99.801 229.150 M102.000 230.600 C 102.590 231.311,101.974 231.414,101.280 230.720 C 100.907 230.347,100.800 230.352,100.800 230.744 C 100.800 231.021,100.620 231.136,100.400 231.000 C 99.740 230.592,99.948 230.000,100.751 230.000 C 101.164 230.000,101.726 230.270,102.000 230.600 M103.687 237.623 C 104.065 237.844,104.556 238.335,104.777 238.713 C 105.117 239.293,105.169 239.241,105.109 238.381 C 105.055 237.594,104.806 237.345,104.019 237.291 C 103.159 237.231,103.107 237.283,103.687 237.623 M315.200 244.869 C 315.200 245.427,314.018 246.800,313.538 246.800 C 312.866 246.800,313.197 244.859,313.900 244.676 C 315.082 244.367,315.200 244.384,315.200 244.869 M108.400 246.000 C 108.400 246.220,108.670 246.400,109.000 246.400 C 109.330 246.400,109.600 246.220,109.600 246.000 C 109.600 245.780,109.330 245.600,109.000 245.600 C 108.670 245.600,108.400 245.780,108.400 246.000 M108.962 247.262 C 108.772 247.569,108.854 247.614,109.206 247.396 C 109.590 247.159,109.666 247.251,109.483 247.728 C 109.212 248.434,110.247 249.219,111.061 248.925 C 111.344 248.824,111.142 248.379,110.543 247.780 C 109.422 246.658,109.349 246.635,108.962 247.262 M114.400 253.200 C 114.933 253.545,114.933 253.589,114.400 253.600 C 113.880 253.611,113.878 253.661,114.381 253.980 C 114.700 254.182,115.114 254.253,115.300 254.138 C 115.720 253.879,114.868 252.798,114.251 252.806 C 114.003 252.809,114.070 252.987,114.400 253.200 M119.762 261.662 C 119.585 261.948,119.652 262.015,119.938 261.838 C 120.192 261.681,120.400 261.733,120.400 261.953 C 120.400 262.173,120.220 262.464,120.000 262.600 C 119.780 262.736,119.603 263.062,119.606 263.324 C 119.610 263.610,119.767 263.561,120.000 263.200 C 120.337 262.678,120.389 262.685,120.394 263.251 C 120.402 264.117,121.438 264.985,121.788 264.419 C 121.931 264.189,122.239 264.000,122.473 264.000 C 122.724 264.000,122.673 264.273,122.349 264.665 C 121.878 265.235,121.886 265.302,122.400 265.132 C 122.730 265.023,123.000 264.678,123.000 264.367 C 123.000 264.055,122.730 263.800,122.400 263.800 C 122.070 263.800,121.481 263.215,121.090 262.500 C 120.308 261.067,120.180 260.986,119.762 261.662 M135.450 290.319 C 135.300 290.562,135.532 290.949,135.965 291.181 C 136.544 291.491,136.828 291.470,137.040 291.101 C 137.198 290.825,137.182 290.732,137.004 290.894 C 136.825 291.055,136.464 290.893,136.201 290.533 C 135.879 290.093,135.633 290.023,135.450 290.319 M140.000 304.800 C 140.000 305.020,140.270 305.200,140.600 305.200 C 140.930 305.200,141.200 305.020,141.200 304.800 C 141.200 304.580,140.930 304.400,140.600 304.400 C 140.270 304.400,140.000 304.580,140.000 304.800 M301.476 325.900 C 301.375 326.285,301.293 325.970,301.293 325.200 C 301.293 324.430,301.375 324.115,301.476 324.500 C 301.576 324.885,301.576 325.515,301.476 325.900 M301.899 349.500 C 301.833 352.965,301.778 350.130,301.778 343.200 C 301.778 336.270,301.833 333.435,301.899 336.900 C 301.966 340.365,301.966 346.035,301.899 349.500 M301.498 372.300 C 301.426 374.445,301.367 372.690,301.367 368.400 C 301.367 364.110,301.426 362.355,301.498 364.500 C 301.570 366.645,301.570 370.155,301.498 372.300 M301.898 392.080 C 301.826 394.126,301.766 392.560,301.765 388.600 C 301.765 384.640,301.824 382.966,301.898 384.880 C 301.971 386.794,301.971 390.034,301.898 392.080 M277.289 445.400 C 276.460 446.509,276.216 446.387,276.556 445.033 C 276.724 444.365,277.005 444.104,277.394 444.253 C 277.893 444.445,277.878 444.613,277.289 445.400 M159.897 448.067 C 160.170 448.401,160.260 448.821,160.097 449.001 C 159.933 449.181,160.010 449.208,160.266 449.062 C 160.522 448.915,160.804 449.012,160.893 449.278 C 161.005 449.615,161.135 449.629,161.323 449.324 C 161.472 449.084,161.100 448.566,160.497 448.174 C 159.699 447.655,159.536 447.626,159.897 448.067 M263.101 451.163 C 262.496 451.551,262.121 451.988,262.267 452.134 C 262.414 452.280,262.203 452.400,261.800 452.400 C 261.397 452.400,261.165 452.499,261.286 452.619 C 261.407 452.740,261.994 452.716,262.591 452.567 C 263.388 452.367,263.533 452.204,263.138 451.953 C 262.842 451.766,262.791 451.609,263.024 451.606 C 263.256 451.603,263.796 451.336,264.224 451.013 C 265.310 450.191,264.434 450.309,263.101 451.163 M224.912 456.048 C 224.396 456.564,218.664 456.691,208.600 456.409 C 202.015 456.225,202.160 456.212,213.200 456.000 C 219.470 455.880,224.771 455.740,224.980 455.691 C 225.189 455.641,225.158 455.802,224.912 456.048 M226.400 456.619 C 225.410 457.146,224.849 457.583,225.153 457.589 C 225.703 457.600,228.400 456.087,228.400 455.767 C 228.400 455.547,228.468 455.518,226.400 456.619 M188.100 459.891 C 188.925 459.978,190.275 459.978,191.100 459.891 C 191.925 459.805,191.250 459.734,189.600 459.734 C 187.950 459.734,187.275 459.805,188.100 459.891 " stroke="none" fill="#848484" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g></svg><a title="Expérimentations et tests
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* Simple-Jekyll-Search
* Copyright 2015-2020, Christian Fei
* Licensed under the MIT License.
'use strict'
var _$Templater_7 = {
compile: compile,
setOptions: setOptions
const options = {}
options.pattern = /\{(.*?)\}/g
options.template = ''
options.middleware = function () {}
function setOptions (_options) {
options.pattern = _options.pattern || options.pattern
options.template = _options.template || options.template
if (typeof _options.middleware === 'function') {
options.middleware = _options.middleware
function compile (data) {
return options.template.replace(options.pattern, function (match, prop) {
const value = options.middleware(prop, data[prop], options.template)
if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
return value
return data[prop] || match
'use strict';
function fuzzysearch (needle, haystack) {
var tlen = haystack.length;
var qlen = needle.length;
if (qlen > tlen) {
return false;
if (qlen === tlen) {
return needle === haystack;
outer: for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < qlen; i++) {
var nch = needle.charCodeAt(i);
while (j < tlen) {
if (haystack.charCodeAt(j++) === nch) {
continue outer;
return false;
return true;
var _$fuzzysearch_1 = fuzzysearch;
'use strict'
/* removed: const _$fuzzysearch_1 = require('fuzzysearch') */;
var _$FuzzySearchStrategy_5 = new FuzzySearchStrategy()
function FuzzySearchStrategy () {
this.matches = function (string, crit) {
return _$fuzzysearch_1(crit.toLowerCase(), string.toLowerCase())
'use strict'
var _$LiteralSearchStrategy_6 = new LiteralSearchStrategy()
function LiteralSearchStrategy () {
this.matches = function (str, crit) {
if (!str) return false
str = str.trim().toLowerCase()
crit = crit.trim().toLowerCase()
return crit.split(' ').filter(function (word) {
return str.indexOf(word) >= 0
}).length === crit.split(' ').length
'use strict'
var _$Repository_4 = {
put: put,
clear: clear,
search: search,
setOptions: __setOptions_4
/* removed: const _$FuzzySearchStrategy_5 = require('./SearchStrategies/FuzzySearchStrategy') */;
/* removed: const _$LiteralSearchStrategy_6 = require('./SearchStrategies/LiteralSearchStrategy') */;
function NoSort () {
return 0
const data = []
let opt = {}
opt.fuzzy = false
opt.limit = 10
opt.searchStrategy = opt.fuzzy ? _$FuzzySearchStrategy_5 : _$LiteralSearchStrategy_6
opt.sort = NoSort
opt.exclude = []
function put (data) {
if (isObject(data)) {
return addObject(data)
if (isArray(data)) {
return addArray(data)
return undefined
function clear () {
data.length = 0
return data
function isObject (obj) {
return Boolean(obj) && === '[object Object]'
function isArray (obj) {
return Boolean(obj) && === '[object Array]'
function addObject (_data) {
return data
function addArray (_data) {
const added = []
for (let i = 0, len = _data.length; i < len; i++) {
if (isObject(_data[i])) {
return added
function search (crit) {
if (!crit) {
return []
return findMatches(data, crit, opt.searchStrategy, opt).sort(opt.sort)
function __setOptions_4 (_opt) {
opt = _opt || {}
opt.fuzzy = _opt.fuzzy || false
opt.limit = _opt.limit || 10
opt.searchStrategy = _opt.fuzzy ? _$FuzzySearchStrategy_5 : _$LiteralSearchStrategy_6
opt.sort = _opt.sort || NoSort
opt.exclude = _opt.exclude || []
function findMatches (data, crit, strategy, opt) {
const matches = []
for (let i = 0; i < data.length && matches.length < opt.limit; i++) {
const match = findMatchesInObject(data[i], crit, strategy, opt)
if (match) {
return matches
function findMatchesInObject (obj, crit, strategy, opt) {
for (const key in obj) {
if (!isExcluded(obj[key], opt.exclude) && strategy.matches(obj[key], crit)) {
return obj
function isExcluded (term, excludedTerms) {
for (let i = 0, len = excludedTerms.length; i < len; i++) {
const excludedTerm = excludedTerms[i]
if (new RegExp(excludedTerm).test(term)) {
return true
return false
/* globals ActiveXObject:false */
'use strict'
var _$JSONLoader_2 = {
load: load
function load (location, callback) {
const xhr = getXHR()'GET', location, true)
xhr.onreadystatechange = createStateChangeListener(xhr, callback)
function createStateChangeListener (xhr, callback) {
return function () {
if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {
try {
callback(null, JSON.parse(xhr.responseText))
} catch (err) {
callback(err, null)
function getXHR () {
return window.XMLHttpRequest ? new window.XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')
'use strict'
var _$OptionsValidator_3 = function OptionsValidator (params) {
if (!validateParams(params)) {
throw new Error('-- OptionsValidator: required options missing')
if (!(this instanceof OptionsValidator)) {
return new OptionsValidator(params)
const requiredOptions = params.required
this.getRequiredOptions = function () {
return requiredOptions
this.validate = function (parameters) {
const errors = []
requiredOptions.forEach(function (requiredOptionName) {
if (typeof parameters[requiredOptionName] === 'undefined') {
return errors
function validateParams (params) {
if (!params) {
return false
return typeof params.required !== 'undefined' && params.required instanceof Array
'use strict'
var _$utils_9 = {
merge: merge,
function merge (defaultParams, mergeParams) {
const mergedOptions = {}
for (const option in defaultParams) {
mergedOptions[option] = defaultParams[option]
if (typeof mergeParams[option] !== 'undefined') {
mergedOptions[option] = mergeParams[option]
return mergedOptions
function isJSON (json) {
try {
if (json instanceof Object && JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json))) {
return true
return false
} catch (err) {
return false
var _$src_8 = {};
(function (window) {
'use strict'
let options = {
searchInput: null,
resultsContainer: null,
json: [],
success: Function.prototype,
searchResultTemplate: '<li><a href="{url}" title="{desc}">{title}</a></li>',
templateMiddleware: Function.prototype,
sortMiddleware: function () {
return 0
noResultsText: 'No results found',
limit: 10,
fuzzy: false,
debounceTime: null,
exclude: []
let debounceTimerHandle
const debounce = function (func, delayMillis) {
if (delayMillis) {
debounceTimerHandle = setTimeout(func, delayMillis)
} else {
const requiredOptions = ['searchInput', 'resultsContainer', 'json']
/* removed: const _$Templater_7 = require('./Templater') */;
/* removed: const _$Repository_4 = require('./Repository') */;
/* removed: const _$JSONLoader_2 = require('./JSONLoader') */;
const optionsValidator = _$OptionsValidator_3({
required: requiredOptions
/* removed: const _$utils_9 = require('./utils') */;
window.SimpleJekyllSearch = function (_options) {
const errors = optionsValidator.validate(_options)
if (errors.length > 0) {
throwError('You must specify the following required options: ' + requiredOptions)
options = _$utils_9.merge(options, _options)
template: options.searchResultTemplate,
middleware: options.templateMiddleware
fuzzy: options.fuzzy,
limit: options.limit,
sort: options.sortMiddleware,
exclude: options.exclude
if (_$utils_9.isJSON(options.json)) {
} else {
const rv = {
search: search
typeof options.success === 'function' &&
return rv
function initWithJSON (json) {
function initWithURL (url) {
_$JSONLoader_2.load(url, function (err, json) {
if (err) {
throwError('failed to get JSON (' + url + ')')
function emptyResultsContainer () {
options.resultsContainer.innerHTML = ''
function appendToResultsContainer (text) {
options.resultsContainer.innerHTML += text
function registerInput () {
options.searchInput.addEventListener('input', function (e) {
if (isWhitelistedKey(e.which)) {
debounce(function () { search( }, options.debounceTime)
function search (query) {
if (isValidQuery(query)) {
render(_$, query)
function render (results, query) {
const len = results.length
if (len === 0) {
return appendToResultsContainer(options.noResultsText)
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
results[i].query = query
function isValidQuery (query) {
return query && query.length > 0
function isWhitelistedKey (key) {
return [13, 16, 20, 37, 38, 39, 40, 91].indexOf(key) === -1
function throwError (message) {
throw new Error('SimpleJekyllSearch --- ' + message)
<!-- Configuration -->
searchInput: document.getElementById('search-input'),
resultsContainer: document.getElementById('results-container'),
json: '/search.json',
//searchResultTemplate: '<li><a href="{url}">{date} {title}</a></li>'
searchResultTemplate: '<li><a href="{url}">{date} {title}</a></li>'
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<article itemscope itemtype=""><div class="article__header"><header><h1 style="color:Tomato;">Nginx personnalisation des pages d'erreur</h1></header></div><meta itemprop="headline" content="Nginx personnalisation des pages d'erreur"><div class="article__info clearfix"><ul class="left-col menu"><li>
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<i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i> <span title="Création" style="color:#FF00FF">21 déc. 2019</span></li></ul></div><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2019-12-21T00:00:00+01:00">
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<div class="article__content" itemprop="articleBody"><details>
<summary><b>Afficher/cacher Sommaire</b></summary>
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<div class="toc-aside js-toc-root"></div>
</details><h2 id="configurer-nginx-pour-utiliser-des-pages-derreur-personnalisées">Configurer Nginx pour utiliser des pages d’erreur personnalisées</h2>
<p><img src="/images/nginx-logo.png" alt="" /></p>
<h3 id="introduction">Introduction</h3>
<p>Nginx est un serveur Web haute performance capable de servir du contenu avec flexibilité et puissance. Lors de la conception de vos pages Web, il est souvent utile de personnaliser chaque élément de contenu que vos utilisateurs verront. Cela inclut les pages d’erreur pour quand ils demandent du contenu qui n’est pas disponible.</p>
<h3 id="création-de-vos-pages-derreur-personnalisées">Création de vos pages d’erreur personnalisées</h3>
<p>Nous mettrons nos pages d’erreur personnalisées dans le <strong>/usr/share/nginx/html</strong> où Nginx définit sa racine de document par défaut. Nous créerons une page pour les erreurs 404 appelée <strong>custom_404.html</strong> et une autre pour les erreurs générales de niveau 500 appelée <strong>custom_50x.html</strong><br />
Vous pouvez utiliser les lignes suivantes si vous ne faites que tester. Sinon, mettez votre propre contenu dans ces emplacements:</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>echo "<h1 style='color:red'>Error 404: Not found :-(</h1>" | sudo tee /usr/share/nginx/html/custom_404.html
echo "<p>I have no idea where that file is, sorry. Are you sure you typed in the correct URL?</p>" | sudo tee -a /usr/share/nginx/html/custom_404.html
echo "<h1>Oops! Something went wrong...</h1>" | sudo tee /usr/share/nginx/html/custom_50x.html
echo "<p>We seem to be having some technical difficulties. Hang tight.</p>" | sudo tee -a /usr/share/nginx/html/custom_50x.html
<p>Nous avons maintenant deux pages d’erreur personnalisées que nous pouvons diffuser lorsque les demandes des clients entraînent des erreurs différentes.</p>
<h3 id="configuration-de-nginx-pour-utiliser-vos-pages-derreur">Configuration de Nginx pour utiliser vos pages d’erreur</h3>
<p>Maintenant, nous devons simplement dire à Nginx qu’il devrait utiliser ces pages chaque fois que les conditions d’erreur correctes se produisent. Ouvrez le fichier de blocage du serveur dans le répertoire /etc/nginx/sites-enabled que vous souhaitez configurer. Nous utiliserons le fichier de blocage de serveur par default appelé default , mais vous devez ajuster vos propres blocs de serveur si vous utilisez un fichier non par défaut:</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
<p>Nous pouvons maintenant pointer Nginx vers nos pages d’erreur personnalisées.</p>
<h3 id="diriger-les-erreurs-404-vers-la-page-404-personnalisée">Diriger les erreurs 404 vers la page 404 personnalisée</h3>
<p>Utilisez la directive error_page pour que lorsqu’une erreur 404 se produit (lorsqu’un fichier demandé n’est pas trouvé), la page personnalisée que vous avez créée soit servie. Nous allons créer un bloc d’emplacement pour le fichier, où nous pouvons nous assurer que la racine correspond à l’emplacement de notre système de fichiers et que le fichier est uniquement accessible via les redirections Nginx internes (non directement demandables par les clients):</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;
. . .
error_page 404 /custom_404.html;
location = /custom_404.html {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
<p>Habituellement, nous n’aurions pas à définir la root dans le nouveau bloc d’emplacement car elle correspond à la racine dans le bloc serveur. Cependant, nous sommes explicites ici afin que nos pages d’erreur soient servies même si nous déplaçons notre contenu Web normal et la racine du document associé vers un emplacement différent.</p>
<h3 id="diriger-les-erreurs-de-niveau-500-vers-la-page-50x-personnalisée">Diriger les erreurs de niveau 500 vers la page 50x personnalisée</h3>
<p>Ensuite, nous pouvons ajouter les directives pour nous assurer que lorsque Nginx rencontre des erreurs de niveau 500 (problèmes liés au serveur), il servira l’autre page personnalisée que nous avons créée. Cela suivra exactement la même formule que nous avons utilisée dans la dernière section. Cette fois, nous avons défini plusieurs erreurs de niveau 500 pour utiliser toutes la page custom_50x.html :</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;
. . .
error_page 404 /custom_404.html;
location = /custom_404.html {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
error_page 500 502 503 504 /custom_50x.html;
location = /custom_50x.html {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
location /testing {
fastcgi_pass unix:/does/not/exist;
<p>En bas, nous avons également ajouté une passe fictive FastCGI afin que nous puissions tester notre page d’erreur de niveau 500 . Cela ne fonctionnera pas correctement car le backend n’existe pas. Demander une page ici nous permettra de tester que les erreurs de niveau 500 servent notre page personnalisée.</p>
<p>Enregistrez et fermez le fichier lorsque vous avez terminé.</p>
<h3 id="redémarrer-nginx-et-tester-vos-pages">Redémarrer Nginx et tester vos pages</h3>
<p>Testez la syntaxe de votre fichier de configuration en tapant:</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> sudo nginx -t
<p>Si des erreurs ont été signalées, corrigez-les avant de continuer. Lorsqu’aucune erreur de syntaxe n’est renvoyée, redémarrez Nginx en tapant:</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> sudo service nginx restart
<p>Maintenant, lorsque vous allez sur le domaine ou l’adresse IP de votre serveur et demandez un fichier inexistant, vous devriez voir la page 404 que nous avons configurée:</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>http://server_domain_or_IP/thiswillerror
<p><img src="/images/custom_404.png" alt="nginx custom 404" /></p>
<p>Lorsque vous vous rendrez à l’emplacement que nous avons configuré pour le pass FastCGI, nous recevrons une erreur 502 Bad Gateway avec notre page personnalisée de niveau 500:</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>http://server_domain_or_IP/testing
<p><img src="/images/custom_50x.png" alt="nginx custom 50x" /></p>
<p>Vous pouvez maintenant revenir en arrière et supprimer le faux emplacement de passe FastCGI de votre configuration Nginx.</p>
<h3 id="conclusion">Conclusion</h3>
<p>Vous devez maintenant diffuser des pages d’erreur personnalisées pour votre site. Il s’agit d’un moyen simple de personnaliser l’expérience de vos utilisateurs même lorsqu’ils rencontrent des problèmes. Une suggestion pour ces pages est d’inclure des liens vers des endroits où ils peuvent aller pour obtenir de l’aide ou plus d’informations. Si vous procédez ainsi, assurez-vous que les destinations des liens sont accessibles même lorsque les erreurs associées se produisent.</p>
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var $searchModal = $('.js-page-search-modal');
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var searchModal = $searchModal.modal({ onChange: handleModalChange, hideWhenWindowScroll: true });
var modalVisible = false;
search.searchModal = searchModal;
var $searchBox = null;
var $searchInput = null;
var $searchClear = null;
function getModalVisible() {
return modalVisible;
search.getModalVisible = getModalVisible;
function handleModalChange(visible) {
modalVisible = visible;
if (visible) {
search.onShow && search.onShow();
useDefaultSearchBox && $searchInput[0] && $searchInput[0].focus();
} else {
search.onShow && search.onHide();
useDefaultSearchBox && $searchInput[0] && $searchInput[0].blur();
setTimeout(function() {
useDefaultSearchBox && ($searchInput.val(''), $searchBox.removeClass('not-empty'));
search.clear && search.clear();
window.pageAsideAffix && window.pageAsideAffix.refresh();
}, 400);
$searchToggle.on('click', function() {
modalVisible ? searchModal.hide() :;
// Char Code: 83 S, 191 /
$(window).on('keyup', function(e) {
if (!modalVisible && !window.isFormElement( || e.srcElement) && (e.which === 83 || e.which === 191)) {
modalVisible ||;
if (useDefaultSearchBox) {
$searchBox = $('.js-search-box');
$searchInput = $searchBox.children('input');
$searchClear = $searchBox.children('.js-icon-clear');
search.getSearchInput = function() {
return $searchInput.get(0);
search.getVal = function() {
return $searchInput.val();
search.setVal = function(val) {
$searchInput.on('focus', function() {
$searchInput.on('blur', function() {
$searchInput.on('input', window.throttle(function() {
var val = $(this).val();
if (val === '' || typeof val !== 'string') {
search.clear && search.clear();
} else {
search.onInputNotEmpty && search.onInputNotEmpty(val);
}, 400));
$searchClear.on('click', function() {
$searchInput.val(''); $searchBox.removeClass('not-empty');
search.clear && search.clear();
</script><div class="search search--dark">
<div class="main">
<div class="search__header">Recherche</div>
<div class="search-bar">
<div class="search-box js-search-box">
<div class="search-box__icon-search"><i class="fas fa-search"></i></div>
<input id="search-input" type="text" />
<div class="search-box__icon-clear js-icon-clear">
<a><i class="fas fa-times"></i></a>
<button class="button button--theme-dark button--pill search__cancel js-search-toggle">
<div id="results-container" class="search-result js-search-result"></div>
<!-- Script pointing to search-script.js -->
* Simple-Jekyll-Search
* Copyright 2015-2020, Christian Fei
* Licensed under the MIT License.
'use strict'
var _$Templater_7 = {
compile: compile,
setOptions: setOptions
const options = {}
options.pattern = /\{(.*?)\}/g
options.template = ''
options.middleware = function () {}
function setOptions (_options) {
options.pattern = _options.pattern || options.pattern
options.template = _options.template || options.template
if (typeof _options.middleware === 'function') {
options.middleware = _options.middleware
function compile (data) {
return options.template.replace(options.pattern, function (match, prop) {
const value = options.middleware(prop, data[prop], options.template)
if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
return value
return data[prop] || match
'use strict';
function fuzzysearch (needle, haystack) {
var tlen = haystack.length;
var qlen = needle.length;
if (qlen > tlen) {
return false;
if (qlen === tlen) {
return needle === haystack;
outer: for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < qlen; i++) {
var nch = needle.charCodeAt(i);
while (j < tlen) {
if (haystack.charCodeAt(j++) === nch) {
continue outer;
return false;
return true;
var _$fuzzysearch_1 = fuzzysearch;
'use strict'
/* removed: const _$fuzzysearch_1 = require('fuzzysearch') */;
var _$FuzzySearchStrategy_5 = new FuzzySearchStrategy()
function FuzzySearchStrategy () {
this.matches = function (string, crit) {
return _$fuzzysearch_1(crit.toLowerCase(), string.toLowerCase())
'use strict'
var _$LiteralSearchStrategy_6 = new LiteralSearchStrategy()
function LiteralSearchStrategy () {
this.matches = function (str, crit) {
if (!str) return false
str = str.trim().toLowerCase()
crit = crit.trim().toLowerCase()
return crit.split(' ').filter(function (word) {
return str.indexOf(word) >= 0
}).length === crit.split(' ').length
'use strict'
var _$Repository_4 = {
put: put,
clear: clear,
search: search,
setOptions: __setOptions_4
/* removed: const _$FuzzySearchStrategy_5 = require('./SearchStrategies/FuzzySearchStrategy') */;
/* removed: const _$LiteralSearchStrategy_6 = require('./SearchStrategies/LiteralSearchStrategy') */;
function NoSort () {
return 0
const data = []
let opt = {}
opt.fuzzy = false
opt.limit = 10
opt.searchStrategy = opt.fuzzy ? _$FuzzySearchStrategy_5 : _$LiteralSearchStrategy_6
opt.sort = NoSort
opt.exclude = []
function put (data) {
if (isObject(data)) {
return addObject(data)
if (isArray(data)) {
return addArray(data)
return undefined
function clear () {
data.length = 0
return data
function isObject (obj) {
return Boolean(obj) && === '[object Object]'
function isArray (obj) {
return Boolean(obj) && === '[object Array]'
function addObject (_data) {
return data
function addArray (_data) {
const added = []
for (let i = 0, len = _data.length; i < len; i++) {
if (isObject(_data[i])) {
return added
function search (crit) {
if (!crit) {
return []
return findMatches(data, crit, opt.searchStrategy, opt).sort(opt.sort)
function __setOptions_4 (_opt) {
opt = _opt || {}
opt.fuzzy = _opt.fuzzy || false
opt.limit = _opt.limit || 10
opt.searchStrategy = _opt.fuzzy ? _$FuzzySearchStrategy_5 : _$LiteralSearchStrategy_6
opt.sort = _opt.sort || NoSort
opt.exclude = _opt.exclude || []
function findMatches (data, crit, strategy, opt) {
const matches = []
for (let i = 0; i < data.length && matches.length < opt.limit; i++) {
const match = findMatchesInObject(data[i], crit, strategy, opt)
if (match) {
return matches
function findMatchesInObject (obj, crit, strategy, opt) {
for (const key in obj) {
if (!isExcluded(obj[key], opt.exclude) && strategy.matches(obj[key], crit)) {
return obj
function isExcluded (term, excludedTerms) {
for (let i = 0, len = excludedTerms.length; i < len; i++) {
const excludedTerm = excludedTerms[i]
if (new RegExp(excludedTerm).test(term)) {
return true
return false
/* globals ActiveXObject:false */
'use strict'
var _$JSONLoader_2 = {
load: load
function load (location, callback) {
const xhr = getXHR()'GET', location, true)
xhr.onreadystatechange = createStateChangeListener(xhr, callback)
function createStateChangeListener (xhr, callback) {
return function () {
if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {
try {
callback(null, JSON.parse(xhr.responseText))
} catch (err) {
callback(err, null)
function getXHR () {
return window.XMLHttpRequest ? new window.XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')
'use strict'
var _$OptionsValidator_3 = function OptionsValidator (params) {
if (!validateParams(params)) {
throw new Error('-- OptionsValidator: required options missing')
if (!(this instanceof OptionsValidator)) {
return new OptionsValidator(params)
const requiredOptions = params.required
this.getRequiredOptions = function () {
return requiredOptions
this.validate = function (parameters) {
const errors = []
requiredOptions.forEach(function (requiredOptionName) {
if (typeof parameters[requiredOptionName] === 'undefined') {
return errors
function validateParams (params) {
if (!params) {
return false
return typeof params.required !== 'undefined' && params.required instanceof Array
'use strict'
var _$utils_9 = {
merge: merge,
function merge (defaultParams, mergeParams) {
const mergedOptions = {}
for (const option in defaultParams) {
mergedOptions[option] = defaultParams[option]
if (typeof mergeParams[option] !== 'undefined') {
mergedOptions[option] = mergeParams[option]
return mergedOptions
function isJSON (json) {
try {
if (json instanceof Object && JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json))) {
return true
return false
} catch (err) {
return false
var _$src_8 = {};
(function (window) {
'use strict'
let options = {
searchInput: null,
resultsContainer: null,
json: [],
success: Function.prototype,
searchResultTemplate: '<li><a href="{url}" title="{desc}">{title}</a></li>',
templateMiddleware: Function.prototype,
sortMiddleware: function () {
return 0
noResultsText: 'No results found',
limit: 10,
fuzzy: false,
debounceTime: null,
exclude: []
let debounceTimerHandle
const debounce = function (func, delayMillis) {
if (delayMillis) {
debounceTimerHandle = setTimeout(func, delayMillis)
} else {
const requiredOptions = ['searchInput', 'resultsContainer', 'json']
/* removed: const _$Templater_7 = require('./Templater') */;
/* removed: const _$Repository_4 = require('./Repository') */;
/* removed: const _$JSONLoader_2 = require('./JSONLoader') */;
const optionsValidator = _$OptionsValidator_3({
required: requiredOptions
/* removed: const _$utils_9 = require('./utils') */;
window.SimpleJekyllSearch = function (_options) {
const errors = optionsValidator.validate(_options)
if (errors.length > 0) {
throwError('You must specify the following required options: ' + requiredOptions)
options = _$utils_9.merge(options, _options)
template: options.searchResultTemplate,
middleware: options.templateMiddleware
fuzzy: options.fuzzy,
limit: options.limit,
sort: options.sortMiddleware,
exclude: options.exclude
if (_$utils_9.isJSON(options.json)) {
} else {
const rv = {
search: search
typeof options.success === 'function' &&
return rv
function initWithJSON (json) {
function initWithURL (url) {
_$JSONLoader_2.load(url, function (err, json) {
if (err) {
throwError('failed to get JSON (' + url + ')')
function emptyResultsContainer () {
options.resultsContainer.innerHTML = ''
function appendToResultsContainer (text) {
options.resultsContainer.innerHTML += text
function registerInput () {
options.searchInput.addEventListener('input', function (e) {
if (isWhitelistedKey(e.which)) {
debounce(function () { search( }, options.debounceTime)
function search (query) {
if (isValidQuery(query)) {
render(_$, query)
function render (results, query) {
const len = results.length
if (len === 0) {
return appendToResultsContainer(options.noResultsText)
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
results[i].query = query
function isValidQuery (query) {
return query && query.length > 0
function isWhitelistedKey (key) {
return [13, 16, 20, 37, 38, 39, 40, 91].indexOf(key) === -1
function throwError (message) {
throw new Error('SimpleJekyllSearch --- ' + message)
<!-- Configuration -->
searchInput: document.getElementById('search-input'),
resultsContainer: document.getElementById('results-container'),
noResultsText: '<p>Aucun résultat!</p>',
json: '/search.json',
searchResultTemplate: '<li><a href="{url}">{date} {title}</a> (Création {create})</li>'
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refresh: function() {
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function toc(options) {
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headingsPos, scrolling = false, hasRendered = false, hasInit = false;
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function setState(element, disabled) {
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$tocUl.on('click', 'a', function(e) {
var $this = $(this);
scrolling = true;
$scroller.scrollToAnchor($this.attr('href'), 400, function() {
scrolling = false;
hasRendered = true;
function init() {
var interval, timeout;
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return {
setOptions: setOptions
$.fn.toc = toc;
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var $window = $(window);
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